Oh wow voting on progress, i hope im not late to vote

Here we go...
[quote][b][u]Layout #:[/u] 14[/b]
Good color scheme he choose.
I think im just goin to describe about the color here from [i]my point of view[/i].
• [u]Sky blue:[/u]
Explain itself, describing Summer Clear and Bright Sky.
Blue is cool, calm and relaxing color, also represents nature.
• [u]Pink:[/u]
Its about Love which happens mostly at Summer

But also describe that Summer is hot. Not only hot in weather, but also hot in Loooove

Pink represents nice things around us, passionate, feminine, warm and delicate color.
• [u]Sea Urchin and Lady:[/u]
Well, summer often takes you to the beach rite?
This urchin explain beach, and that lady is sexy [img]http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/38.gif[/img][/quote]
[i][b]PS:[/b] Sorry if i went too much lol. Im just trying to visualize from Color In Design[/i]