
`intelligent(knows how to deal with things,etc.)
`taller than me(imagine yourself with a man smaller than you.lol)

`not materialistic
`simple but looks cool in a way

`can provide necessary things for both of us like a house,car,furnitures,etc. haha
`has some money&savings(think about your future.haha)
`knows how to deal with temptation(resist it,resist that temptation!lol)

`has a sense of humor

`knows how to deal with computers and other techy stuffs and gadgets

`easy to be with
`smiles every now and then

`doesn't smoke and drink(but drinking occasionally is acceptable)
`has a sense of fashion
`can deal with me(with my crazy personality)lol
`loves me

but if God chose a man for me that doesn't have those qualities, i'll just make sure he's the one

or maybe i can teach him,like,teach him how to deal with computers(but i think guys should really know that.they're guys!)