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[quote]I made this for members who are still new with Photoshop. I will put some of the meanings of the Effects here. I don't know if I call it correctly so, do correct me about it.[/quote]
▪ Adobe Photoshop [[i]Any Version[/i]]
▪ Patience
[b]Blending Options: Default[/b] - You can edit & modify the transparency/opacity here & blend modes.
More Information : [url=http://www.arraich.com/effects1/blending.htm][b]Here[/b][/url]
[b]Drop Shadow[/b] - You can add this to make an outer shadow/drop shadow on your images/texts. But mostly use for text effects.
More Information : [url=http://www.arraich.com/effects1/dropshadow.htm][b]Here[/b][/url]
[i]Here's my Example of Drop Shadow:[/i]
[b]Inner Shadow[/b] - It adds an inner shadow to your graphics like texts & images. You can modify some styles & distance of it.
More information : [url=http://www.arraich.com/effects1/innershadow.htm][b]Here[/b][/url]
[i]Here's my Example of Inner Shadow:[/i]
[b]Outer Glow[/b] - It makes your graphics glow. You can adjust some levels of it & you can change the colors of the glow.
More Information : [url=http://www.arraich.com/effects1/outerglow.htm][b]Here[/b][/url]
[i]Here's my Example of Outer Glow:[/i]
[b]Inner Glow[/b] - You can add this effect if you want to make your graphics glow inside. Just adjust the levels incase you're not satisfied of it.
More Information : [url=http://www.arraich.com/effects1/innerglow.htm][b]Here[/b][/url]
[i]Here's my Example of Inner Glow:[/i]
[b]Bevel and Emboss[/b] - To make your graphics look 3D/beveled, just add this by checking the box. You can adjust the levels to make it more shiny or darker.
More Information : [url=http://www.arraich.com/effects1/bevelandemboss.htm][b]Here[/b][/url]
[i]Here's my Example of Bevel and Emboss:[/i]
Bevel and Emboss | [b]Contour[/b] - Add this to vary the tones within the effect to simulate an uneven gloss reflection.
More Information : [url=http://www.arraich.com/effects1/contour.htm][b]Here[/b][/url]
[i]Here's my Example of Contoured Bevel Graphics:[/i]
Bevel and Emboss | [b]Texture[/b] - Use this to add some Textures on beveled graphics.
More Information : [url=http://www.arraich.com/effects1/texture.htm][b]Here[/b][/url]
[i]Here's my Example of Textured Bevel Graphics:[/i]
[b]Satin[/b] - This effect is supposed to give the impression of a smooth, wavy surface. It uses heavily blurred and partially transparent tones with a repeating contour to do this.
More Information : [url=http://www.arraich.com/effects1/satin.htm][b]Here[/b][/url]
[i]Here's my Example of Satin:[/i]
[b]Color Overlay[/b] - This is a very simple effect with only a few options to set. It is often used as part of a style to set the color that will be applied as the layer’s fill.
More information : [url=http://www.arraich.com/effects1/coloroverlay.htm][b]Here[/b][/url]
[i]Here's my Example of Color Overlay:[/i]
[b]Gradient Overlay[/b] - You can add this effect if you want your graphic to add some gradient effects. Click the little Down-Arrow beside the gradient image then pick what kind of gradient you want.
More Information : [url=http://www.arraich.com/effects1/gradientoverlay.htm][b]Here[/b][/url]
[i]Here's my Example of Gradient Overlay:[/i]
[b]Pattern Overlay[/b] - This can add some patterns on your graphic. You can just click the Thumbnail of it or the little Down-Arrow to pick a pattern. Your can always lower the opacity to make it not too dark or not to have too much of the pattern.
More Information : [url=http://www.arraich.com/effects1/patternoverlay.htm][b]Here[/b][/url]
[i]Here's my Example of Pattern Overlay:[/i]
[b]Stroke[/b] - This is a very simple effect for your graphic. You can add this if you want to have a border on your graphic like texts or images. You can change the Position of the stroke if it can't be seen or others. Adjust the size if you want it to become bigger or smaller. & You can also change the color of it. You may make the stroke's fill type into a pattern or gradient.
More Information : [url=http://www.arraich.com/effects1/stroke.htm][b]Here[/b][/url]
[i]Here's my Example of Stroke:[/i]
[b]For Clearer views of the [i]Blending Options[/i] Palettes :
1. [url]http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll114/LOUiiZe-27/Tutorials/Blending%20Options/1default-1.png[/url]
2. [url]http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll114/LOUiiZe-27/Tutorials/Blending%20Options/2dropshadow-1.png[/url]
3. [url]http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll114/LOUiiZe-27/Tutorials/Blending%20Options/3innershadow-1.png[/url]
4. [url]http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll114/LOUiiZe-27/Tutorials/Blending%20Options/4outerglow-1.png[/url]
5. [url]http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll114/LOUiiZe-27/Tutorials/Blending%20Options/5innerglow-1.png[/url]
6. [url]http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll114/LOUiiZe-27/Tutorials/Blending%20Options/6bevelemboss-1.png[/url]
6-1. [url]http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll114/LOUiiZe-27/Tutorials/Blending%20Options/6-1bevelemboss-contour-1.png[/url]
6-2. [url]http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll114/LOUiiZe-27/Tutorials/Blending%20Options/6-2bevelemboss-texture-1.png[/url]
7. [url]http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll114/LOUiiZe-27/Tutorials/Blending%20Options/7satin-1.png[/url]
8. [url]http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll114/LOUiiZe-27/Tutorials/Blending%20Options/8coloroverlay-1.png[/url]
9. [url]http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll114/LOUiiZe-27/Tutorials/Blending%20Options/9gradientoverlay-1.png[/url]
10. [url]http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll114/LOUiiZe-27/Tutorials/Blending%20Options/10patternoverlay-1.png[/url]
11. [url]http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll114/LOUiiZe-27/Tutorials/Blending%20Options/11stroke-1.png[/url][/b]
[quote][align=center][b]Moderators[/b] : You can close this thread if it's not rightful here or if there is already a thread related to this.
Please don't Redistribute this without my permission because I worked hard to search for it & compile it here.
Feedbacks & suggestions are highly appreciated.
Sorry because It's too long.
It took some time to take the screenshots & compile it so..
Please don't make rude comments.
Hope this helps new users of Photoshop.
You can try this, off-course.
Happy graphic making.

▪ [url=http://theftalk.com/p=76847][b]Me[/b][/url] - [i]For compiling, making the Screenshots & Defining/Making the meanings the Effects.[/i]
▪ [url=http://www.arraich.com/][b]Jay Arraich[/b][/url] - [i]For some informations[/i]
▪ [url=http://adobe.com/][b]Adobe Photoshop[/b][/url] - [i]For helping & making the graphics.[/i]
▪ [url=http://photobucket.com/][b]Photobucket[/b][/url] - [i]For image uploading.[/i]
▪ [url=http://google.com/][b]Google[/b][/url] - [i]For helping me a lot. For the fonts, searching, & others.[/i]
Last edited by forsakendoll (2010-03-16 08:43:00)