[quote=`mizeL]Thanks Seph, you also saw this one.
I'm just wondering, how about those people who can't afford to watch that film, how can they help save mother earth?

First of, they don't need a movie to realize the impact of what their doing. We destroy the world in our own little way, and practically everyone knows that. You gotta be pretty stupid not to realize how much damage we have given the world. We don't have to realize from that movie that our world will cease to exist pretty soon.
The only problem is, people think that throwing their cigarette butts on the sidewalk won't do anything. So saying that 1/20 people smoke at least once per day, and 1/2 of them throw their butts in inappropriate places (My sibs are smokers and they do it. Some of my underage batchmates do it). With the population at 7 billion, we get.... 175,000,000 cigarette butts a day. And we're talking about one kind of material only.
But hey, a movie's nice.
And if people out there can't afford that movie, that's alright. They have school and a bit of common sense.
Last edited by greatsage (2007-03-23 16:34:28)