[b]Chelseii [/b] Hai der. Welcome to EPS. Wakoko~ Im impression to your language. A new membering but really a perfect one. Keep spreading teh Sadameng Langauge
Miie Happy taht ur here
Ehem o_O What should i calling you BTW?
[b]Ade 3sh[/b] Me misses euu soo much.
I nosebleeding with yer post. Salute
Yerr really great ade.
[b]Manong Neex[/b] Yep. we wont bite but just [b]arf arf[/b] sometimes. L0L~ Are euu Ok na?
[b]DonDonut[/b] i lol'd with teh name
Why did You leave teh confe yesterday? Wakaka~ Ade Yuna will crash your PC/LAPTOP. Hahaha.
[b]Neko-Chan[/b] Hiya Neko.<333
I miss everyone in here o_O I just missed 2 pages?