There, I found the dead thread that's similar to this one. Its here:
Let me repost my answer to that poll:
- [b]Intro:[/b]
I loved hiphop. but i was not about the 'gangstah' elament

, its because of the 'rap' part of it. its becuz rappin will let you say a lot (literally) and deliver your message easily that way. and i was in the dark side of rapping. not rappin about shorties or homies or blingblings or how you dodged bullets from a drive-by or yelling "shake yer ass!" (i would like to never hear that phrase in another hiphop song ever again..

) or etc, but some nice sounding beats that are worth the respect are exceptions

"[i]But rappin over rock doesnt make you a pioneer,
cuz rock and hip hop have collaborated for years..[/i]"
- from the song [b]Step Up[/b] by Mike Shinoda (<-Linkin Park's 2nd vocalist)
Yup, what Mike said was true. hiphop and rock had already been collaborating for years (way back from the collaboration of the metal band Anthrax and hiphop duo Public Enemy in the late 80's) and even until now (eg. Linkin Park and Jay-Z, etc). I have always loved the mashing of the two genres. bands that sound metal and hiphop at the same time are ones that cant be missing on my playlist, like Linkin Park, Korn, Limp Bizkit, Slapshock, and the like. the element of rapping in hiphop with the heavy chugs of metal is indeed music to my ears.
- [b]At Topic:[/b]
Well, this is a debate, so gotta choose a side. and that side obviously, is the RoCk side \m/,
when i first got hold of and learned to play an electric guitar, i knew rock music is the sound that i am.
when i was a kid my uncles used to play loud their favorite cassette tapes of Metallica, Pantera, Dream Theater, Iron Maiden, and the like almost everyday on our house

. those sounds i hear had been playing on my head, although i am not able to memorize the lyrics nor even remember the title of those songs. because of that (since i was just one of those innocent little kids back then who is just starting to learn from the world), rock became my definition of music.
fast forward. all of us grew with age. and along with our growth is the growth of rock music as well. rock branched out into different sub genres like metal, punk, alternative, etc, which also branched out different sub genres as well (heavy metal, thrash metal, hardcore, goth rock, popunk, emo punk, etc). i have tried to experiment on the different sub genres of rock to find which was my place, listening and playing to the different styles of every genre, and i must say that most of them have made me love the rock music even more.
but regardless of the different sub genres there is, rock became one of the best methods of expression for everyone. whether he/she is a sentimental, a simple jammer, or the rockcore mosher, rock has always been there for them, and they will always be there for rock as well.
music is my first love, and rock music was the one i first made loved with

[b]Rock[/b] will always [b]rock[/b] \m/,(//_^).\m/
[i]Originally posted on the first day of 2007.[/i]
Last edited by FoRsAkEnKiD (2007-05-15 07:11:29)