[quote=mikay_03]i have an account their too...but i made just to have one..
it wans't reopen since i had registered
haha. it's fun.
[quote=sarfia.]Goodeve Rockstars! \m/,[/quote]
goodeve to you too.
[quote=nanix84]something... what?
Yeah... they are freakin' HOT
wohooo.. cool hot chickz during christmas
is that the one that makes you hot when you are lonely somowhere? hahah kiddin
[quote=xPEPPERMINTx]Hei there, Jolo. I'm discussing something important.
Unfortunately, sis Eney isn't here.[/quote]
so what's the prob?
[quote=malow]That's my nickname not my real name.
so what's the real one?
it's not unknown,e?