before i teach you guys. im requesting to stick this topic...hihi coz i made this one yesterday. and when i access ftalk it redirects me to yahoo search and when i click the link of cannot be displayed...i made this tutorial especially for the newbies...who doesnt have any adobe...program..etc. so i hope you appreciate this tutorial

this tutorial is especially for:
the members who doesnt have an imaging software like gimp,adobe..etc
the newbies also to do cool sigs by their own because its easy to brainer!!
okie lets start the this case ill be making a loading image
1.go to []lunapic[/url], an online imaging editor..slightly same as adobe.this website also edits your images like turning them into grayscale...etc.minimize the window your paint...resize the space where youll draw(the white part)in any size you like now its looks like this
and save that to your pictures
3.go again to lunapic and upload the image
4.after you uploaded your image youll be seeing a message like it means that you uploaded the image succesfuly
5.youll be seeing also a the one with pa paintbucket icon...that will fill the space with your desired color
[img][/img] this stage youll be filling the blank image to your desired color either you choose a pattern or get a solid color by picking it in the hex chart
after that youll be rediredted to the same page and the preview will be shown like this.if you dont like what you see you can always click the undo button
7 to add the text well be going to the navigation buttons above hover ondraw and click the text tool as shown
8.lets go add the text.first ill bet put the "loading page"text.choose a font....either pick [b]4000[/b] fonts,go to the quick dropdown panel or upload your font.then go click the apply text button...heres what happened
[img][/img] for the animation repeat step 7 and 8 but now ill be adding the "please wait "text to it
dont forget to check the animate box alright and again click apply text
the if you like this one just save it alright this one is up for grabs
now its optional if you wanna add effects to it like snow,lightning,hearts...etc....if you want to add effects to that go to the navigation buttons and hover to effects(for still effects)or animations for animations of course...
now....its very easy creating it all you need is a sense of style....hope you liked my tutorial!!!goodluck in making those!
EDIT:i just saw linette's post in the add ons section...sorry i didnt notice..hihi

but anyways this one is a tutorial..for the newbies(sorry talaga)
Last edited by blurrycloud (2008-04-03 03:12:17)