» Here are some of my research on the basic terms and shortcut keys of a Photoshop.
I hope that i am not double posting the topic. :/ :/
[b]Photoshop Basic Terms[/b]
1. [b]Layers[/b] - A layer is simp
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Here are some of my research on the basic terms and shortcut keys of a Photoshop.
I hope that i am not double posting the topic. :/ :/
[b]Photoshop Basic Terms[/b]
1. [b]Layers[/b] - A layer is simp
Here are some of my research on the basic terms and shortcut keys of a Photoshop.
I hope that i am not double posting the topic. :/ :/
[b]Photoshop Basic Terms[/b]
1. [b]Layers[/b] - A layer is simp
Here are some of my research on the basic terms and shortcut keys of a Photoshop.
I hope that i am not double posting the topic.
[b]Photoshop Basic Terms[/b]
1. [b]Layers[/b] - A layer is simply one image stacked on top of another. Each layer can have different images or effects.
2. [b]Photoshop Document [/b]- An overall image composition in Photoshop.
3. [b]File Formats[/b] - you can open/save an image with an image format of GIF, JPG/JPEG, and PNG.
4. [b]Resampling[/b] - changing the image resolution.
5. [b]Resampling down[/b] - making a file smaller.
6. [b]Resampling Up[/b] - to increase the file size.
7. [b]Resolution[/b] - it is an amount of information in an image file. The larger the resolution the more information in the file.
8. [b]Marquee tool[/b] - By using this tool we can select a portion of image with different shapes, and also we can apply colors,effects to enhance the image effect.
9. [b]Move tool[/b] - This will allow you to move a selection or an entire layer around the canvas.
10. [b]Lasso Tool[/b] - The selection tools allow you to select a portion or a subset of an image to work on.
11. [b]Magic wand Tool[/b] - Allows you to select an area of an image based on its colour.
12. [b]Slice Tool[/b] - Allows you to divide an image into smaller sections which fit together like a jigsaw.
13. [b]Clone Stamp Tool[/b] - Using this tool we can copy a portion of an image and reapply it repeatedly to cover an unwanted area of image.
14. [b]Pencil tool[/b] - The pencil tool allows you to apply paint that always has a hard edge.
14. [b]Paint bucket Tool[/b] - It is used to fill areas with solid color or pattern.
15. [b]Gradient tool[/b] - Allows you to apply graduated color fills that blend from one color to another.
16. [b]Line Tool[/b] - it is used to create straight lines and arrows.
17. [b]Pencil Tool[/b] - The pencil tool allows you to apply paint that always has a hard edge.
18. [b]Magic Eraser[/b] - it works just like the magic wand, but instead of making a selection, it immediately converts the pixels to transparent.
19. [b]Zoom tool[/b] - it allows you to zoom in and zoom out an image.
20. [b]Eyedropper and Color Sampler[/b] - It can be used for gathering color data for adjustment, and comparison purposes.
[b]Shortcut Keys in Photoshop[/b]
M - marquee tool
V - move tool
L - lasso tool
W - Magic wand tool
P - Pen tool
K - Slice tool
E - Eraser tool
J - Airbrush tool
S - Clone stamp tool
U - Rectangle tool
G - Paint bucket tool
C - Crop tool
I - Eyedropper tool
H - Hand tool
Z -Zoom tool
R - Blur tool
D - Default foreground and background colors.
TAB - Hides or unhides and open tool.
CTRL + N - New
CTRL + O - Open
CTRL + Alt + O - Open as
CTRL + W - CLose
CTRL + SHIFT + C - Copy merged
CTRL + L - levels
CTRL + Shift + L - Auto Levels
CTRL + Alt + Shift + L - Auto Contrast
CTRL + M - Curves
CTRL + B - balance
CTRL + U - Hue/saturation
CTRL + I - Invert
CTRL + Alt + X - Extract
CTRL + D - Deselect
CTRL + Shift + D - Reselect
CTRL + Shift + I - Inverse
Hope that this will help some newbies like me.
Re: Here are some of my research on the basic terms and shortcut keys of a Photoshop.
I hope that i am not double posting the topic. :/ :/
[b]Photoshop Basic Terms[/b]
1. [b]Layers[/b] - A layer is simp
[align=center]this a great help for newbies out there to know more about photoshop..thanks for sharing this[/align]
Re: Here are some of my research on the basic terms and shortcut keys of a Photoshop.
I hope that i am not double posting the topic. :/ :/
[b]Photoshop Basic Terms[/b]
1. [b]Layers[/b] - A layer is simp
[b]yeah this is a great help huh,especially for newbies in photoshop[/b]
Re: Here are some of my research on the basic terms and shortcut keys of a Photoshop.
I hope that i am not double posting the topic. :/ :/
[b]Photoshop Basic Terms[/b]
1. [b]Layers[/b] - A layer is simp
thanks for sharing..
even if i'm not a newbie in this one..
still learned new..
gud luck..
kip it up..
Re: Here are some of my research on the basic terms and shortcut keys of a Photoshop.
I hope that i am not double posting the topic. :/ :/
[b]Photoshop Basic Terms[/b]
1. [b]Layers[/b] - A layer is simp
[i][b]thank you for the appreciation
hope that this simple guide will the other [/b][/i]
Re: Here are some of my research on the basic terms and shortcut keys of a Photoshop.
I hope that i am not double posting the topic. :/ :/
[b]Photoshop Basic Terms[/b]
1. [b]Layers[/b] - A layer is simp
Re: Here are some of my research on the basic terms and shortcut keys of a Photoshop.
I hope that i am not double posting the topic. :/ :/
[b]Photoshop Basic Terms[/b]
1. [b]Layers[/b] - A layer is simp
[color=green]yeah!thanks for sharin
kip sharin [/color]
Re: Here are some of my research on the basic terms and shortcut keys of a Photoshop.
I hope that i am not double posting the topic. :/ :/
[b]Photoshop Basic Terms[/b]
1. [b]Layers[/b] - A layer is simp
I just want to bring this topic at the front that's why I posted, haha.
Show some love.
» Here are some of my research on the basic terms and shortcut keys of a Photoshop.
I hope that i am not double posting the topic. :/ :/
[b]Photoshop Basic Terms[/b]
1. [b]Layers[/b] - A layer is simp