[quote][b]mikay wrote:[/b]
i'm alone..

but i won't leave this group nor get too EMO about this, no matter how boring this group might be in the future...

i'll do understand why this boredom happens, it's all because everyone are busy in real life and most members here if not in school are in work...

hope everyone would get to understand this, broaden your minds fellas...

ok..wait..why i am saying all these sentiments?

because it's very disappointing to hear others say, rockstars are getting a bit boring..

and some would tend to leave..

hey rockstars! we are all rockstars here, why not rock this whole world outta here?

com'on make some noise!
let's party..
LOL.. out of boredom i wrote this...

but it makes some seem sense, isn't it?

think about it...

ok bye for now..gotta go to school!

[b]I've laughed and cried while reading this Caeli, wakakak
