at last u post
[quote=oOpunkrockeranimeOo]not yet....I think...[/quote]
gud so there's would be person here, and rockstar will lweiz on tap! yehey
[quote=oOpunkrockeranimeOo]I was in New York, taking a vacation, then I went to visit my old school, and probably saw bro Orio, cuz the dude had orange hair and chinkish, just like orio's avatar. Then he said, hey sis hayley, then i said, Orio is that you? Then I don't remember..Then I went into one classroom, and you and sis eney and sis mikay were in it, laughing and talking. Then we all started talking however. Then I saw a stereo and turned it on, then you people danced, and I walked away...Then I saw some...people in my real life.[/quote]
[quote=oOpunkrockeranimeOo]What about last night? Or you mean, THIS morning?[/quote]
last night in our time,US Time, just wanna say sori of being pissed
Last edited by tap13 (2008-11-26 13:41:31)