[quote]@rachel: tagalog?

yaw ching ui. not worth your time.
joke lng

@sis jhay: hahaha sure.

so ayun.. i fell. and wow.

he catched me. no wait. dipped me (yes, a dippage).
"er.. you ok?"
hindi ako nakasagot kasi.. kasi... siya si....

and plus, hindi ako nakasagot..dahil hindi niya ako pinatayo.. o binitiwan.
& woooah. ano toh? a wink.?! (yes, a winkage.)
"please put me down." nakakahiya nman ito oh. it was like the whole school was looking at us.

so he put me down and grinned. gahh

"aba. aba. aba... you`re so dramatic ha.? falling effect ka pa... landi mo.!

" eto nanaman si Eva.
then biglang nag rescue si... Keif..

what the...
"eh kasi nman., hu wouldnt fall sa lakas ng push ng best friend mo..." then he turned to Clio "seriously, mag-diet ka nga.!

Clio Morgan is Eva`s best friend.

Keifer was just joking around..
Clio was the thinnest yet strongest FEMALE in school.
& we`re all jelous.

" then she looked at Eva. (seriously. i love it when these two fight. really.

) "sorry. i didnt mean nman to let he-----"
"shut up.! don`t ever talk to me... not until i decided to forgive you" David, Me & Keifer was just.... staring. and trying not to laugh.
"why do i always follow you.?! cant i make my own decisions.?~!" wooah. unexpected. i turned to Keif to sa--- what the.. he`s capturing the "moment".

she continued "if we are best friends., & share the same qualities... you should f*ck*ng understand. you know what. im sick of--- Turn that f*cking Camera off.!" then biglang tumawa lahat ng students.!
"your ruining me.!

" Eva said...
"well. i`ve been waiting for that moment to happen.. i hate you, Eva. dont talk to me anymore" wooohoo~! go Clio.

"b-but Clio.." what the... she`s flirting with girls.! HAHA
Clio just walked away., no tears. no sobs. just a very big SMILE.
"you." she pointed at me. "you`re the reason why.!"
"its always me nman eh. its always Clio. its always Keif. its always EVERYONE. well, except you & David. but you get the idea. you transfer your problems to OTHERS." omg. did i say that. did i. did i..
"you`re so me---"
"no im not. you are. you`re the reason why our friendship got ruined.!" im pretty glad i said it na.
Eva just ran.. & cried.
then Clio reappeared. & apologized to everyone.

Clio is the good one. but always. always. follows Eva.
and she was sick of it.,
everyone cheered & celebrated. (in a shouting way)
i was about to talk to David. when.. what the....
he was.... gone.

"students, please be reminded that we will be having a half day today.. please gather all your belongings and go home." ,<<< principal Ollie. (yes., Ollie. we dont know why she calls herself that. her real name is Olivia Fisher... which sounds totally better)
[b] 11:50 am. [/b]
pagkatapos ng announcement., everyone went back to their classrooms.
Clio was my seatmate., we talk.. but not always since... you know Eva.
but now. she's chatty. & i like it.

boring eh..

after i packed up.. i went towards the door.
Clio followed.

"uhh.. clio?"

"uhm.. Drei.. can you go with me to the mall

" mall daw.

"sorry clio ah.. may extra classes ako sa... somewhere" which is partly true..

"oh. ok. bye

" then she ran towards other girls..

the reaon why it's partly true is that.
a.) im an enrolled student in another school.
b.) im not attending the classes.
c.) this is somewhat a training school & lastly
d.) im a secret.

oops. hindi ito spy school ah.
its just a Martial Arts school. or something like that

thats why i cant tell ANYONE about this is because..
my school & my other school. is well.... having a feud.
but my other school knows that im studying in my school.

anyways., before i left.. i looked for David & Keif.
i couldnt find both of them.
"maybe Keif is there..." Keifer & I are enrolled in the other school too.

sumakay ako ng taxi patungo mall. (yes., MALL)
i went to this store. & "kunyari" try on some clothes.
heading towards the dressing rooms, i checked if someone was THERE. looking at me.
naaa. safe

i closed the door. and waited. the dressing room's floor began to move.
oh. & the clothes? its mine already.

when i stepped out the elevator...
it was normal to see the students doing martial arts already..
and it was not NORMAL seeing... a new student.
who wears totally disagreeable clothes.
(we have standards)
i saw jhay standing there.
"uyy drei. may new classmate tayo oh." she's my best friend

"ayun oh.. hahah"
"sino nga?"
..."hey Drei..

Last edited by ---mad4u--- (2008-06-14 22:21:39)