Just dropping by,


[spoiler]As usual im affected wif ate 3sh post, i know and i admit it that im one of those people who often become sarcastic and gives S A R C A S T i C remarks against my Co-Members. Haha.

As i know-- i really liek to judge other people the way i know or how they treat others/me. Im not just looking for the BAD sides nor teh good sides. Since- i think im turning into a monster now.

As for teh order of TS- I apologize. I may not [b]PROMISE[/b] that i would totally change but i'll [b]TRY[/b]. Oh forget my post- its Craptastic. Non Sense. Well then- I'll just be sorry if i [b]DON'T[/b] talk to YOU or ANYONE here. I'll just talk to those people whom i think i can talk too. [b]NOT[/b] to those people who talk to you at first then- later on *stabs you at your back. :3* I don't need [u]MORE[/u] friends. Im contented wif those who are my FRIENDS.

You know who you guys are.

even tho- some were not here.

Neex - i didn't ignore your post, i think i've forget about your P O S T or i just really can't help giving criticisms to others.
I think leaving TS because of taht post, particularly to ate 3sh post wasn't teh great SOLUTION. But tell me if it is.

Its OK.[/spoiler]
Morning.Evening.Afternoon. [b]ANYONE[/b].
Last edited by Trixx.xii (2008-09-16 04:58:34)