• » I noticed lately (actually a long time ago) New Members on Ftalk do not introduce them selves and mostly post in wrong areas topic and threads. I kindly suggest before a new member can post anywhere

Pages: 12

I noticed lately (actually a long time ago) New Members on Ftalk do not introduce them selves and mostly post in wrong areas topic and threads. I kindly suggest before a new member can post anywhere

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

I noticed lately (actually a long time ago) New Members on Ftalk do not introduce them selves and mostly post in wrong areas topic and threads. I kindly suggest before a new member can post anywhere

I noticed lately (actually a long time ago) New Members on Ftalk do not introduce them selves and mostly post in wrong areas topic and threads. I kindly suggest before a new member can post anywhere at the forum like in the Friendster Design and Development Friendster Café Hobby and Entertainment FriendsterTalk.com I suggest they should have at least 5 post before they can access the other features of the site. My Idea 1) A Person joins and becomes a member 2) He/She can only see the sections FriendsterTalk Community and Friendster Regional 3) He/She can start posting there, introducing His/Her Self saying hello to Regional Members depending on His/Here Nationality. I think in this way we the mods can guide the New members to a good start hope you guys especially Sir Admin likes this small idea of mine =)
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I noticed lately (actually a long time ago) New Members on Ftalk do not introduce them selves and mostly post in wrong areas topic and threads. I kindly suggest before a new member can post anywhere

:arrow: [b]that would be nice if it is possible. i encounter lots of newbs in design and development posting in wrong sections.. also, there was this newb, warned by a member to post in the proper thread, but then the newb said she doesn't care if she's in the wrong thread. :rolleyes: [/b]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I noticed lately (actually a long time ago) New Members on Ftalk do not introduce them selves and mostly post in wrong areas topic and threads. I kindly suggest before a new member can post anywhere

^ Awtz.. how rude :retard: btw i agree. i always see newbies asking for help at the wrong section [and like what i had said at the backstage] i guess introducing first is a better one
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I noticed lately (actually a long time ago) New Members on Ftalk do not introduce them selves and mostly post in wrong areas topic and threads. I kindly suggest before a new member can post anywhere

Hmm... how I wish this will be a new feature someday :lol: =)

Last edited by Ephemeral (2008-02-29 22:23:50)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I noticed lately (actually a long time ago) New Members on Ftalk do not introduce them selves and mostly post in wrong areas topic and threads. I kindly suggest before a new member can post anywhere

Sounds like a good one... =) Hope the feature can be added to the forum. That is IF the BB forum allows it.
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I noticed lately (actually a long time ago) New Members on Ftalk do not introduce them selves and mostly post in wrong areas topic and threads. I kindly suggest before a new member can post anywhere

It is understandable that most newbies are not aware of such thing at this forum so they are posting topics and threads everywhere just to introduce and ask somethin', or anything... I highly agree with sir Ephemeral that those new features must be added. Just like here at school, we had "social orientation" for those freshmens to be aware about the school premises...
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I noticed lately (actually a long time ago) New Members on Ftalk do not introduce them selves and mostly post in wrong areas topic and threads. I kindly suggest before a new member can post anywhere

Some newbies are new to being a forumer... so they also encounter mistakes but, MODS warn them as soon as possible.
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I noticed lately (actually a long time ago) New Members on Ftalk do not introduce them selves and mostly post in wrong areas topic and threads. I kindly suggest before a new member can post anywhere

that's a very nice idea but sad to say PunBB don't have that option under group option/permission. here's the group option and permission page of a member: [img]http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh118/agent47agent/group.png[/img] the only solution to this is mods assigned to that specific section should always watch for new post and delete or move and if same topic exist merge it to that topic. if a thread/post seems nonsense.
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I noticed lately (actually a long time ago) New Members on Ftalk do not introduce them selves and mostly post in wrong areas topic and threads. I kindly suggest before a new member can post anywhere

^^ how sad.. PunBB doesnt have dat option... :cry: but still its a very nice idea ephe.. coz it will minimize mistakes.. ahmn.. how about a pop-up window of the rules and regulations for every newly registered member or be redirected n rules page..? :question: (sorry.. off topic)

Last edited by cUtiEshika (2008-01-02 22:29:30)

» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I noticed lately (actually a long time ago) New Members on Ftalk do not introduce them selves and mostly post in wrong areas topic and threads. I kindly suggest before a new member can post anywhere

[quote=Kamandag]that's a very nice idea but sad to say PunBB don't have that option under group option/permission. here's the group option and permission page of a member:[/quote] @kamandag wow, why are u nice to Ephemeral even his suggestion is not possible... Is just because his a Moderator? why are my suggestion's desen't even exist but you are not really polite? to reply.huh?. could you even said to him infront that Ephemeral's Suggestion is non-sense,,, i think naught. LOL :lol: .
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I noticed lately (actually a long time ago) New Members on Ftalk do not introduce them selves and mostly post in wrong areas topic and threads. I kindly suggest before a new member can post anywhere

[quote=nigga][quote=Kamandag]that's a very nice idea but sad to say PunBB don't have that option under group option/permission. here's the group option and permission page of a member:[/quote] @kamandag wow, why are u nice to Ephemeral even his suggestion is not possible... Is just because his a Moderator? why are my suggestion's desen't even exist but you are not really polite? to reply.huh?. could you even said to him infront that Ephemeral's Suggestion is non-sense,,, i think naught. LOL :lol: .[/quote] so nigga your saying that Ephe's Suggestion is Non-Sense? tsk tsk tsk :angry: :wallbash:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I noticed lately (actually a long time ago) New Members on Ftalk do not introduce them selves and mostly post in wrong areas topic and threads. I kindly suggest before a new member can post anywhere

[quote]@kamandag wow, why are u nice to Ephemeral even his suggestion is not possible... Is just because his a Moderator? why are my suggestion's desen't even exist but you are not really polite? to reply.huh?. could you even said to him infront that Ephemeral's Suggestion is non-sense,,, i think naught. LOL lol .[/quote] Cause Kami-sama stole so-called [s]respect[/s] from you on the Intarwebz Btw Congrats to the person revives this topic, really. He/she sucks imo. 'nuff said.

Last edited by ezil2007 (2008-01-03 01:37:36)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I noticed lately (actually a long time ago) New Members on Ftalk do not introduce them selves and mostly post in wrong areas topic and threads. I kindly suggest before a new member can post anywhere

[quote=nigga][quote=Kamandag]that's a very nice idea but sad to say PunBB don't have that option under group option/permission. here's the group option and permission page of a member:[/quote] @kamandag wow, why are u nice to Ephemeral even his suggestion is not possible... Is just because his a Moderator? why are my suggestion's desen't even exist but you are not really polite? to reply.huh?. could you even said to him infront that Ephemeral's Suggestion is non-sense,,, i think naught. LOL :lol: .[/quote] are you picking a fight again you whale shit? maybe Ephe have sense to talk and deserve a respect unlike you who has nothing but a tiny bits of brain who know nothing but shitting around here. you such an idiot persisting your mistake. no just me calls you nonsense but a lot of them for its true. you always posting non-topic related you stupid nigger. i'm trying to be nice here so don't you ever try to push me to my limit scumbag poser. @MODs sorry for this, i just can't let that [b]idiot shit-brain gay[/b] talk to me like that.

Last edited by Kamandag (2008-01-03 01:46:45)

» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I noticed lately (actually a long time ago) New Members on Ftalk do not introduce them selves and mostly post in wrong areas topic and threads. I kindly suggest before a new member can post anywhere

[quote=Kamandag][quote=nigga][quote=Kamandag]that's a very nice idea but sad to say PunBB don't have that option under group option/permission. here's the group option and permission page of a member:[/quote] @kamandag wow, why are u nice to Ephemeral even his suggestion is not possible... Is just because his a Moderator? why are my suggestion's desen't even exist but you are not really polite? to reply.huh?. could you even said to him infront that Ephemeral's Suggestion is non-sense,,, i think naught. LOL :lol: .[/quote] are you picking a fight again you whale shit? maybe Ephe have sense to talk and deserve a respect unlike you who has nothing but a tiny bits of brain who know nothing but shitting around here. you such an idiot persisting your mistake. no just me calls you nonsense but a lot of them for its true. you always posting non-topic related you stupid nigger. i'm trying to be nice here so don't you ever try to push me to my limit scumbag poser. @MODs sorry for this, i just can't let that [b]idiot shit-brain gay[/b] talk to me like that.[/quote] so how do you feel right now???.... harharhar like they just all said "Do unto others what they want to do unto you!" your feeling mad well I'm just being happy:lol: @offtopic... kamandag is [b]hard-headed[/b] i alredi said i'm not a nigger but she still does... ahuhauhau.... oh i forgut... would you try being nice to me also? oh well you can't help it.... you won't live at least one minuite being nice to me harharsss... :lol:. [u]and she is always at the bottom of my post[/u] :o :O :o , observe all section in this forum and see my post she is always at the dowmner part of my post :retard: .

Last edited by nigga (2008-01-03 02:03:48)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I noticed lately (actually a long time ago) New Members on Ftalk do not introduce them selves and mostly post in wrong areas topic and threads. I kindly suggest before a new member can post anywhere

i dont think kamandag is a she nigga. Anywhoo i think this suggestion would be good, if happens since ive seen newbies posting around gfx section and other section, oh w8, its not posting ... its more like spamming around :retard: There was this one chick, her name is marrie anne or something lyk that, she posted in my request thread saying " Welcome to friendstertalk " and apparently nigga and marrie anne is just one person =| Is this true nigga? You know I've been nice to you and everything, i even said something to the ones who keeps calling you gay names, and then i found out that half of what they said about you is probably true. But that's way offtopic.. lolers so for this topic. I just hope that this is possible, but according to kamandag's post.. its not :|

Last edited by alliana01 (2008-01-03 04:05:18)

» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I noticed lately (actually a long time ago) New Members on Ftalk do not introduce them selves and mostly post in wrong areas topic and threads. I kindly suggest before a new member can post anywhere

Marrie anne and me oh we she's my friend.... i try get a help from her because of this Kamandag.... so maybe we already have the same IP Adress cause she login in this computer... Marrie anne and me are one??? :lol: of course not if we are one marrie anne should be a member in friendstertalk since December 2007 but she registered @ October 2007 so we are not one... I just ask here if she could replace here YM with my YM so anybody would have any conversation with her will be automatically me. :o
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I noticed lately (actually a long time ago) New Members on Ftalk do not introduce them selves and mostly post in wrong areas topic and threads. I kindly suggest before a new member can post anywhere

:arrow: i think this is a suggestion thread. not a flame thread. am i right? =|
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I noticed lately (actually a long time ago) New Members on Ftalk do not introduce them selves and mostly post in wrong areas topic and threads. I kindly suggest before a new member can post anywhere

^ ur right mod =) this topic is getting spammy again because of that niggers! :evil: :thumbsdown: @suggestion: i agree to u ephe! :thumbsup: but [quote=kamandag]PunBB don't have that option[/quote] :o :wasted:

Last edited by john_619619 (2008-01-03 08:41:53)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I noticed lately (actually a long time ago) New Members on Ftalk do not introduce them selves and mostly post in wrong areas topic and threads. I kindly suggest before a new member can post anywhere

[quote=Ephemeral]I noticed lately (actually a long time ago) New Members on Ftalk do not introduce them selves and mostly post in wrong areas topic and threads.[/quote] ^me too..i even saw some wrong posts at Friendster Philippines,and even some posts wrong toopics at wrong sections.i agree with your idea..
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I noticed lately (actually a long time ago) New Members on Ftalk do not introduce them selves and mostly post in wrong areas topic and threads. I kindly suggest before a new member can post anywhere

wow this is a nice suggestion.. this could lessen unwanted posts.. :D
  • » I noticed lately (actually a long time ago) New Members on Ftalk do not introduce them selves and mostly post in wrong areas topic and threads. I kindly suggest before a new member can post anywhere

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