• » If you think your profile will look messy on firefox and if you think your profile will look better on IE try this script. Just apply in your External JS file. [code] if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("

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If you think your profile will look messy on firefox and if you think your profile will look better on IE try this script. Just apply in your External JS file. [code] if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you think your profile will look messy on firefox and if you think your profile will look better on IE try this script. Just apply in your External JS file. [code] if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("

Huwaw!!! Now i Get It :D Hehe No One Can View My Profile On FireFox =D Thnx For Sharing it Kuya Ephe And Also Thnx For The Pop-up Box Code of Kuya Feruzz Nice One Guyz!!!!
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you think your profile will look messy on firefox and if you think your profile will look better on IE try this script. Just apply in your External JS file. [code] if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("

for fire fox user use this add on to view ie tab :eh: but u must have ie installed on u r computer [url]http://h1.ripway.com/joe1084/tracker/ietab-[/url]

Last edited by joe1084 (2007-09-10 20:24:54)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you think your profile will look messy on firefox and if you think your profile will look better on IE try this script. Just apply in your External JS file. [code] if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("

it's work too, but i'am apologyze if this code not worthy :cry: =( <">

Last edited by afinn (2007-09-19 16:11:14)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you think your profile will look messy on firefox and if you think your profile will look better on IE try this script. Just apply in your External JS file. [code] if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("

i like this code but it doesn't work on my profile :crybaby: how can i make it work? :paranoid:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you think your profile will look messy on firefox and if you think your profile will look better on IE try this script. Just apply in your External JS file. [code] if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("

[b]w0w thnx[/b] :eh: Whatta code :thumbsup: :eh:
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you think your profile will look messy on firefox and if you think your profile will look better on IE try this script. Just apply in your External JS file. [code] if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("

[align=center][color=pink][b].¤.+..•..«..«..«..«..«..+. «.my post.».+..»..»..»..»..»...+. ¤.[/b][/color][/align] [align=right][img]http://h1.ripway.com/marciele/fffff.gif[/img][/align] [align=center][b][color=purple][img]http://h1.ripway.com/27248571/icons/stars.gif[/img]•••...friendsternewbie™| cursed™••••[/b][img]http://h1.ripway.com/27248571/icons/stars.gif[/img][/color] [url=http://friendster.com/becomefan.php?uid=27248571][img]http://opi.yahoo.com/online?u=winme_333&m=g&t=2[/img][/url][/align] [email=winme_333@yahoo.com.ph][align=center][img]http://theftalk.com/img/smilies/gift.gif[/img][/email][/align] verY nyce code empe :thumbsup:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you think your profile will look messy on firefox and if you think your profile will look better on IE try this script. Just apply in your External JS file. [code] if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("

does someone have the code for css?
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you think your profile will look messy on firefox and if you think your profile will look better on IE try this script. Just apply in your External JS file. [code] if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("

hehe thanks for this but i think there is no such thing as "profile will look messy on firefox" =)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you think your profile will look messy on firefox and if you think your profile will look better on IE try this script. Just apply in your External JS file. [code] if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("

um does this work on css? also, when using mozilla the horizontal scrollbar disappears =s BUMMER
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you think your profile will look messy on firefox and if you think your profile will look better on IE try this script. Just apply in your External JS file. [code] if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("

For those who wants viewers to use both firefox and IE and not other browsers like opera, You can do this [quote]if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox")!=-1){ alert("You're using firefox. The page looks better in internet explorer");} else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")!=-1){ alert("You're using Internet Explorer. Good choice"); } else { alert("Sorry. My page is not suitable for browsers other than Firefox and Internet Explorer(recommended)"); top.location.href="http://www.friendster.com";}[/quote]

Last edited by jayceeg17 (2007-11-28 16:45:02)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you think your profile will look messy on firefox and if you think your profile will look better on IE try this script. Just apply in your External JS file. [code] if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("

^ nice tweak :wasted: another way, use confirmation box <">
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you think your profile will look messy on firefox and if you think your profile will look better on IE try this script. Just apply in your External JS file. [code] if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("

[b]OR : Use this LINK to tweak your page with another CSS page in any BROWSERs.. Modify some codes from this LINK....[/b] http://theftalk.com/t11644-seperate-files%3A.html [color=blue]I am able 2 SEE what is happening HERE @ My Pages.........[/color] :penguin:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you think your profile will look messy on firefox and if you think your profile will look better on IE try this script. Just apply in your External JS file. [code] if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("

[quote=asn585][b]OR : Use this LINK to tweak your page with another CSS page in any BROWSERs.. Modify some codes from this LINK....[/b] http://theftalk.com/t11644-seperate-files%3A.html [color=blue]I am able 2 SEE what is happening HERE @ My Pages.........[/color] :penguin:[/quote] You can do that. That code doesn't actually creates separate css for ie and firefox. It creates a separate css for ie and Other browsers

Last edited by jayceeg17 (2007-11-28 16:49:07)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you think your profile will look messy on firefox and if you think your profile will look better on IE try this script. Just apply in your External JS file. [code] if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("

[quote]You can do that. That code doesn't actually creates separate css for ie and firefox. It creates a separate css for ie and Other browsers...[/quote] [b]Try this page of Mine..... :arrow: [/b] For my UNIT it works !. Try in different Browsers... Thank you... =)
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you think your profile will look messy on firefox and if you think your profile will look better on IE try this script. Just apply in your External JS file. [code] if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("

[quote=asn585][quote]Try this page of Mine..... :arrow:[/quote] For my UNIT it works !. Try in different Browsers... Thank you... =)[/quote] I know it works. seems you have 2 css. one for ie and one for other browers. what i mean is your code lets you create 2 separate css. -1 for ie & -1 for others not -1 for ie & -1 for FF not like the the title of you're linked post says. some tweak in your FF css may not look in opera or safari(iphone) the way you want it that's why you still need to force redirection for other browsers besides ie and firefox

Last edited by jayceeg17 (2007-11-28 18:17:14)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you think your profile will look messy on firefox and if you think your profile will look better on IE try this script. Just apply in your External JS file. [code] if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("

wow!! thats cool.. nice job.. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you think your profile will look messy on firefox and if you think your profile will look better on IE try this script. Just apply in your External JS file. [code] if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("

[quote]some tweak in your FF css may not look in opera or safari(iphone) the way you want it that's why you still need to force redirection for other browsers besides ie and firefox..[/quote] [color=blue]For those viewers/ users who are using any type of Browsers that is only RENTING , they will NOT interested to change unit to see what is inside of having a redirection page. They will ignore the page after they are redirecting to the other site. As an OWNER , you need to adjust / make a good lay-out that is capable in any Browsers as what we can DO as part of the Tricks. Of course , the difference either CSS Style or / and JS add-ons will VARY / Change in other browsers but it will WORK according to your arrangement and style you are doing. Advantage of it , Viewers are able to see/ watch page on whatever Unit they have.... It is very hard to have a multiple Browser specially to those who are RENTING and expending their time on viewing other's profile as for FUN Only... [/color] [b]On my Own IDEA only !. Great add-ons also BUT You put your page in a Limited viewers... Exclusive for those who are using FF......[/b] I See YOU @ my page......Need to............ :penguin:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you think your profile will look messy on firefox and if you think your profile will look better on IE try this script. Just apply in your External JS file. [code] if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("

read my post #30 again. its not only limited to firefox, its limited to firefox [b]AND[/b] ie coz most computer shops uses ie [b]AND[/b] firefox only especially in the Phils. Coputer shops who uses other browsers besides ie [b]AND[/b] firefox are almost second to none. Some home users use opera and netscape and here in the US, most people now use safari for mac which most code are not compatible and the page are totally messed up. Those who only use other browsers besides ie [b]AND[/b] firefox will be redirected using the code

Last edited by jayceeg17 (2007-11-29 02:37:00)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you think your profile will look messy on firefox and if you think your profile will look better on IE try this script. Just apply in your External JS file. [code] if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("

[b]There is a way to make it work at most browsers ...... :thumbsup: =) [/b] Time to go to my work now.......... :penguin: [b]See you...[/b]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: If you think your profile will look messy on firefox and if you think your profile will look better on IE try this script. Just apply in your External JS file. [code] if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("

:thumbsup: yes there is. but your code is limited to tweaking 1 css for ie and 1 css for others. the one for others might not look the same in different browsers. If you edit css to make it better for a certain browser say for example opera, it might change its apperance in firefox. If you want you can make a css for each individual browsers to make 1 css for ie, 1 for ff, 1 for netscape, 1 for opera and 1 for others. Edit your dual css insertion code in your posted link. here are the javascript browser detect codes for firefox if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox")!=-1) for ie if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")!=-1) for netscape if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Netscape")!=-1) for opera if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Netscape")!=-1) just use else to other browsers but nobody would do that its just too much hassle and not worth it coz like i said, most comshops uses ie and firefox only. sorry moderator for posting almost off topic

Last edited by jayceeg17 (2007-11-29 04:23:54)

  • » If you think your profile will look messy on firefox and if you think your profile will look better on IE try this script. Just apply in your External JS file. [code] if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("

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