Re: [b][/b][u][/u]
:P eluu.. newbiE huRr.!cnu pde quh mginG friends.??
hehe.Or adD me up pu.mwuuaa@yahOo.cOm.
tenks.mwua.!! :kiss:
Hi there! welcome to ftalk..
enjoy and have fun
btw please read rules [url=]here[/url]
coz sticky caps is now allowed here as well as posting in tagalog
hope u understand!
Re: [b][/b][u][/u]
:P eluu.. newbiE huRr.!cnu pde quh mginG friends.??
hehe.Or adD me up pu.mwuuaa@yahOo.cOm.
tenks.mwua.!! :kiss:
Nice you could join us at FTalk.
But please [b][u]read and understand[/u][/b] the [b]Forum Rules[/b].
[b]See the RULES link at the top blue navigation bar.[/b] :idea: