Re: Jom borak2 pasal BLOG (blogspot, wordpress, friendster) kat cni. dan ads skali.
blog = duit!
i want to justify all my post. which part of ur code must i edit?[/quote]
proceed here:
u can use that tags, but u nid to use the mailto link...
thnx for the tip..
Re: Jom borak2 pasal BLOG (blogspot, wordpress, friendster) kat cni. dan ads skali.
blog = duit!
[quote=feruzz]korang nih main ngan blogging eh....
aku main game aje....
lyn ps3 [/quote]
ajak arr aku layan ps 3... tringin tul nak maen "devil may cry"
Re: Jom borak2 pasal BLOG (blogspot, wordpress, friendster) kat cni. dan ads skali.
blog = duit!
x femez pun. tp dapat la hitz dlm 70 sehari! pki nufnang la kalo nk taw korunk dpt hit byk ke x.
sila sebar2 kan. hehe!
Re: Jom borak2 pasal BLOG (blogspot, wordpress, friendster) kat cni. dan ads skali.
blog = duit!
[quote=loquitor]x femez pun. tp dapat la hitz dlm 70 sehari! pki nufnang la kalo nk taw korunk dpt hit byk ke x.
sila sebar2 kan. hehe![/quote]
aku nak sebarkan kat planet mars