• » [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=Angeli_7]Dead people? where?! where?! where?![/quote] I've seen 2... No!!! three... the queen is here :penguin: :lol: [quote=Infamous J]Hello there. How are you two?[/quote] yoh nizzle je-sey drizzle nah fizzle :cool: [quote=dhen2x]hekhek! eto ganun pa din, tao pa rin hahaha :lol: i'm a little bit of drunk.. but i'm ok hekhek[/quote] You are still in Human form eh :eh: you didi not transform into ek-ek coz ur drunk :lol:

Last edited by nanix84 (2008-10-10 13:26:58)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[b]I'm not really into Hip hop and all...but i like listening to Flobot's "Rise"..It's cool..I added the song on our group playlist..It's found at the botttom part :retard:[/b] [quote=nanix84]I've seen 2... No!!! three... the queen is here :penguin: :lol:[/quote] [b]Hi there! Gazette's here too :lol:[/b]

Last edited by Angeli_7 (2008-10-10 13:32:13)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=nanix84]You are still in Human form eh :eh: you didi not transform into ek-ek coz ur drunk :lol:[/quote] but i'm not an alcoholic ok?! it's just because of celebration... and you?! i'm sure you transform into a [b]manananggal[/b] :lol:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[b]^ Hello there :)[/b]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

^ heller sissy ;) wazzup?! :cool:
Infamous J
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=Angeli_7]I'm not scared...I'm excited to see one =D I'm fine...How are you Jess? Miss yah already :)[/quote] Well, when you find them, just keep them away from me. :lol: Wait....I'm a vampire, that means I'm already one of them. =( :lol: Glad to hear you're doing good. I'm okay, too, I guess. =) Miss you too, sis. By the way....there are only about 4 people (including you) who I allow to call me "Jess" rather than Jesse. You must be special. :lol: :P [quote=dhen2x]i remembered when we had a bad conversation to each other[/quote] :lol: :lol: Yep, I remember, too. I think you were the first FTalker that got under my skin. :lol: Well, I'm glad we settled things peacefully and maturely. =) Ahh, happy birthday to your father, then. And don't get too drunk, you don't want to be sick tomorrow morning. :D [quote=nanix84]yoh nizzle je-sey drizzle nah fizzle[/quote] What's crackalackin? :lol: [quote=Angeli_7]i like listening to Flobot's "Rise"[/quote] I've never even heard of it before....I'll check it out. =)
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=dhen2x]Re: Rockstars ^ heller sissy ;) wazzup?! :cool:[/quote] [b]I'm doing fine...You wanna request any song to be placed on our group playlist?[/b] :) [quote=Infamous J]By the way....there are only about 4 people (including you) who I allow to call me "Jess" rather than Jesse. You must be special. :lol: :P[/quote] [b]Cool! coz i like calling you "Jess" :P[/b]

Last edited by Angeli_7 (2008-10-10 13:39:16)

Infamous J
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

Sis Angel Hmm, check this out.....you probably won't like it, but you never know. [url]http://www.imeem.com/infamousjthenotoriousrockstar/playlist/EPb7H0xo/bazaar_royale_music_playlist/[/url] [quote=Angeli_7]Cool! coz i like calling you "Jess"[/quote] You, my mom, 2 ex gf's and my best friend....so I guess there is 5 people. :lol:

Last edited by Infamous J (2008-10-10 13:41:43)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[b]^ Okay i'll check that out :)[/b] [b]I saw Flobot's music vid of "Rise" on MTV..It's a cool vid but i can't find it on Youtube...Pretty strange..:wasted:[/b] [b]5 people? And i'm one of them?...Sweet! =)[/b] [b]Bazaar Royale..Cool tunes but it's just a 30 second preview :([/b]

Last edited by Angeli_7 (2008-10-10 13:45:56)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=Infamous J]Yep, I remember, too. I think you were the first FTalker that got under my skin. :lol: Well, I'm glad we settled things peacefully and maturely. =) Ahh, happy birthday to your father, then. And don't get too drunk, you don't want to be sick tomorrow morning. :D[/quote] yeah and i laugh when i remember that thing! :lol: bro, the world premiere of new music video of britney will be release there at 10pm... ;) so excited! ;) how bout alcohol, no i'm not.. i mean alcoholic... i drink only if we have a celebration! ;) i'm not like you! almost everyday! hahaha :lol: *peace* [quote=Angeli_7]I'm doing fine...You wanna request any song to be placed on our group playlist?[/quote] can i request a pop song?! just only one... ;)
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=dhen2x]can i request a pop song?! just only one... ;)[/quote] [b] Okay ;][/b] [b] I found the Flobots "Rise" vid!!! It couldn't be found on Youtube...But i found it here..=D[/b] [url]http://video.universalrepublic.com/?plid=1481452858&v=1729900180&aid=0[/url]

Last edited by Angeli_7 (2008-10-10 13:50:33)

Infamous J
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=Angeli_7]Bazaar Royale..Cool tunes but it's just a 30 second preview[/quote] Whattt??? Serious?? All of my music is supposed to be full songs 'cause they are all uploaded directly from my hard drive. Imeem is starting to piss me off. :angry: Here ya go.... [url]http://search.playlist.com/tracks/bazaar%20royale[/url] That Flowbot song is pretty cool. I like it. [quote=dhen2x]i laugh when i remember that thing![/quote] Me too. :lol: [quote=dhen2x]bro, the world premiere of new music video of britney will be release there at 10pm... ;) so excited[/quote] Haha well, I hope you get to see it. [quote=dhen2x]i'm not like you! almost everyday! hahaha :lol: *peace*[/quote] Actually, I have not had any alcohol in more than 1 month. I'm completely sober again.....and it sucks. :wallbash: :lol:

Last edited by Infamous J (2008-10-10 13:51:43)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=Infamous J]Whattt??? Serious?? All of my music is supposed to be full songs 'cause they are all uploaded directly from my hard drive. Imeem is starting to piss me off. :angry:[/quote] [b]All your music are not on 30 second preview if you're viewing it using your own profile but if you'd view it using another profile..It becomes a 30 second preview..I get that sometimes ;][/b] [quote=Infamous J]That Flowbot song is pretty cool. I like it.[/quote] [b]It sounds cooler when your watching their music vid :) :thumbsup: Check it out =|[/b] [url]http://video.universalrepublic.com/?plid=1481452858&v=1729900180&aid=0[/url] [quote=dhen2x]bro, the world premiere of new music video of britney will be release there at 10pm... ;) so excited! ;)[/quote] [b]The "Womanizer" vid? ;)[/b]

Last edited by Angeli_7 (2008-10-10 13:56:17)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=Angeli_7]Okay ;][/quote] womanizer by britney spears.. thank you! ;) i hope some members will like it! ;) btw, i'm so sleepy now and nice to meet you! ;) nyt! [quote=Angeli_7]The "Womanizer" vid? ;)[/quote] yeah you got it sis! ;) a vampy waitress! :D [quote=Infamous J]Actually, I have not had any alcohol in more than 1 month. I'm completely sober again.....and it sucks. :wallbash: :lol:[/quote] hahaha :lol: bro, i'm so sleepy now... you know kind of drunk.. hekhek ;) gudnyt bro or gudmorning or whatever.. hahaha :lol: @ rockstar: gudnyt and sayonara see yah later! :kiss:

Last edited by dhen2x (2008-10-10 14:00:48)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[b]^ Okay..I'll see if the site have it coz It's a new song ^^ Goodnight and Keep Rockin' \m/[/b]

Last edited by Angeli_7 (2008-10-10 14:03:14)

Infamous J
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=Angeli_7]All your music are not on 30 second preview if you're viewing it using your own profile but if you'd view it using another profile..It becomes a 30 second preview..I get that sometimes[/quote] Yeah, I know when I'm using my own profile that it's never a 30-second preview. But I [i]thought[/i] that if you upload from your computer that others would hear full songs, too. That was the understanding I had about Imeem, but I guess I was wrong. :lol: That's really some bullshhh. :arrow: I'm surprised I had never heard of Flowbot before seeing as they are affiliated with AmericaWillBe.Org....I'm a member there. Cool video. [quote=dhen2x]gudnyt bro or gudmorning or whatever[/quote] Goodnight to you....don't fall down on the way to your bed. :lol:

Last edited by Infamous J (2008-10-10 14:03:50)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=Infamous J]Yeah, I know when I'm using my own profile that it's never a 30-second preview. But I thought that if you upload from your computer that others would hear full songs, too. That was the understanding I had about Imeem, but I guess I was wrong. :lol: That's really some bullshhh.[/quote] [b] That's the sad thing for Imeem =|[/b][b] A huge disadvantage :|[/b] T[b]hat's why i'm sticking to Playlist.com...And they added new features...we can already add 200 songs on one playlist..it used to be just 100 before..Really cool! Now our group playlist can accomodate 200 songs! Yeah! \m/ [/b] [quote=Infamous J]I'm surprised I had never heard of Flowbot before seeing as they are affiliated with AmericaWillBe.Org....I'm a member there. Cool video.[/quote] [b]Really? cool..Yup cool vid :)[/b]

Last edited by Angeli_7 (2008-10-10 14:09:57)

Infamous J
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=Angeli_7]A huge disadvantage[/quote] Yes, I agree. Oh, well. What can I do? Nothing. :lol: :arrow: By the way, did you get to see the last debate? I lost every ounce of respect for John McCain that night. :|
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=Infamous J]By the way, did you get to see the last debate? I lost every ounce of respect for John McCain that night. :|[/quote] [b]I only got the see the 2nd presidential debate...It's really heating up..:retard:[/b] [b] Ey i added Bazaar Royale's "What's It All For" on our group playlist..It's found at the bottom..:thumbsup:[/b]

Last edited by Angeli_7 (2008-10-10 14:13:04)

Infamous J
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

Yeah, the 2nd debate....when McCain referred to Obama as "that one" (which I thought was very demeaning) I lost all respect for him. Then, the next day, on the campaign trail, there were McCain supporters in the crowed yelling "kill him", referring to Barack Obama. When asked about those chants, McCain told reporters that he "cannot control the crowd". True. =) But you can step up and SAY that it's WRONG, right? Did he? Nope. :/ [quote=Angeli_7]Ey i added Bazaar Royale's "What's It All For" on our group playlist..It's found at the bottom..:thumbsup:[/quote] Awesome !! :D

Last edited by Infamous J (2008-10-10 14:15:14)

  • » [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

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