[quote=deathwish4MCR-freak-dude]I use my mobile to access Ftalk when I go outside.
Fyi. I use [b]Opera Mini[/b]. The appearance of ftalk site just like usual.
Nothing messed up. Only the font become smaller. lulz.
I disable the Show Images menu. So the Ftalk site will load faster.

The difference between disable and enable is
[li]Ftalk site load when disable Show Images : [b]11 [/b] kb.[/li]
[li]Ftalk site load when enable Show Images (High) : [b]20 kb[/b][/li]
And everytime I open a thread, all members signatures take a long time to load if I don't disable the Show Images menu.
[li]Thread load when disable Show Images : [b]17 [/b] kb.[/li]
[li]Thread load when enable Show Images (High) : [b]>60 kb[/b][/li]
Just a tip : If you use your mobile to access Ftalk, go to [b]User CP > Display > Enter your pagination options > Change the value of Posts into 20.[/b]

I seriously didn't know about Opera Mini. I might have to try that. Well guys you can follow Yuna's instructions and tips.