[quote=planetoheaven]met malam semua nya ?
eh ada arca, andy , nurul , rio , freeya , betex[/quote]
hofh malah nongkrong
dasar ingan dudul...

[quote=•BaguZharuman•™]4ryad1, abdhechoxs, adde, alfaredo, betex, Burningheart, decky, diansyah, febrian, Freeya, Gorbimz, jalaljalil, mike nolan, ondenk_ajjah, planetoheaven, pleydz, ryno, TA Juleigtin Siahaan, ymm0t, and 2 guests are viewing this forum section.[/quote]
thx udah di absenin

salam kenal sebelum na :rose:
[quote=betex]ya jelas dah to bro,,,,,
jangan2 lo sendiri yang belom mandi,,,,,,,
hhaa gue emank blum mandi tapi bauk gue harum

gimana ama jerman polandia


hofh dasar