:rose: [b]story of the year[/b] :rose: [b]Until The Day I Die[/b]

hofh liric na kena bgt

demen ama liric di part yg

[quote]Until the day I die (Until the day I die)
I'll spill my heart for you
Until the day I die (Until the day I die)
I'll spill my heart for you[/quote]
[b]dengerin lagu ini disaat deket dan gandengan tangan ama pacar wah so sweet bgt[/b]

syank live di jkt [b]5 jun 2008 19:30
Istora Senayan Sport Hall Jakarta[/b]
kagak bisa lihat

kantong lagi cekak

dasar apessssssss
Last edited by Burningheart (2008-06-02 09:31:20)