[b]Read Before Posting:[/b]
[b]Primary Rules Of The Contest:[/b] Click [url=http://theftalk.com/t28660-Contest-This-Summer-Season.html][b]here[/b][/url]
[b]Scoring Rules: [/b] Click [url=http://h1.ripway.com/ftalkcssjs/ContestRules.txt][b]here[/b][/url]
This contest is open for the [url=http://theftalk.com/t30890-First-Leg-Winners-%5BSummer-Theme%5D.html][b]Top 15 Authors[/b][/url] only.
[b]Themes:[/b] Summer and Back To School
[b]Please submit the following below:[/b]
[quote][b]Name of Layout 1:[/b] [Name of Entry. (Summer) ]
[b]Name of Layout 2:[/b] [Name of Entry. (Back To School) ]
[b]Friendster Page 1:[/b] [Page that will be used on your presentation. [i]Must be set on Public[/i]. (Summer) ]
[b]Friendster Page 2:[/b] [Page that will be used on your presentation. [i]Must be set on Public[/i]. (Back To School) ]
[b]HTML Page 1 (Optional):[/b] [Back up page of your layout. (Summer) ]
[b]HTML Page 2 (Optional):[/b] [Back up page of your layout. (Back To School)
[b]Screen Shots 1:[/b] [Whole page screen shot. Thumbnail on submission that redirects to an enlarged version. (Summer) ]
[b]Screen Shots 2:[/b] [Whole page screen shot. Thumbnail on submission that redirects to an enlarged version. (Back To School) ]
[b]C.S.S/J.S. File 1 :[/b] [Your .css, .js, .txt or whatever extension you are using. [b]Do not include the linker[/b]. [b]Do not encrypt your codes[/b]. (Summer) ]
[b]C.S.S/J.S. File 2 :[/b] [Your .css, .js, .txt or whatever extension you are using. [b]Do not include the linker[/b]. [b]Do not encrypt your codes[/b]. (Back To School)][/quote]
[quote][b]Name of Layout 1:[/b] Summer Bonanza From The Wakokonut Tree!
[b]Name of Layout 2:[/b] Vacation To Dedication.
[b]Friendster Page 1:[/b]
[b]Friendster Page 2:[/b]
[b]Screen Shots 1:[/b]
[url=http://www.boxstr.com/files/1871112_q4dzh/1.jpg][img]http://www.boxstr.com/thumbs/small/1871112_q4dzh/1.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.boxstr.com/files/1871113_fzv66/2.jpg][img]http://www.boxstr.com/thumbs/small/1871113_fzv66/2.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.boxstr.com/files/1871114_r9a0k/3.jpg][img]http://www.boxstr.com/thumbs/small/1871114_r9a0k/3.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.boxstr.com/files/1871115_xsvzf/4.jpg][img]http://www.boxstr.com/thumbs/small/1871115_xsvzf/4.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.boxstr.com/files/1871116_0yon9/5.jpg][img]http://www.boxstr.com/thumbs/small/1871116_0yon9/5.jpg[/img][/url]
[b]Screen Shots 2:[/b]
[url=http://i29.tinypic.com/sfyuy9.jpg][img]http://i29.tinypic.com/sfyuy9_th.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://i25.tinypic.com/2dv3lgg.jpg][img]http://i25.tinypic.com/2dv3lgg_th.jpg[/img][/url]
[b]C.S.S/J.S. File 1:[/b]
http://h1.ripway.com/wakokokoko/Akatsuki.css or
[b]C.S.S/J.S. File 2:[/b]
http://h1.ripway.com/ftalkcssjs/chaos_aftermath.js or
[b]Tips for higher scores:[/b]
[li]If your layout works on [url=http://www.opera.com/][b]Opera[/b][/url]. The better.[/li]
[li]Use [url=http://www.opera.com/][b]Opera[/b][/url] for better screen shots. Press F11 to full screen and take screen shots.[/li]
[li]Learn to use [b]!important[/b] on C.S.S. commands for cross browser compatibility.[/li]
[li]Rather using Internet Explorer 6. Use [url=http://www.avantbrowser.com/][b]Avant[/b][/url]. For faster loading. Safe as I.E. 7.[/li]
Submission of entries shall end on June 1 2008 6:00 PM - GTM +8:00.
Post your entries now!

[li]All posts not related will be deleted and the user will be Cursed for Three Weeks. Use the [url=http://theftalk.com/t29182-Contest-Discussions.html][b]Contest Discussion[/b][/url] Thread if you have questions or comments.[/li]
[b][color=red]Cursed List[/color] 3 Weeks[/b]
Soon to be filled...
Last edited by Ephemeral (2008-05-21 08:59:28)