[quote=ichigo_dollie][quote=eehjhay]simple but nice.

hmmm.. can u post a screenshot of your premade, if u dnt mind?
good luck


[quote=conmarie]i dont like downloading!!!!!!!!!!!

[color=orchid]hmmm... why?[/color]
[quote=FoRsAkEnKiD]Hehe.. I miss Fido Dido. Old Skool eh?
Nice nod thumbsup[/quote]
[color=orchid]hehe... tnx.[/color]
its nice even its simple
i like the boy with 7up beside him
what is his name haha???[/quote]
[color=orchid]his name's fido dido.. =p[/color][/quote]
cuz my father doesnt allow me to download things such these that there here ove there over here i dont know why