Please try to elaborate your posts... both the title and the content.
I guess you are asking [i][b]"How Many Ex's Do You Have?"[/b][/i].
Please take note of the [b]8th FTalk Rule[/b] [url=][b]-click me[/b][/url].
[quote][b]Creating a new thread. [/b]
[u]Use descriptive title/subject.[/u] Always post a thread in the right forum/category. Do some search before posting a new thread, to avoid thread duplication.[/quote]
And to answer your question~
I had 3.
kaingit my mga ex n kau....[/quote]
[color=deeppink]bakit ikaw?!wala kabang naging ex kuya?! [/color][/quote]
[b]Guys, we're on B&G Corner. an international thread. Kindly post in English.[/b]