• » [b]This Topic Only Gives Information [/b] [b]The CIH virus in 1998[/b] Estimated Damage: $20 to $80 million worldwide; countless amounts of PC data destroyed It was unleashed from Taiwan in June of 1

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[b]This Topic Only Gives Information [/b] [b]The CIH virus in 1998[/b] Estimated Damage: $20 to $80 million worldwide; countless amounts of PC data destroyed It was unleashed from Taiwan in June of 1

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

[b]This Topic Only Gives Information [/b] [b]The CIH virus in 1998[/b] Estimated Damage: $20 to $80 million worldwide; countless amounts of PC data destroyed It was unleashed from Taiwan in June of 1

[b]This Topic Only Gives Information [/b] [b]The CIH virus in 1998[/b] Estimated Damage: $20 to $80 million worldwide; countless amounts of PC data destroyed It was unleashed from Taiwan in June of 1998. What made CIH so dangerous was that it would overwrite data on the host PC's hard drive. It would no longer work. It would also overwrite the BIOS of the host, preventing boot-up. [b]Melissa in 1999[/b] Estimated Damage: $1 billion Melissa spread through Microsoft Word 97 and Word 2000. It cleverly used a mass e-mail process where it would access the first 50 entries from a user's address book in Outlook 97/98 (the e-mail program) when the document was opened. Melissa would randomly insert quotes from "The Simpsons" television show into documents on the host computer and it deleted critical Windows files. [b]ILOVEYOU in 2000[/b] Estimated Damage: $5.5 billion to $8.7 billion in damages; ten percent of all Internet-connected computers hit It took your contacts from your Outlook list. If you saw the e-mail message "I LOVE YOU" and opened it, it would copy and send out the message again and again. Recipients, who didn't know what was happening, would execute the document only to have most of their files overwritten. [b]Code Red in 2001[/b] Estimated Damage: Code Red and Code Red II are two worms with damages estimated at $2 billion; a rate of $200 million in damages per day Released on Friday the 13th in July of 2001, the worm took advantage of buffer overflow vulnerability in Microsoft IIS servers and would self-replicate by exploiting the same vulnerability in other Microsoft IIS machines. Buffer overflows occur when too much information is sent to a computer it can't handle, and it causes a shutdown. [b]SQL Slammer in 2003[/b] Estimated Damage: shut down South Korea's online capacity for 12 hours; affected 500,000 servers worldwide The virus affected servers, not PCs. As viruses go, it was very small: a 376-byte worm. It generated random IP addresses and sent itself to those IP addresses. If the IP address was a computer running an unpatched copy of Microsoft's SQL Server Desktop Engine, that computer would begin firing the virus off to other random IP addresses. Slammer infected 75,000 computers in 10 minutes. It sent so much traffic that it overloaded network routers across the globe, which created higher demands on other routers, which shut them down, and the cascade was on. [b]MSBlast in 2003[/b] Estimated Damage: between $2 and $10 billion; hundreds of thousands of infected PCs Microsoft announced a Windows vulnerability in 2003. A short while later, that Windows vulnerability was exploited with a worm called MSBlast; it included a personal message from the author to Bill Gates. "Billy Gates why do you make this possible? Stop making money and fix your software!!" A Trivial File Transfer Protocol server was installed on the computer and downloaded code onto the infected host. Over 25 million hosts were still known to be infected six months later. [b] Sobig in 2003[/b] Estimated Damage: 500,000 computers worldwide; as much as $1 billion in lost productivity The worm entered a computer in the form of harmless e-mail attachment. The attachment was often a *.pif or *.scr file that would infect any host if downloaded and executed. Sobig-infected hosts would then activate their own SMTP host, gathering email addresses and constantly sending additional messages. It would flood the Internet with e-mails. [b]Sasser in 2004[/b] Estimated Damage: tens of millions of dollars; shut down the satellite communications for some French news agencies; several Delta airline flights were cancelled; shut down numerous companies' systems worldwide Sasser began spreading on April 30, 2004; it exploited a security flaw in non-updated Windows 2000 and Windows XP systems. When successfully replicated, the worm would scan for other unprotected systems and transmit itself to them. [b]MyDoom in 2004[/b] Estimated Damage: slowed global Internet performance by 10 percent and Web load times by up to 50 percent On Jan. 26, 2004, the MyDoom worm spread across the Internet via e-mail. The worm also transmitted itself as an attachment in what appeared to be an e-mail error message containing the text "Mail Transaction Failed." Clicking on the attachment spammed the worm to e-mail addresses found in address books. [b]Bagle in 2004[/b] Estimated Damage: tens of millions of dollars Bagle infected users' systems using an e-mail attachment but then scoured Windows files for e-mail addresses it could use to replicate itself. However, the real damage came when it opened a back door to a TCP port that can be used by remote users and applications to access any kinds of data on the infected system.
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]This Topic Only Gives Information [/b] [b]The CIH virus in 1998[/b] Estimated Damage: $20 to $80 million worldwide; countless amounts of PC data destroyed It was unleashed from Taiwan in June of 1

[i]Whoa, so viruses really destroyed that much eh?[/i]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]This Topic Only Gives Information [/b] [b]The CIH virus in 1998[/b] Estimated Damage: $20 to $80 million worldwide; countless amounts of PC data destroyed It was unleashed from Taiwan in June of 1

yea.. good thing we have an anti-virus..
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]This Topic Only Gives Information [/b] [b]The CIH virus in 1998[/b] Estimated Damage: $20 to $80 million worldwide; countless amounts of PC data destroyed It was unleashed from Taiwan in June of 1

:thumbsup: thanksxx 4 da info......
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]This Topic Only Gives Information [/b] [b]The CIH virus in 1998[/b] Estimated Damage: $20 to $80 million worldwide; countless amounts of PC data destroyed It was unleashed from Taiwan in June of 1

[b]Fast fact: The ILOVEYOU virus was created by a Filipino. Don't believe me? Here is a Wikipedia article about it: [hr] ILOVEYOU virus In 1999, a student from AMA Computer College Makati named Onel de Guzman submitted a thesis proposal for the creation of a computer program that will hack into computer systems and extract vital information, particularly Internet Service accounts.[5] The proposal was unanimously rejected by the College of Computer Studies academic board. De Guzman was scheduled to complete his studies in 2000 and an academic subject called "THESIS A" was one of his final requirements before graduation. After AMA's graduation day on May 3, 2000, an email trojan called ILOVEYOU spread all throughout the globe and caused delays in several online transactions. The "ILOVEYOU" virus unleashed a flood of e-mail that hit at least 45 million users in at least 20 countries, according to one estimate. The virus started with "ILOVEYOU" in the subject line, but several variations appeared soon afterward, including one masquerading as an e-mail joke and another as a receipt for a Mother's Day gift. The virus both replicates itself and steals the user names and passwords of unsuspecting victims. The e-mail replies from angry virus recipients to the creator passed through a U.S. e-mail address, "isp-adm@mail.com", which then forwarded them to the two Access.Net (Philippine Internet Service Provider) e-mail accounts used by the virus creator - "spyder@super.net.ph" and "mailme@super.net.ph".[6] The virus, according to Guinness World Records, was the most widespread computer virus of all time.[citation needed] The virus was traced to an apartment room in downtown Manila. The tenant was Onel de Guzman. Guzman was invited by the Philippines' National Bureau of Investigation for questioning. De Guzman, in an interview, admitted spreading the virus "by accident".[7]. In reaction to the news, AMA expelled de Guzman from AMA Makati and considered him as "drop-out" for life. The NBI charged De Guzman for violation of Republic Act 8484 or the Access Devices Regulation Act on 1998.[8] But due to lack of sufficiency the Philippine Department of Justice dropped the charges as there was no clear laws regulating the World Wide Web. Due to this incident, June 14, 2000, Republic Act 8792 known as Philippine Electronic Commerce Act of 2000 was signed. [hr] Credits go to: Wikipedia.[/b]
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]This Topic Only Gives Information [/b] [b]The CIH virus in 1998[/b] Estimated Damage: $20 to $80 million worldwide; countless amounts of PC data destroyed It was unleashed from Taiwan in June of 1

[quote=Deviantangel1995]Fast fact: The ILOVEYOU virus was created by a Filipino. Don't believe me? Here is a Wikipedia article about it: ILOVEYOU virus In 1999, a student from AMA Computer College Makati named Onel de Guzman submitted a thesis proposal for the creation of a computer program that will hack into computer systems and extract vital information, particularly Internet Service accounts.[5] The proposal was unanimously rejected by the College of Computer Studies academic board. De Guzman was scheduled to complete his studies in 2000 and an academic subject called "THESIS A" was one of his final requirements before graduation. After AMA's graduation day on May 3, 2000, an email trojan called ILOVEYOU spread all throughout the globe and caused delays in several online transactions. The "ILOVEYOU" virus unleashed a flood of e-mail that hit at least 45 million users in at least 20 countries, according to one estimate. The virus started with "ILOVEYOU" in the subject line, but several variations appeared soon afterward, including one masquerading as an e-mail joke and another as a receipt for a Mother's Day gift. The virus both replicates itself and steals the user names and passwords of unsuspecting victims. The e-mail replies from angry virus recipients to the creator passed through a U.S. e-mail address, "isp-adm@mail.com", which then forwarded them to the two Access.Net (Philippine Internet Service Provider) e-mail accounts used by the virus creator - "spyder@super.net.ph" and "mailme@super.net.ph".[6] The virus, according to Guinness World Records, was the most widespread computer virus of all time.[citation needed] The virus was traced to an apartment room in downtown Manila. The tenant was Onel de Guzman. Guzman was invited by the Philippines' National Bureau of Investigation for questioning. De Guzman, in an interview, admitted spreading the virus "by accident".[7]. In reaction to the news, AMA expelled de Guzman from AMA Makati and considered him as "drop-out" for life. The NBI charged De Guzman for violation of Republic Act 8484 or the Access Devices Regulation Act on 1998.[8] But due to lack of sufficiency the Philippine Department of Justice dropped the charges as there was no clear laws regulating the World Wide Web. Due to this incident, June 14, 2000, Republic Act 8792 known as Philippine Electronic Commerce Act of 2000 was signed.[/quote] whoa.. such a shocking fact... he's so bright :lol: :lol: but.. did'nt he realized or think that it is wrong? naah.. why do people do this [b]crime??[/b](can i call it crime :question:)
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]This Topic Only Gives Information [/b] [b]The CIH virus in 1998[/b] Estimated Damage: $20 to $80 million worldwide; countless amounts of PC data destroyed It was unleashed from Taiwan in June of 1

[b][quote=tauruslady]whoa.. such a shocking fact... he's so bright :lol: :lol: but.. did'nt he realized or think that it is wrong? naah.. why do people do this crime??(can i call it crime :question:)[/quote] From now on it is a crime. Ever since he did it and the Philippines knew what viruses can do, they made a law about it. So yeah, it is a crime. My mom told me all about this, so I Googled AMA University, the school of Onel de Guzman, and then I saw this thread, so I shared the article here. He wasn't put into prison because before he did it, the law wasn't made yet so they can't imprison him. Also, did you know that this virus was able to hack into the Pentagon. :o Filipinos ARE smart but not in a very good way in this case. :/[/b]

Last edited by Deviantangel1995 (2008-05-22 09:52:27)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]This Topic Only Gives Information [/b] [b]The CIH virus in 1998[/b] Estimated Damage: $20 to $80 million worldwide; countless amounts of PC data destroyed It was unleashed from Taiwan in June of 1

^ The worm didn't really hack the pentagon. If I'm not mistaken the pentagon was force to shut down their servers because they were afraid that they get infected to it . I'm not sure but I've heard not only the pentagon also the CSI was force to shut down. It was to late that the world declares state of emergency, 10% of all internet user were already infected to it and that time the only way they knew to stop it from spreading was to keep reminding the people not to open suspicious mails. but just matter of time a man from Singapore i think, made a program to recover those damage files and restore it back. The title of the worm was also big factor why it spread so fast. who would suspect a mail saying that "i love you"? of course people would be fooled and open it thinking that someone really loves them. after clicking that attached file, bingo you're now victim of the great ILOVEYOU virus. after infecting the account, the worm automatically replicates itself and send another copy to all the addresses n the contact list of the said infected account. wow what a brilliant idea! But this kind of trick won't work now a days, almost all mail sites have their own anti-virus installed.

Last edited by Frazen (2008-05-22 18:50:32)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]This Topic Only Gives Information [/b] [b]The CIH virus in 1998[/b] Estimated Damage: $20 to $80 million worldwide; countless amounts of PC data destroyed It was unleashed from Taiwan in June of 1

[quote=Deviantangel1995]From now on it is a crime. Ever since he did it and the Philippines knew what viruses can do, they made a law about it. So yeah, it is a crime. My mom told me all about this, so I Googled AMA University, the school of Onel de Guzman, and then I saw this thread, so I shared the article here. He wasn't put into prison because before he did it, the law wasn't made yet so they can't imprison him. Also, did you know that this virus was able to hack into the Pentagon. :o Filipinos ARE smart but not in a very good way in this case. :/[/quote] [b]weee what a fact.. the virus really did shut down many computers!!! he's so brilliant =) i wonder how virus is made... :rolleyes: lol... i don't want to make one..i don't wanna make a CRIME :lol: just wondering...=|[/b]

Last edited by tauruslady (2008-05-22 21:27:38)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]This Topic Only Gives Information [/b] [b]The CIH virus in 1998[/b] Estimated Damage: $20 to $80 million worldwide; countless amounts of PC data destroyed It was unleashed from Taiwan in June of 1

[quote=Deviantangel1995]Fast fact: The ILOVEYOU virus was created by a Filipino. Don't believe me? Here is a Wikipedia article about it: ILOVEYOU virus In 1999, a student from AMA Computer College Makati named Onel de Guzman submitted a thesis proposal for the creation of a computer program that will hack into computer systems and extract vital information, particularly Internet Service accounts.[5] The proposal was unanimously rejected by the College of Computer Studies academic board. De Guzman was scheduled to complete his studies in 2000 and an academic subject called "THESIS A" was one of his final requirements before graduation. After AMA's graduation day on May 3, 2000, an email trojan called ILOVEYOU spread all throughout the globe and caused delays in several online transactions. The "ILOVEYOU" virus unleashed a flood of e-mail that hit at least 45 million users in at least 20 countries, according to one estimate. The virus started with "ILOVEYOU" in the subject line, but several variations appeared soon afterward, including one masquerading as an e-mail joke and another as a receipt for a Mother's Day gift. The virus both replicates itself and steals the user names and passwords of unsuspecting victims. The e-mail replies from angry virus recipients to the creator passed through a U.S. e-mail address, "isp-adm@mail.com", which then forwarded them to the two Access.Net (Philippine Internet Service Provider) e-mail accounts used by the virus creator - "spyder@super.net.ph" and "mailme@super.net.ph".[6] The virus, according to Guinness World Records, was the most widespread computer virus of all time.[citation needed] The virus was traced to an apartment room in downtown Manila. The tenant was Onel de Guzman. Guzman was invited by the Philippines' National Bureau of Investigation for questioning. De Guzman, in an interview, admitted spreading the virus "by accident".[7]. In reaction to the news, AMA expelled de Guzman from AMA Makati and considered him as "drop-out" for life. The NBI charged De Guzman for violation of Republic Act 8484 or the Access Devices Regulation Act on 1998.[8] But due to lack of sufficiency the Philippine Department of Justice dropped the charges as there was no clear laws regulating the World Wide Web. Due to this incident, June 14, 2000, Republic Act 8792 known as Philippine Electronic Commerce Act of 2000 was signed. Credits go to: Wikipedia.[/quote] yah Really i know That, I love Virus Is Created By A Filipino..
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]This Topic Only Gives Information [/b] [b]The CIH virus in 1998[/b] Estimated Damage: $20 to $80 million worldwide; countless amounts of PC data destroyed It was unleashed from Taiwan in June of 1

[quote=Frazen]^ The worm didn't really hack the pentagon. If I'm not mistaken the pentagon was force to shut down their servers because they were afraid that they get infected to it . I'm not sure but I've heard not only the pentagon also the CSI was force to shut down. It was to late that the world declares state of emergency, 10% of all internet user were already infected to it and that time the only way they knew to stop it from spreading was to keep reminding the people not to open suspicious mails. but just matter of time a man from Singapore i think, made a program to recover those damage files and restore it back. The title of the worm was also big factor why it spread so fast. who would suspect a mail saying that "i love you"? of course people would be fooled and open it thinking that someone really loves them. after clicking that attached file, bingo you're now victim of the great ILOVEYOU virus. after infecting the account, the worm automatically replicates itself and send another copy to all the addresses n the contact list of the said infected account. wow what a brilliant idea! But this kind of trick won't work now a days, almost all mail sites have their own anti-virus installed.[/quote] ^Is that so? Ok thanks for clarifying that. My mom just told me about the Pentagon thing all the rest were actually true. Our old windows 98 computer had that ILOVEYOU virus too but I just ignored it. Your right, he was brilliant for putting ILOVEYOU as the attached file. Who would have known such an innocent word would spread out to such great lengths. =)
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]This Topic Only Gives Information [/b] [b]The CIH virus in 1998[/b] Estimated Damage: $20 to $80 million worldwide; countless amounts of PC data destroyed It was unleashed from Taiwan in June of 1

[quote=Deviantangel1995]Your right, he was brilliant for putting ILOVEYOU as the attached file. Who would have known such an innocent word would spread out to such great lengths. =)[/quote] [b]haha.. im his idol :P jowks... naah... my mom also tells me that.. then i ask her why i love you virus is the name of it. then she said [i]" siguro dedicated yun sa mahal nya :lol: :lol: :lol:"[/i][/b]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]This Topic Only Gives Information [/b] [b]The CIH virus in 1998[/b] Estimated Damage: $20 to $80 million worldwide; countless amounts of PC data destroyed It was unleashed from Taiwan in June of 1

yah! The One Who Made I Love Code Virus Is Really Cool, He Should make her knowledge to make Some Good SoftWares, And Programs..
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]This Topic Only Gives Information [/b] [b]The CIH virus in 1998[/b] Estimated Damage: $20 to $80 million worldwide; countless amounts of PC data destroyed It was unleashed from Taiwan in June of 1

about that ILOVEYOU virus. i've read it in the time magazine. it was really bad because a filipino did it. the good about that is that he is so smart that he made that virus, becoming one of the the dangerous virus that has spread all over the world, i think.
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]This Topic Only Gives Information [/b] [b]The CIH virus in 1998[/b] Estimated Damage: $20 to $80 million worldwide; countless amounts of PC data destroyed It was unleashed from Taiwan in June of 1

[b]ILOVEYOU Virus Strikes The World[/b] The virus was first reported in Hong Kong and spread gradually west as a new day dawned, infecting government and business computers. Anti-virus companies in the United States fielded thousands of calls from corporate customers reporting widespread infections. Two anti-virus companies, Symantec, which makes Norton Anti-Virus, and F-Secure, have developed posted "virus definition" files for the "ILOVEYOU" virus, which is currently known to spread through the Microsoft Outlook e-mail program and through a popular Internet Relay Chat program. Those files have so-called "fingerprints" for the virus, allowing those programs to detect and eliminate it.
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]This Topic Only Gives Information [/b] [b]The CIH virus in 1998[/b] Estimated Damage: $20 to $80 million worldwide; countless amounts of PC data destroyed It was unleashed from Taiwan in June of 1

[align=center][i]whoa. virus. damn it![/i][/align]
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]This Topic Only Gives Information [/b] [b]The CIH virus in 1998[/b] Estimated Damage: $20 to $80 million worldwide; countless amounts of PC data destroyed It was unleashed from Taiwan in June of 1

OMG. Im planning to make a virus but I change my mind because I can be jailed. :crybaby: .But still, I will make a virus. =D. but not for public. A virus that cannot spread even attach to file so that the person that I just targeted will just be the one infected. =D

Last edited by networkmancer (2008-05-24 07:52:56)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]This Topic Only Gives Information [/b] [b]The CIH virus in 1998[/b] Estimated Damage: $20 to $80 million worldwide; countless amounts of PC data destroyed It was unleashed from Taiwan in June of 1

[quote=networkmancer]A virus that cannot spread even attach to file so that the person that I just targeted will just be the one infected.[/quote] weee that's safe :lol: it is on the "person" only.. and cannot be passed to someone else =) gudluck at making and publishing yer virus :lol: :lol: :lol:
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]This Topic Only Gives Information [/b] [b]The CIH virus in 1998[/b] Estimated Damage: $20 to $80 million worldwide; countless amounts of PC data destroyed It was unleashed from Taiwan in June of 1

[quote=networkmancer]OMG. Im planning to make a virus but I change my mind because I can be jailed. :crybaby: .But still, I will make a virus. =D. but not for public. A virus that cannot spread even attach to file so that the person that I just targeted will just be the one infected.[/quote] Wow That is Nice, If You Will Gonna Make A Virus Like That Would You Mine To share It?? LoL, Just Joking
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]This Topic Only Gives Information [/b] [b]The CIH virus in 1998[/b] Estimated Damage: $20 to $80 million worldwide; countless amounts of PC data destroyed It was unleashed from Taiwan in June of 1

[quote=Deviantangel1995]Fast fact: The ILOVEYOU virus was created by a Filipino. Don't believe me? Here is a Wikipedia article about it: ILOVEYOU virus In 1999, a student from AMA Computer College Makati named Onel de Guzman submitted a thesis proposal for the creation of a computer program that will hack into computer systems and extract vital information, particularly Internet Service accounts.[5] The proposal was unanimously rejected by the College of Computer Studies academic board. De Guzman was scheduled to complete his studies in 2000 and an academic subject called "THESIS A" was one of his final requirements before graduation. After AMA's graduation day on May 3, 2000, an email trojan called ILOVEYOU spread all throughout the globe and caused delays in several online transactions. The "ILOVEYOU" virus unleashed a flood of e-mail that hit at least 45 million users in at least 20 countries, according to one estimate. The virus started with "ILOVEYOU" in the subject line, but several variations appeared soon afterward, including one masquerading as an e-mail joke and another as a receipt for a Mother's Day gift. The virus both replicates itself and steals the user names and passwords of unsuspecting victims. The e-mail replies from angry virus recipients to the creator passed through a U.S. e-mail address, "isp-adm@mail.com", which then forwarded them to the two Access.Net (Philippine Internet Service Provider) e-mail accounts used by the virus creator - "spyder@super.net.ph" and "mailme@super.net.ph".[6] The virus, according to Guinness World Records, was the most widespread computer virus of all time.[citation needed] The virus was traced to an apartment room in downtown Manila. The tenant was Onel de Guzman. Guzman was invited by the Philippines' National Bureau of Investigation for questioning. De Guzman, in an interview, admitted spreading the virus "by accident".[7]. In reaction to the news, AMA expelled de Guzman from AMA Makati and considered him as "drop-out" for life. The NBI charged De Guzman for violation of Republic Act 8484 or the Access Devices Regulation Act on 1998.[8] But due to lack of sufficiency the Philippine Department of Justice dropped the charges as there was no clear laws regulating the World Wide Web. Due to this incident, June 14, 2000, Republic Act 8792 known as Philippine Electronic Commerce Act of 2000 was signed.[/quote] a filipino? cool haha he's a genius.. haha to create such a a bad thing ehehe... but im still amazed though.. hehehe
  • » [b]This Topic Only Gives Information [/b] [b]The CIH virus in 1998[/b] Estimated Damage: $20 to $80 million worldwide; countless amounts of PC data destroyed It was unleashed from Taiwan in June of 1

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