[b]Baby Riz[/b] Baby! Sure. I won't laugh. I'll just [b]LOL'd[/b]. Kiddin. Labyeee Baby Rizz
Mwahaha. :3 What's your name in FS sista? o.O
Im tired approving those f.request.
[b]Baby Riz[/b] Mwahhaa. OK Imma search it now.
[b]Pop[/b] IMY and ILY Moar. <33 Labyee and ImissYou too death.
Project Mode *evil Laughs. :3
Sankyoo to those who gave me a +repu.
[quote=cla_15]tinay hi sayo..parang tagal mong nawala?[/quote]
waaah tagal ba/
may work kasi ako eh. kaya gabi lang ol
musta ka na?
waaah official nurse ng ninja gang kulet ahehe
[quote=bheszt_09]Munchkin good pm..tired..?[/quote]
yeah munchkin im really tired T__T
how bout yah?? stah?
[quote=bheszt_09]Munchkin nah.i'm just bored.argh.i hate being bored.lol[/quote]
yeah being bored can be really tiring munchkinn coz yer thinkin on what to do ahehe
[quote=cla_15]tinay wow..youre working na? nice..kelan ba sweldo?! 14 na ngayon ah..ehem! burger! burger! joke![/quote]
weeenkz bukas na sz...sige cheesebrger pa ahehe nyorks
you still studying siz?
[b]Skittles[/b] WAAHH T_______T Glad to see yer online.
[b]Ate Riz[/b]I'll approve yer f. request later im soo damn busy wif this project
[b]>[/b] Haha. Waiting for another conference with looney tunes, kapz, dundun and ate duch.
[quote=Trixx.xii]Manong Neex WAAHH. Amissyuu manong. Nice BLOG btw. *envy envy mode*. Im still not yet finish with my blog. Achi/Loiss gave me a domain? LONNG Tiem Ago ;_; But still-- Not yet finish. How are you?! X3[/quote]
Miss you too. and yeah, thanks.
for your question. i am not very okay, i'm leaving this place for a while again.
[quote=Trixx.xii]Skittles WAAHH T_______T Glad to see yer online. [/quote]
yep skittles kew!! i am ol..im only invi moed *hide* dun dun dun dali * haha
musta na u moi skittles??
[quote=cla_15]tinay yep siz, nursing..waahhh!! what's your work?[/quote]
weeeee cool!!
anong year mo na siz?
uhmm im a recruitment consultant... hahah
hot fudge: what time kaw off??
[b]Pop[/b] Yeah Sure. I'll ask them about it. O.O But i didn't see any traces of conference today. NO CLAN WAR again. [b]EffinIrritatingOhMyGoosshIhateit[/b]. X3
[b]Baby Riz[/b] WAAHH. ThankYou Dear. xP
[b]Manong[/b] Oh. :3 Glad you misses me too Leaving? WHY oh why?
But though-- hope you come back ^______________^
Take Care always Manong.
[b]Skittles[/b] Im good. HowBoutYou? :3
Invisible Mode? *imma hunt mai skittles*