» Not sure if this thread is acceptable but...
Talk about your single life rightt here! :lol:
Share those who are still single
because it's their will or their just out of luck. :lol:
Not sure if this thread is acceptable but...
Talk about your single life rightt here! :lol:
Share those who are still single
because it's their will or their just out of luck. :lol:
Re: Not sure if this thread is acceptable but...
Talk about your single life rightt here! :lol:
Share those who are still single
because it's their will or their just out of luck. :lol:
Re: Not sure if this thread is acceptable but...
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Share those who are still single
because it's their will or their just out of luck. :lol:
still single ......
and available...!!!
hell yeah ..
hahaha ..
my love life ???
'self supporting.....'
Re: Not sure if this thread is acceptable but...
Talk about your single life rightt here! :lol:
Share those who are still single
because it's their will or their just out of luck. :lol:
Re: Not sure if this thread is acceptable but...
Talk about your single life rightt here! :lol:
Share those who are still single
because it's their will or their just out of luck. :lol:
i enjoying my single life ... hihi
its better to be single than getting into relationship w/ someone you dont love ...
Re: Not sure if this thread is acceptable but...
Talk about your single life rightt here! :lol:
Share those who are still single
because it's their will or their just out of luck. :lol:
i'm single.. AGAIN.. hihi. im a newbie.
he brke up with me last sat. i don understand why.
but i think im better off without him.
Re: Not sure if this thread is acceptable but...
Talk about your single life rightt here! :lol:
Share those who are still single
because it's their will or their just out of luck. :lol:
its fun to be single actually! im starting to love it! hehe.
Re: Not sure if this thread is acceptable but...
Talk about your single life rightt here! :lol:
Share those who are still single
because it's their will or their just out of luck. :lol:
..count me in..i'm single..i don't want to hve love relationship 4 now..
it always give me heartache & headache...much better to be single..free from doubts&worries..
Re: Not sure if this thread is acceptable but...
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Share those who are still single
because it's their will or their just out of luck. :lol:
[b]N0 Boyfriends[/b]
Wakoko~ they were just HEADACHES and PAIN. they dont give anything but just TROUBLE
Re: Not sure if this thread is acceptable but...
Talk about your single life rightt here! :lol:
Share those who are still single
because it's their will or their just out of luck. :lol:
hello to all.... i am single [url]http://friendster.com/tursunder[/url]
Re: Not sure if this thread is acceptable but...
Talk about your single life rightt here! :lol:
Share those who are still single
because it's their will or their just out of luck. :lol:
Single for [b][u]13[/u][/b] years now. (Since I was born)
I always reject those who do [i]"ligaw"[/i] on me. (lol is it teh right term?)
I will only say yes if I've known that person for a long time, I haev a close relationship with him, and if he knows me well. TOO well.
So far I only haev crushes.
Re: Not sure if this thread is acceptable but...
Talk about your single life rightt here! :lol:
Share those who are still single
because it's their will or their just out of luck. :lol:
Re: Not sure if this thread is acceptable but...
Talk about your single life rightt here! :lol:
Share those who are still single
because it's their will or their just out of luck. :lol:
Re: Not sure if this thread is acceptable but...
Talk about your single life rightt here! :lol:
Share those who are still single
because it's their will or their just out of luck. :lol:
[quote=blancheee48]Single for 13 years now. (Since I was born)
I always reject those who do "ligaw" on me. (lol is it teh right term?)
I will only say yes if I've known that person for a long time, I haev a close relationship with him, and if he knows me well. TOO well.
So far I only haev crushes.[/quote]
wahahahaha....same here sis!!! I always reject my "manliligaws".... wehehehehe.... NBSB club!! No boyfriend since birth... 14 going on 15 years of bein single... wehehehehe...and lovin it!!
Re: Not sure if this thread is acceptable but...
Talk about your single life rightt here! :lol:
Share those who are still single
because it's their will or their just out of luck. :lol:
Re: Not sure if this thread is acceptable but...
Talk about your single life rightt here! :lol:
Share those who are still single
because it's their will or their just out of luck. :lol:
Re: Not sure if this thread is acceptable but...
Talk about your single life rightt here! :lol:
Share those who are still single
because it's their will or their just out of luck. :lol:
a lot of times.. i want to be single..
coz i feel liek im married na.. lol
but cant take it..
i sooo uber love my bf
Re: Not sure if this thread is acceptable but...
Talk about your single life rightt here! :lol:
Share those who are still single
because it's their will or their just out of luck. :lol:
nice to know there are many singles out here...
single because of my own decision.
Re: Not sure if this thread is acceptable but...
Talk about your single life rightt here! :lol:
Share those who are still single
because it's their will or their just out of luck. :lol:
[b]beiNg siNgLe iS fuN..
nO tEaRs tO wasTe
[quote]tO faLL iN lOve nakApaDaLi
weN yOu geT maRried kawAwA ka
weN yOU geT misTake iiyak ka
sO take my aDvice
make iT mOre bF [/b]][/quote]
Re: Not sure if this thread is acceptable but...
Talk about your single life rightt here! :lol:
Share those who are still single
because it's their will or their just out of luck. :lol:
being single is cool...but sometimes it get's lonely
althought i dont understand why since before we had relationships
we survived ...heheh...i guess it's different when you really experienced it..
Re: Not sure if this thread is acceptable but...
Talk about your single life rightt here! :lol:
Share those who are still single
because it's their will or their just out of luck. :lol:
» Not sure if this thread is acceptable but...
Talk about your single life rightt here! :lol:
Share those who are still single
because it's their will or their just out of luck. :lol: