• » :arrow: [b]My Codes are not working!!!!!!!![/b] Please check that you are using the latest JS Linker and also, your codes are working properly (I suggest remove nonsense codes). And try to clear cach

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:arrow: [b]My Codes are not working!!!!!!!![/b] Please check that you are using the latest JS Linker and also, your codes are working properly (I suggest remove nonsense codes). And try to clear cach

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

:arrow: [b]My Codes are not working!!!!!!!![/b] Please check that you are using the latest JS Linker and also, your codes are working properly (I suggest remove nonsense codes). And try to clear cach

:arrow: [b]My Codes are not working!!!!!!!![/b] Please check that you are using the latest JS Linker and also, your codes are working properly (I suggest remove nonsense codes). And try to clear cache or temp files. Try also refreshing your profile. And most of all be sure that your profile is not in [b]Safe Mode[/b] (turned off). :arrow: [b]What is JS File?[/b] Well, JS came from the word JavaScript which is a scripting language used in web pages. In tweaking our Friendster Profile, we use Javascript codes to surpass the limits and reach the sky (FTW?) just to tweak our profile. With Javascript we can use Who's Viewed Me, Add Box, and more tweaks. The file is saved and has the extension of [b][i].js[/i][/b] .. To use Javascript in our profile we must upload the JS File in a hosting site and then we link the URL in our profile using some XSS Vectors. If you do not know how to host your files. Please try to visit this thread: [url=http://theftalk.com/t22027-Making-Extensions-Files.-%5BFriendster-Editing%5D.html]Click Here[/url] Or watch the Video Tutorial: [url=http://theftalk.com/t34431-%5BVIDEO-TUTORIAL%5DMaking-Extensions-Files%28JS%29-%5BI%27m-Taking-Requests%21%21%5D.html]Click Here[/url] :arrow: [b]What is CSS File?[/b] CSS is short for Cascading Style Sheets. It works as a web page designer. These styles sheets can change colors of fonts, resize boxes, add backgrounds, create paddings, and etc. With CSS we can also change how our profile looks using relative positioning and hide codes. More layouts can be seen in the CSS Layouts Section. CSS Files should and always be saved as [b].css[/b] extension. We also link this in our profile using a specific linker, though we can also inject this in our JS File. :arrow: [b]Where can I host my Javascript and CSS Files?[/b] You can search google or try the suggested ones: [url]ripway.com[/url] , [url]fileave.com[/url] , [url]geocities.com[/url] :arrow: [b]How to create Who's Viewed Me?[/b] There are different versions and most of them are still working. =) Try these Links: - [url=http://theftalk.com/t19012-Re-opened-renalvir(with-shaking-image-when-hovered).html]Accordion Who's Viewed Me *Nopathz[/url] - [url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=18902]DATABASE Who's Viewed Me *hosted by Ren Alvir[/url] - [url=http://theftalk.com/t22225-Smilies-(JS).html]Who's Viewed Me via SEND SMILE[/url] - [url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=19927]Who's Viewed Me Shaking Image *Lordheinz[/url] - [url=http://theftalk.com/t16727-Friendster-Tweaks-Generator-Beta%2BWVM-%5BMaking-Friendster-Tweaks-Easy..%5D.html]Chibibo's Generator[/url] - [url=http://theftalk.com/t20835-Visitor%27s-Log(wvmcbox).html]Who's Viewed Me CBox Version[/url] :arrow: [b]I am looking for a trick but I can't find it even if I used search function.[/b] Owss??? Have you tried this link?? - [url=http://theftalk.com/t22065-Tricks-And-Tutorial-Directory-%5BCategorical%5D.html]Tricks And Tutorial Directory [Categorical][/url] Or maybe if you know the author of the Trick you can use this thread: - [url=http://theftalk.com/t22054-Compilation-of-Tricks-and-Tutorials-%28Sort-by-Contributors%27-Name%29.html]Compilation of Tricks and Tutorials (Sort by Contributors' Name)[/url] :arrow: [b]How to create my own layout?[/b] You can try these two threads :arrow: [url=http://theftalk.com/t31006-%5BTUTORIAL%5D-How-to-make-Cross-Over-Layouts-%5BRecommended-for-Newbies%5D.html]Click[/url] and [url=http://theftalk.com/t7694-Complete-Compilation-of-CSS-Codes%21.html]Click[/url] :arrow: [b]How to create Screenshot?[/b] If you are using Mac visit this thread -> [url=http://theftalk.com/t27139-%5BTutorial%5D-Taking-Screen-Shots-Print-Screen-on-MAC.html]Click[/url] If you are using Normal PCs visit this thread -> [url=http://theftalk.com/t1173-%5BTutorial%5D-Print-Screen-Guide.html]Click[/url] :arrow: [b]I want a No Right Click Code!![/b] The No Right Click code has many versions and actually it can also be compiled in you CSS (but this only works in IE). Anyway, please visit these threads: - [url=http://theftalk.com/t1929-Silent-Right-Click.html]Silent No Right Click[/url] - [url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=2695]No Right Click With Alert Message/No Right Click With No Message *CSS[/url] - [url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=1957]Right Click Infinite Pop-up Message[/url] - [url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=10895]Disable Everything. Lol.[/url] - [url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=1948]Right Click Redirect Home[/url] - [url=http://theftalk.com/t15762-Right-Click-CBOX.html]Right Click CBox[/url] - [url=http://theftalk.com/t19127-Right-click-menu.html]Right Click Menu For IE only[/url] - [url=http://theftalk.com/t11674-Right-Click-Navigation.html]Right Click Navigation (x-browser)[/url] :arrow: [b]What is reputation?[/b] Please visit this thread -> [url=http://theftalk.com/t4726-The-*NEW*-Reputation-System.html]Click[/url] :arrow: [b]I can't post a layout in CSS Layouts Section![/b] [quote=admin]After considering all of the opinion posted [url=http://theftalk.com/t24808-Friendster-Layouts-%5BCSS%5D-Category-Suggestion..html]here[/url], currently: - All codes stay visible to everyone - Members with post < 100 can post a new thread, and can only post in their own thread This has been implemented in Friendster Layouts [CSS] and also [Overlay] category.[/quote] :arrow: [b]What is the new linker? Where can I find the new working linker?[/b] Please visit the [url=http://theftalk.com/f5-Friendster-Underground.html]Underground Section[/url] and read the sticked Topics in that Section. If your codes aren't working please try to consider the following: [quote][b]Make sure:[/b] - You're using the latest linker. - The scripts in your javascript file is really working - Double check the saved linker - Did you try to Refresh your profile - Clear Temps or Caches? - You are awake. Lulz.[/quote] :arrow: [b]My media box is not showing.[/b] It's one of Friendster's bugs. Just try to save your codes again and again. Or try to logout and then login again. Clear cookies and temp files. :arrow: [b]How to Clear Cache and Temporary Files?[/b] [u]For Mozilla Firefox Users:[/u] Press [b]CTRL + Shift + DEL[/b] (simultaneously) Then Clear Private Data. [u]Internet Explorer Users:[/u] Press [b]ALT + T + D[/b] (one by one) Then Delete all. [u]Using other browser?[/u] Do your own research . Lul. :arrow: [b]Where can I download Adobe Photoshop?[/b] Aw. >_< This isn't allowed here because distributing Pirated Softwares is not allowed according to our Primary Forum Rules. Downloads can be discussed on PMs or YM. :wallbash: :arrow: [b]How to hide Google Ads?[/b] Visit this collection of Hide codes -> [url=http://theftalk.com/t10469-Compilation-of-Hide-Codes-%28CSS-Codes%29.html]Click[/url] More hide codes can also be found in that thread. ;) :arrow: [b]How did you do those images in your layout? How can I make one?[/b] You can obtain graphics with the aid of Photo Editing Softwares such as Photoshop which is the most popular one. A similar editor is the GIMP. the GIMP is a freeware so you can have it for free. Adobe Photoshop is not freeware nor shareware. You must buy it. You can download GIMP here: http://www.gimp.org *c/o meng.o3 :arrow: [b]Where do you get CSS Properties and attributes?[/b] This is the best answer I can give you :) -> http://www.w3schools.com :arrow: [b]Help! How to fin my UserID?[/b] Please visit this thread -> [url=http://theftalk.com/t3499-Tutorial-On-How-To-Find-Ur-Userid%21%21%21.html]Click[/url] :arrow: [b]How do you use spoiler tags? Post youtube videos? Add flash here in FTalk?? [/b] Please go [url=http://theftalk.com/help.php#bbcode]here[/url]. :arrow: [b]The solution for the problem "Image won't show up" at Friendster.[/b] 1. Select Control Panel from the Start menu. 2. Click Network Connections from the Control Panel choices. 3. Choose your connection from the Network Connections window. 4. Click Properties button. 5. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties. 6. Click the radio button Use the following DNS server addresses and type in OpenDNS addresses in the Preferred DNS server and Alternate DNS server fields. Preferred DNS server address for Open DNS is: Alternate DNS server address for Open DNS is: [i].... more to come O_o[/i]

Last edited by deathwish4MCR-freak-dude (2008-08-21 01:09:32)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]My Codes are not working!!!!!!!![/b] Please check that you are using the latest JS Linker and also, your codes are working properly (I suggest remove nonsense codes). And try to clear cach

Xave,please do ad as well that [b]Friendstertalk[/b] is not affiliated with [b]friendster-Layouts[/b] ,[b]Friendster.com[/b] etch ek-ek, what i mean is those people who keep on asking why they can't submit their own work at friendster-layouts =D .. thank you :)

Last edited by tjayvalrose_02 (2008-06-22 19:27:41)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]My Codes are not working!!!!!!!![/b] Please check that you are using the latest JS Linker and also, your codes are working properly (I suggest remove nonsense codes). And try to clear cach

Acceptable site that can be affiliated to friendsterTalk. [b]General:[/b] [b]Site:[/b] [url=http://www.markyctrigger.com ]Markyctrigger[/url] [b]Reason:[/b] Main Resource regarding Overlaying. [b]Sites:[/b] [url=http://friendster-tweakers.com]Friendster-Tweakers[/url] [url=http://friendster-layouts.com]Friendster-Layouts[/url] [url=http://top.friendster-tweakers.com/]Friendster Top Profiles[/url] [b]Reason:[/b] General Affiliates of friendsterTalk. (Ask admin) :penguin: [b]Non-General[/b]: [b]Site:[/b] [url=http://angelldeville.mydiscussionboard.com]The Cradle[/url] [b]Reason:[/b] One of our linkers resources. Also provides ideas regarding advance JavaScript ideas. [b]Site:[/b] [url=http://www.friendstermagic.net]FriendsterMagic[/url] [b]Reason:[/b] Main Resource regarding General Cross Over Layouts. [b]Site:[/b] [url=http://www.FriendsterForum.com/forum/index.php]FriendsterForums[/url] [b]Reason:[/b] One of the earliest visitor site of friendsterTalk. A good site for resources and ideas.

Last edited by Ephemeral (2008-10-12 07:08:51)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]My Codes are not working!!!!!!!![/b] Please check that you are using the latest JS Linker and also, your codes are working properly (I suggest remove nonsense codes). And try to clear cach

FAQs updated. :arrow: [b]Thread Locked.[/b]
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]My Codes are not working!!!!!!!![/b] Please check that you are using the latest JS Linker and also, your codes are working properly (I suggest remove nonsense codes). And try to clear cach

[b]added:[/b] :arrow: [b]what is onloadHandler?[/b] this is the simple explanation. onloadhandler just this simple codes: [quote][color=red]function[/color] [color=#C28547]onProfileLoad()[/color] [color=red]{[/color] [color=green]//CODES INSIDE ONLOADHANDLER[/color] [color=red]}[/color] [color=blue]if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function(){[/color][color=#C28547]onProfileLoad()[/color][color=blue]})) window.onload = function(){[/color][color=#C28547]onProfileLoad()[/color][color=blue]};[/color][/quote] [color=red]RED[/color] = the function [color=#C28547]BROWN[/color] = name of the function [color=green]GREEN[/color] = codes inside onload function [color=blue]BLUE[/color] = calling the function to load the codes inside it when your profile completely loaded. [quote][li]Q: Where the blue come from?[/li] [li]A: attachOnLoadHandler is also a function, one of [url=http://images.friendster.com/200706A/js/friendster_v1.js]friendster's js[/url] already does have this function so we do no longer need to copy the whole attachOnloadhandler code. in the code above, we only called it and passed a parameter.[/li] [li]Q: Can i make another function for another codes?[/li] [li]A: Sure, you can put a different name of the function. ex: [b][color=red]function [/color][color=#C28547]kherNavarro ()[/color] [color=red]{[/color][/b]. You can read the full tutorial here: [url=http://theftalk.com/t5163-javaScript-Functions-explained.html]CLICK ME![/url][/li][/quote] correct me if i am wrong. :D

Last edited by KhErMiNaToR (2008-07-18 23:28:35)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]My Codes are not working!!!!!!!![/b] Please check that you are using the latest JS Linker and also, your codes are working properly (I suggest remove nonsense codes). And try to clear cach

Good Information Sites About HTML http://wikipedia.org http://w3chools.com http://w3.org [b]Added:[/b] [b]Question:[/b] Is Ripway Back Online? [b]Answer:[/b] Yes, They are done with their updates. [b]Question:[/b] Why was my Ripway Account Deleted? :crybaby: [b]Answer:[/b] The accused your account as a malware holder or they mistakenly thought your account was a duplicate due to IP matches and relativity.

Last edited by Ephemeral (2008-10-20 09:15:08)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [b]My Codes are not working!!!!!!!![/b] Please check that you are using the latest JS Linker and also, your codes are working properly (I suggest remove nonsense codes). And try to clear cach

[b]Making External Files... [/b] [quote=yh3t]- make an account on any hosting site. i prefer ripway. - go to files. make a SUB FOLDER. name it the way you want. [img]http://i341.photobucket.com/albums/o367/lharheiy/yhet-1.jpg[/img] - in that folder, click "create text file" name it as [b]EXTERNAL.CSS[/b] save it. nothing to put. - create another "create text file" name it as [b]EXTERNAL.JS[/b] save it. nothing to put. - create another "create text file" name it as [b]EXTERNAL.SWF[/b] save it again. nothing to put. [img]http://i341.photobucket.com/albums/o367/lharheiy/blank-1.jpg[/img] now you have three files. ------------------ edit your EXTERNAL.SWF as var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = "[b]LINK OF YOUR EXTERNAL.JS[/b]"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); var css = document.createElement("link"); css.type = "text/css"; css.rel = "stylesheet"; css.href = "[b]LINK OF YOUR EXTERNAL.CSS[/b]"; css.media = "screen, print"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(css); [img]http://i341.photobucket.com/albums/o367/lharheiy/aw.jpg[/img] change the bold part as what was asked. - save it. then get the direct link then generate it in this given site: [url]http://the-cradle.users-board.com/JS-Llinker-Generator-h75.htm[/url] paste in your "who i want to meet area" -------------------- all you need is get the code of what you want. take note: the js codes must be put in your external.js and css codes must be put in your external.css for example you want this simple alert (js) alert("Welcome to my profile"+pageViewerFName+"!"); go to your ripway acct. then edit your external.js paste it. - save. go to the linker on the underground section. generate it. paste it to who i want to meet area. note: for every code, put it in your external.js/css you must COMPiLE iT. example. 10 codes in external.js generate it. remove the old code in who i want to meet area, rather put the new re-generated code! :D :thumbsup: hope you understand the instruction :D[/quote]
  • » :arrow: [b]My Codes are not working!!!!!!!![/b] Please check that you are using the latest JS Linker and also, your codes are working properly (I suggest remove nonsense codes). And try to clear cach

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