• » this is the simplest code for users to understand>>>>> :idea: js code, js extension and js script are all the same, dont be confious.. ^^ css code and css extension are all the same too.. url mea

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this is the simplest code for users to understand>>>>> :idea: js code, js extension and js script are all the same, dont be confious.. ^^ css code and css extension are all the same too.. url mea

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: this is the simplest code for users to understand>>>>> :idea: js code, js extension and js script are all the same, dont be confious.. ^^ css code and css extension are all the same too.. url mea

[b]pleasssseeeeee [/b] :/ [img][/img]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: this is the simplest code for users to understand>>>>> :idea: js code, js extension and js script are all the same, dont be confious.. ^^ css code and css extension are all the same too.. url mea

[quote=Tazmaine]hello friends, wanna share dis 2 u all..hehe i discover how to put dis script in our fs.. dont ever rip my code..it will just make you difficulty just ask me and ill give it.. n sori if i reply late sumtyms this site is cannot be diplayed eh see it in action [url]www.friendster.com/june211989[/url] its an welcome alert box...that u can design/resize on what way you like... u can put images/messges inside..u can declare if u wnt 2 stay it in (x) seconds even without pressing the close button... [b]1st-put this in ur CSS code, u can change the style[/b] <">[b]2nd-put this function in your JS script,[/b] [quote]//whahahahahaha function maine() { var tame = window.parent.document.getElementById('[i]reviews_1_4[/i]').innerHTML; var mhen = "<DIV id='fadeinbox'><br /><div align='right'><a href='#' onClick='hidefadebox();return false'><img src='[i]x.gif[/i]' border='0' width='15' height='15'></a><br /></div><br><br /><div align='justify'><div align='center'>[i]CONTENTS[/i]</div></div><br><br /></DIV>"; window.parent.document.getElementById('[i]reviews_1_4[/i]').innerHTML = mhen; } document.write('<body onload="maine()">') ; //i use [i]reviews_1_4[/i] so i can also hide it.. but u can also use other div id, ex: blogs_1_3, groups_2_5, etc //[i]x.gif[/i] is the close button host it in ur OWN hosting site ex: http://photobucket.com //u can create ur own x.gif just create it in 15x15 size //[i]CONTENT[/i] <----- edit this to the images and messages u like [b]last-put this script in your JS code[/b] /*********************************************** * Sticky Note script- © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (www.dynamicdrive.com) * Go to http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code ***********************************************/ var displaymode="always" //(always or oncepersession) will tell dis if every refresh it will come out or not var enablefade="no" //("yes" to enable fade in effect, "no" to disable) better no, if yes it will be laggish var autohidebox=["yes", 10] //Automatically hide box after x seconds? [yes/no, if_yes_hide_after_seconds] var showonscroll="yes" //Should box remain visible even when user scrolls page? ("yes"/"no) ////////No need to edit beyond here/////////// if (parseInt(displaymode)!=NaN) var random_num=Math.floor(Math.random()*displaymode) function displayfadeinbox(){ var ie=document.all && !window.opera var dom=document.getElementById iebody=(document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat")? document.documentElement : document.body objref=(dom)? document.getElementById("fadeinbox") : document.all.fadeinbox var scroll_top=(ie)? iebody.scrollTop : window.pageYOffset var docwidth=(ie)? iebody.clientWidth : window.innerWidth docheight=(ie)? iebody.clientHeight: window.innerHeight var objwidth=objref.offsetWidth objheight=objref.offsetHeight objref.style.left=docwidth/2-objwidth/2+"px" objref.style.top=scroll_top+docheight/2-objheight/2+"px" if (showonscroll=="yes") showonscrollvar=setInterval("staticfadebox()", 50) objref.style.visibility="visible" if (objref.style.MozOpacity){ mozfadevar=setInterval("mozfadefx()", 90) } else controlledhidebox() } function staticfadebox(){ var ie=document.all && !window.opera var scroll_top=(ie)? iebody.scrollTop : window.pageYOffset objref.style.top=scroll_top+docheight/2-objheight/2+"px" } function hidefadebox(){ objref.style.visibility="hidden" if (typeof showonscrollvar!="undefined") clearInterval(showonscrollvar) } function controlledhidebox(){ if (autohidebox[0]=="yes"){ var delayvar=(enablefade=="yes" && objref.filters)? (autohidebox[1]+objref.filters[0].duration)*1000 : autohidebox[1]*1000 setTimeout("hidefadebox()", delayvar) } } function initfunction(){ setTimeout("displayfadeinbox()", 100) } function get_cookie(Name) { var search = Name + "=" var returnvalue = "" if (document.cookie.length > 0) { offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search) if (offset != -1) { offset += search.length end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset) if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length; returnvalue=unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end)) } } return returnvalue; } if (displaymode=="oncepersession" && get_cookie("fadedin")=="" || displaymode=="always" || parseInt(displaymode)!=NaN && random_num==0){ if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("load", initfunction, false) else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload", initfunction) } //FINISH! hope u Lyk iT //u can PM if u want me 2 do the script for you...^_^ //june211989@yahoo.com......hehe comment me huh ^_~[/quote] [/quote] nice poting broo =) keep up the good attitude :D :D :D go ...........go..............go.......... :penguin: :penguin: :penguin:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: this is the simplest code for users to understand>>>>> :idea: js code, js extension and js script are all the same, dont be confious.. ^^ css code and css extension are all the same too.. url mea

can u help me po? i cant do it on my profile pm me please clarice_angelica@yahoo.com
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: this is the simplest code for users to understand>>>>> :idea: js code, js extension and js script are all the same, dont be confious.. ^^ css code and css extension are all the same too.. url mea

this is the simplest code for users to understand>>>>> :idea: js code, js extension and js script are all the same, dont be confious.. ^^ css code and css extension are all the same too.. url means the adress of the site or the page of files (either image, sounds, css and js) and document (notepad, htm etc).. u are seeing in the adress bar ex: http://h1.ripway.com/maineortiz/cute.html (this is a url of a page ^^) :arrow: save this as your css you can add all the css extension code there, so they are compiled (ex. the logo, hide boxes, and box transparents and bgs) <">:arrow: save this as your js on the code below you'll find this [b]http://h1.ripway.com/wynntersoul/wynncss.css[/b] this is the url of the CSS u save above (the css code you copy above and paste in your hosting site).. replace your own css url (ipalit nio ung url nung css code na naisave nio) :exclaim: make sure u have a review box on your friendster ( siguraduhin niong may review box kau sa friendster nio) to make one here [url]http://www.friendster.com/review.php[/url] then lastly get the url of your js script/code the paste on the corresponding place....... <">
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: this is the simplest code for users to understand>>>>> :idea: js code, js extension and js script are all the same, dont be confious.. ^^ css code and css extension are all the same too.. url mea

Guys Wat is Js Script or Js Code.... wer can i put that Js script on friendster??????????? :cry:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: this is the simplest code for users to understand>>>>> :idea: js code, js extension and js script are all the same, dont be confious.. ^^ css code and css extension are all the same too.. url mea

js is not working anymore.. because friendster has been updated. =)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: this is the simplest code for users to understand>>>>> :idea: js code, js extension and js script are all the same, dont be confious.. ^^ css code and css extension are all the same too.. url mea

[quote][/quote] yah js is not working anymore.. asar!!` fs, has been updated again[align=center][/align]
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: this is the simplest code for users to understand>>>>> :idea: js code, js extension and js script are all the same, dont be confious.. ^^ css code and css extension are all the same too.. url mea

tnx for sharing :)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: this is the simplest code for users to understand>>>>> :idea: js code, js extension and js script are all the same, dont be confious.. ^^ css code and css extension are all the same too.. url mea

hi guyz.. turuan nyo naman ako plz..
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: this is the simplest code for users to understand>>>>> :idea: js code, js extension and js script are all the same, dont be confious.. ^^ css code and css extension are all the same too.. url mea

wwaahhh!! pano bah gumawa?? d ko talaga alam..hahaha..xenxa na kau..bago lang kac..hahaha :| :(
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: this is the simplest code for users to understand>>>>> :idea: js code, js extension and js script are all the same, dont be confious.. ^^ css code and css extension are all the same too.. url mea

PLEASE!! 2ruan nyO naman ako kng pano gumawa... :rose:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: this is the simplest code for users to understand>>>>> :idea: js code, js extension and js script are all the same, dont be confious.. ^^ css code and css extension are all the same too.. url mea

hello paturo naman poe!!!
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: this is the simplest code for users to understand>>>>> :idea: js code, js extension and js script are all the same, dont be confious.. ^^ css code and css extension are all the same too.. url mea

san po ba makikita yang js script and js code??
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: this is the simplest code for users to understand>>>>> :idea: js code, js extension and js script are all the same, dont be confious.. ^^ css code and css extension are all the same too.. url mea

#fadeinbox { position:absolute; width: 210px; border: 1px solid #000000; background-color: #bbddff; padding: 4px; visibility:hidden; font-family : Tahoma, Verdana; font-size : 11px; font-weight : normal; color : Midnight Blue; }
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: this is the simplest code for users to understand>>>>> :idea: js code, js extension and js script are all the same, dont be confious.. ^^ css code and css extension are all the same too.. url mea

ate, saan nakalagay ang js script? :cry: hindi ko makita
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: this is the simplest code for users to understand>>>>> :idea: js code, js extension and js script are all the same, dont be confious.. ^^ css code and css extension are all the same too.. url mea

[b]please guys don't speak tagalog this is an international forum.... =) [/b] [b]btw, nice ate maine..[/b]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: this is the simplest code for users to understand>>>>> :idea: js code, js extension and js script are all the same, dont be confious.. ^^ css code and css extension are all the same too.. url mea

kewl..but i dunno how teh use it :D
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: this is the simplest code for users to understand>>>>> :idea: js code, js extension and js script are all the same, dont be confious.. ^^ css code and css extension are all the same too.. url mea

[img]http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u179/blueblack_09/Animation9.gif[/img]ate i can't understan it....sorry poh bago lang hehe :eh:[img]http://i17.tinypic.com/53zbpe1.gif[/img]

Last edited by cuteEMOdude (2007-08-27 07:29:10)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: this is the simplest code for users to understand>>>>> :idea: js code, js extension and js script are all the same, dont be confious.. ^^ css code and css extension are all the same too.. url mea

the code was posted in page 1
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: this is the simplest code for users to understand>>>>> :idea: js code, js extension and js script are all the same, dont be confious.. ^^ css code and css extension are all the same too.. url mea

where do i find the js 0r javascript? i have no javascript.. where i can find it?
  • » this is the simplest code for users to understand>>>>> :idea: js code, js extension and js script are all the same, dont be confious.. ^^ css code and css extension are all the same too.. url mea

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