Unless you have set your main page layout to Linear View instead of Boxes View in the [url=http://multiply.com/setup/pages/home]settings[/url], you can almost completely customize your main page.
Unless you have set your main page layout to Linear View instead of Boxes View in the [url=http://multiply.com/setup/pages/home]settings[/url], you can almost completely customize your main page.
First, you can edit your Page Title and section titles by simply moving your mouse cursor over it and choosing Edit.
You can move the section boxes also. Just 'grab' them by their title (the mouse pointer should change to a little hand indicating that you can grab it) and move it to the place you want it. A dashed frame will appear indicating where the box will be after you release it. If you want to arrange them side-by-side, move it to the bottom-right corner, and it should fit just beside the last one. Do this in order to make two columns then arrange them so each section will be in the place you want it. Be aware that it does not work always: some themes allow only one column, but even in these themes you can organize them in the order that pleases you.
Don't want to show a section in your main page? Simple: just mouse over its title and click on the Hide link. Made a mistake? Look for a Restore link for that section bellow your headshot and click on it. The section will show again on your main page but maybe not at the same place, so look all over the page for it and move it again to the right place.
If you are not using it yet, maybe you will have to [url=http://www.spreadfirefox.com/?q=affiliates&id=190542&t=209]download and install a recent version of Firefox[/url], which is much more compatible with Multiply and more secure and better overall.
Large pictures may make the column where the Guestbook is in your main page too wide. Either remove the entry or ask the poster to remove the code. Also, you can add this code to your Custom CSS to display a scrollbar when it happens:
[b]#home_guestbook .replybox { overflow:auto; }[/b]
or, if you don't want it to display any image at all:
[b]#home_guestbook .replybody img { display: none; }[/b]
Now you must put your main page in Edit mode before you can move and hide the sections. To do this, you can either click on the [u]Customize My Site[/u] that appears right bellow the navigation menu or go to [u]Settings[/u] -> My Site. Then you should be able to modify it. Click and hold on the [u]Move[/u] link to move a box now.
To unhide a section, the links do not appear below the headshot anymore, but in the top yellow banner that will be displayed after you click on [u]Customize My Site[/u]. If your page is too loaded with stuff, it will may take a wile before the unhide links show up.
Moving content boxes only works if your page is in Boxes View (as opposed to Linear View), of course. To change this, go to [url=http://multiply.com/setup/pages/home]this page[/url]. Also, be aware that some themes only allows 1 column of boxes, so you cannot put them side-by-side to make them smaller. If you want this, you have to choose another base theme. You can see which ones allow 2 columns in the [url=http://multiply.com/setup/pages/themes]Choose a Theme page[/url].