• » permisi mods numpang share kode dikit niy... niy cm kode modifikasi dari thread [b]floating friend-nye bro D_Dying...[/b] klo kurang berkenan silah kan d tutup aje thread nye... [b]credit to : D_Dyin

Pages: 12344

permisi mods numpang share kode dikit niy... niy cm kode modifikasi dari thread [b]floating friend-nye bro D_Dying...[/b] klo kurang berkenan silah kan d tutup aje thread nye... [b]credit to : D_Dyin

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

permisi mods numpang share kode dikit niy... niy cm kode modifikasi dari thread [b]floating friend-nye bro D_Dying...[/b] klo kurang berkenan silah kan d tutup aje thread nye... [b]credit to : D_Dyin

permisi mods numpang share kode dikit niy... niy cm kode modifikasi dari thread [b]floating friend-nye bro D_Dying...[/b] klo kurang berkenan silah kan d tutup aje thread nye... [b]credit to : D_Dying stright.plus (my master) 6 brother my self[/b] PREVIEW :arrow: [url=http://h1.ripway.com/ndy05/langtracker/previewnavigasi.html]Navigation with ur picture[/url] langsung aja ye : [quote]<!-- /* Static menu script (By maXimus, maximus@nsimail.com, http://maximus.ravecore.com/) Modified slightly/ permission granted to Dynamic Drive to feature script in archive For full source, usage terms, and 100's more DHTML scripts, visit http://dynamicdrive.com */ //configure below variable for menu width, position on page var menuwidth=110 var offsetleft=10 var offsettop=90 var ns4=document.layers?1:0 var ie4=document.all?1:0 var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all?1:0 function makeStatic() { if (ie4) {object1.style.pixelTop=document.body.scrollTop+offsettop} else if (ns6) {document.getElementById("object1").style.top=window.pageYOffset+offsettop} else if (ns4) {eval(document.object1.top=eval(window.pageYOffset+offsettop));} setTimeout("makeStatic()",0); } if (ie4||ns6) {document.write('<span ALIGN="CENTER" ID="object1" STYLE="Position:absolute; Top:20; Left:'+offsetleft+'; Z-Index:5;cursor:hand;background-color:[b]black[/b];"><TABLE BORDER="1" width="'+menuwidth+'" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" BORDERCOLOR="[b]black[/b]" bgcolor="[b]black[/b]">')} else if (ns4){ document.write('<LAYER top="20" name="object1" left="'+offsetleft+'" BGCOLOR=black><TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="1"><TR><TD><TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" width="'+menuwidth+'">')} if (ie4||ns6||ns4) document.write('<TR><TD BGCOLOR="[b]black[/b]" BORDERCOLORDARK="[/b]black" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="[b]black[/b]"><P ALIGN=CENTER><FONT SIZE="4" FACE=[b]ARIAL[/b]><blink>[b]NAVIGATION[/b]</blink></FONT></TD></TR>') var menui = new Array(); var menul = new Array(); //configure below for menu items. Extend list as desired menui[0]="<a href=\"#\" onClick=\"return false\"><div title=\"header=[[b] BaCk to[/b]] body=[[b]uR HoMe[/b]]\"> <img src=' [b]URL PIC[/b]' style=' width:75px;height:75px;'></div></a>"; menui[1]="<a href=\"#\" onClick=\"return false\"><div title=\"header=[[b]Back to[/b]] body=[[b]uR pRofiLe[/b]]\"> <img src=' [b]URL PIC[/b]' style=' width:75px;height:75px;'></div></a>"; menui[2]="<a href=\"#\" onClick=\"return false\"><div title=\"header=[[b]Look at[/b]] body=[[b]My fRieNds[/b]]\"> <img src=' [b]URL PIC[/b]' style=' width:75px;height:75px;'></div></a>"; menui[3]="<a href=\"#\" onClick=\"return false\"><div title=\"header=[[b]Log OUt[/b]] body=[[b]fRoM uR FS[/b]]\"> <img src=' [b]URL PIC[/b]' style=' width:75px;height:75px;'> </div></a>"; menul[0]="http://www.friendster.com/"; menul[1]="http://profiles.friendster.com/user.php"; menul[2]="http://friendster.com/friends.php"; menul[3]="http://friendster.com/logout.php"; for (i=0;i<=menui.length-1;i++) if (ie4||ns6) {document.write('<TR><TD BORDERCOLOR="[b]white[/b]" ONCLICK="location=\''+menu[i]+'\'" onmouseover="className=\'menuh\'" onMouseout="className=\'menu\'"><CENTER><FONT>'+menu[i]+'</FONT></TD></TR>')} else if (ns4){document.write('<TR><TD BGCOLOR="[b]white[/b]"><ILAYER><LAYER width="'+menuwidth+'" onmouseover="bgColor=\'[b]yellow[/b]\'" onmouseout="bgColor=\'[b]white[/b]\'"><CENTER><A HREF="'+menul+'" class=menulinks>'+menui[i]+'</A></CENTER></LAYER></ILAYER></TD></TR>')} if (ie4||ns6) {document.write('</TABLE></span>')} else if (ns4){document.write('</TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE></LAYER>')} function menu3(){ if (ns6||ie4||ns4) makeStatic() } window.onload=menu3 //-->[/quote] edit kata2 yg d bold sesuai dengan keinginan kamu kemudian masukkan k [b]JS kamu d bagian C sesuai refrensi bang kanal[/b] kemudian masukan kode berikut d CSS kamu [quote]<!-- .menuh { BORDER-COLOR : #[b]FFFFFF[/b] ; cursor : hand ; Border-Left : #[b]FFFFFF[/b] ; Border-Top : #[b]FFFFFF[/b] ; Padding-Left : 1px ; Padding-Top : 1px ; Background-Color : #[b]000000[/b] ; } .menu { Background-Color : [b]black[/b] ; } .home { cursor : hand ; } .menulinks{ text-decoration:none; font-weight: bold; } //-->[/quote] edit kata2 yg d bold [b]* niy hanya script modifikasi * script niy gak tabrakan dengan script floating pict nye bro oka [/b] selamat mencoba [hr][hr][hr][hr][hr] [quote=_Qq Gunners_]Ini kode untuk alternatif navigation credits: :arrow: Dynamic Drive OK, langsung aja.. 1. taro kode ini di css [quote].menuh { BORDER-COLOR : #FFFF99 ; cursor : hand ; Border-Left : #FFFF99 ; Border-Top : #FFFF99 ; Padding-Left : 1px ; Padding-Top : 1px ; Background-Color : #FFFF99 ; } .menu { Background-Color : white ; } .home { cursor : hand ; } .menulinks{ text-decoration:none; }[/quote] 2. Taro kode ini di js(bagian C) [quote]/* Static menu script (By maXimus, maximus@nsimail.com, http://maximus.ravecore.com/) Modified slightly/ permission granted to Dynamic Drive to feature script in archive For full source, usage terms, and 100's more DHTML scripts, visit http://dynamicdrive.com */ //configure below variable for menu width, position on page var menuwidth=110 var offsetleft=10 var offsettop=90 var ns4=document.layers?1:0 var ie4=document.all?1:0 var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all?1:0 function makeStatic() { if (ie4) {object1.style.pixelTop=document.body.scrollTop+offsettop} else if (ns6) {document.getElementById("object1").style.top=window.pageYOffset+offsettop} else if (ns4) {eval(document.object1.top=eval(window.pageYOffset+offsettop));} setTimeout("makeStatic()",0); } if (ie4||ns6) {document.write('<span ALIGN="CENTER" ID="object1" STYLE="Position:absolute; Top:20; Left:'+offsetleft+'; Z-Index:5;cursor:hand;background-color:black;"><TABLE BORDER="1" width="'+menuwidth+'" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" BORDERCOLOR="black" bgcolor="white">')} else if (ns4){ document.write('<LAYER top="20" name="object1" left="'+offsetleft+'" BGCOLOR=black><TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="1"><TR><TD><TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" width="'+menuwidth+'">')} if (ie4||ns6||ns4) document.write('<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#3399FF" BORDERCOLORDARK="#99CCFF" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#003399"><P ALIGN=CENTER><FONT SIZE="4" FACE=ARIAL>Menu</FONT></TD></TR>') var menui = new Array(); var menul = new Array(); //configure below for menu items. Extend list as desired menui[0]="home"; menui[1]="friends"; menui[2]="fans"; menui[3]="groups"; menui[4]="explore"; menui[5]="logout"; menul[0]="http://www.friendster.com"; menul[1]="http://www.friendster.com/friends.php"; menul[2]="http://www.friendster.com/friends.php?action=spusers"; menul[3]="http://www.friendster.com/group/mygroup.php?"; menul[4]="http://www.friendster.com/explore.php"; menul[5]="http://www.friendster.com/logout.php"; for (i=0;i<=menui.length-1;i++) if (ie4||ns6) {document.write('<TR><TD BORDERCOLOR="white" ONCLICK="location=\''+menul[i]+'\'" onmouseover="className=\'menuh\'" onMouseout="className=\'menu\'"><CENTER><FONT>'+menui[i]+'</FONT></TD></TR>')} else if (ns4){document.write('<TR><TD BGCOLOR="white"><ILAYER><LAYER width="'+menuwidth+'" onmouseover="bgColor=\'yellow\'" onmouseout="bgColor=\'white\'"><CENTER><A HREF="'+menul[i]+'" class=menulinks>'+menui[i]+'</A></CENTER></LAYER></ILAYER></TD></TR>')} if (ie4||ns6) {document.write('</TABLE></span>')} else if (ns4){document.write('</TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE></LAYER>')} function menu3(){ if (ns6||ie4||ns4) makeStatic() } window.onload=menu3[/quote] preview: [url]http://h1.ripway.com/qqzq07/nav.html[/url] lihat di kiri mod, klo ngga berguna, close aja thread ini[/quote]

Last edited by deathwish4MCR-freak-dude (2008-06-08 01:22:57)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: permisi mods numpang share kode dikit niy... niy cm kode modifikasi dari thread [b]floating friend-nye bro D_Dying...[/b] klo kurang berkenan silah kan d tutup aje thread nye... [b]credit to : D_Dyin

=D Wah ternyata anak2 FTI memang banyak kreasinya. Great job bro Lang :thumbsup:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: permisi mods numpang share kode dikit niy... niy cm kode modifikasi dari thread [b]floating friend-nye bro D_Dying...[/b] klo kurang berkenan silah kan d tutup aje thread nye... [b]credit to : D_Dyin

=) makasih bang.... :D cm bisa modif aje bang
Ladeva XIII
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: permisi mods numpang share kode dikit niy... niy cm kode modifikasi dari thread [b]floating friend-nye bro D_Dying...[/b] klo kurang berkenan silah kan d tutup aje thread nye... [b]credit to : D_Dyin

wuisssh, muantap Lang, :thumbsup::thumbsup: cuma thread lo kmren aja blom kepake, tambah lagi yang ini :wallbash::wallbash: Janji deh make ntar :D:D [img]http://theftalk.com/img/warn_add.gif[/img] buat lo :rose:

Last edited by Ladeva XIII (2008-05-18 12:32:00)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: permisi mods numpang share kode dikit niy... niy cm kode modifikasi dari thread [b]floating friend-nye bro D_Dying...[/b] klo kurang berkenan silah kan d tutup aje thread nye... [b]credit to : D_Dyin

numpang nyruput code na lang kalo jelek gw bacok iah :eh:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: permisi mods numpang share kode dikit niy... niy cm kode modifikasi dari thread [b]floating friend-nye bro D_Dying...[/b] klo kurang berkenan silah kan d tutup aje thread nye... [b]credit to : D_Dyin

walahhhhhhhhhh baru lagi ni yeeeeeeeeeee.......... :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: 5 jempol buat kam cinta :wow::wow: [i]nb* creditnya 6 sekawan ga kuku deh[/i] :eh::eh::eh:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: permisi mods numpang share kode dikit niy... niy cm kode modifikasi dari thread [b]floating friend-nye bro D_Dying...[/b] klo kurang berkenan silah kan d tutup aje thread nye... [b]credit to : D_Dyin

:thumbsup: thx kris n sekya... :wallbash: jgn maen bacok nape :wallbash: :wow: indomie ku =D =D

Last edited by __LaNgaLoNe__ (2008-05-18 12:26:52)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: permisi mods numpang share kode dikit niy... niy cm kode modifikasi dari thread [b]floating friend-nye bro D_Dying...[/b] klo kurang berkenan silah kan d tutup aje thread nye... [b]credit to : D_Dyin

lang lang lang lang :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: manteb kali kau :wow: :wow: :wow: thx for share
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: permisi mods numpang share kode dikit niy... niy cm kode modifikasi dari thread [b]floating friend-nye bro D_Dying...[/b] klo kurang berkenan silah kan d tutup aje thread nye... [b]credit to : D_Dyin

=) makasih uda kriss n my indomie bwt +1 nye :wow: ibliz gw cm bisa bacok ama modif doang man :wow:
Co_don SanAdH
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: permisi mods numpang share kode dikit niy... niy cm kode modifikasi dari thread [b]floating friend-nye bro D_Dying...[/b] klo kurang berkenan silah kan d tutup aje thread nye... [b]credit to : D_Dyin

maaaaaaaaaaa :O makin mansetab sajah brothaku yg satu ini :thumbsup::cool: tang por sering lang :thumbsup::D:thumbsup::kiss: kutambahkan koleksyen injeksyen mu [img]http://theftalk.com/img/warn_add.gif[/img] :thumbsup::cool:

Last edited by Co_don SanAdH (2008-05-18 12:36:06)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: permisi mods numpang share kode dikit niy... niy cm kode modifikasi dari thread [b]floating friend-nye bro D_Dying...[/b] klo kurang berkenan silah kan d tutup aje thread nye... [b]credit to : D_Dyin

:o siy dongkrak.... ntar bantu2 gw lagi ye bro... =) thx 4 +1 nye bro :kiss:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: permisi mods numpang share kode dikit niy... niy cm kode modifikasi dari thread [b]floating friend-nye bro D_Dying...[/b] klo kurang berkenan silah kan d tutup aje thread nye... [b]credit to : D_Dyin

6 sekawan dah masuk.... bradah numpang pake ya codenya... nanti klo ancur tanggung jawab :penguin: :penguin:

Last edited by mungilbetz (2008-05-18 14:04:02)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: permisi mods numpang share kode dikit niy... niy cm kode modifikasi dari thread [b]floating friend-nye bro D_Dying...[/b] klo kurang berkenan silah kan d tutup aje thread nye... [b]credit to : D_Dyin

:thumbsup: silahkan bradah... :D klo ancur bikin baru aje :lol:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: permisi mods numpang share kode dikit niy... niy cm kode modifikasi dari thread [b]floating friend-nye bro D_Dying...[/b] klo kurang berkenan silah kan d tutup aje thread nye... [b]credit to : D_Dyin

makasi yah broth!!! uda mo share tuh code... keren abiez man!!! =):thumbsup:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: permisi mods numpang share kode dikit niy... niy cm kode modifikasi dari thread [b]floating friend-nye bro D_Dying...[/b] klo kurang berkenan silah kan d tutup aje thread nye... [b]credit to : D_Dyin

testing dulu....
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: permisi mods numpang share kode dikit niy... niy cm kode modifikasi dari thread [b]floating friend-nye bro D_Dying...[/b] klo kurang berkenan silah kan d tutup aje thread nye... [b]credit to : D_Dyin

kren Bro __LaNgaLoNe__ nice moDIp..... Gud Luck.......... :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: permisi mods numpang share kode dikit niy... niy cm kode modifikasi dari thread [b]floating friend-nye bro D_Dying...[/b] klo kurang berkenan silah kan d tutup aje thread nye... [b]credit to : D_Dyin

[quote=k2i5e7k8i7e]testing dulu....[/quote] silahkan bro.... =) :arrow: D-dying : makasih bro ;)
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: permisi mods numpang share kode dikit niy... niy cm kode modifikasi dari thread [b]floating friend-nye bro D_Dying...[/b] klo kurang berkenan silah kan d tutup aje thread nye... [b]credit to : D_Dyin

aq gak liat Navigationx ??? :paranoid: apa mata aq mulai minus ya?! :wallbash: yang Floating ya! hang kompi gua liatna =D bdw, Thankz For Share bang =D :thumbsup:

Last edited by ilhamc17 (2008-05-23 02:36:06)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: permisi mods numpang share kode dikit niy... niy cm kode modifikasi dari thread [b]floating friend-nye bro D_Dying...[/b] klo kurang berkenan silah kan d tutup aje thread nye... [b]credit to : D_Dyin

[quote=ilhamc17]aq gak liat Navigationx ??? :paranoid: apa mata aq mulai minus ya?! :wallbash: yang Floating ya! hang kompi gua liatna =D bdw, Thankz For Share bang =D :thumbsup:[/quote] coba liat sini bro :arrow: [url=http://h1.ripway.com/ndy05/langtracker/previewnavigasi.html]Navigation with ur picture[/url]

Last edited by __LaNgaLoNe__ (2008-05-23 03:14:00)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: permisi mods numpang share kode dikit niy... niy cm kode modifikasi dari thread [b]floating friend-nye bro D_Dying...[/b] klo kurang berkenan silah kan d tutup aje thread nye... [b]credit to : D_Dyin

@KALANG (kak lang maksudnya :D) kok dsii kagak bisa buka pripiunya iap??
  • » permisi mods numpang share kode dikit niy... niy cm kode modifikasi dari thread [b]floating friend-nye bro D_Dying...[/b] klo kurang berkenan silah kan d tutup aje thread nye... [b]credit to : D_Dyin

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