Here's the [b]5 pending Members for The scandalers[/b]
malow -- [b]previous rockstar member[/b] *no reason yet*
I'll approve her, particularly, malow if she did PM her Reason. Anyway, whenever she gots online in Yahoo Messenger.
I'll PM her and tell her about it. For the rest, [b]no idea yet[/b]. Take Care and Godbless. Mwaaa--

[b]REMEMBER[/b] a member still needs approval of members. For malow, i might say "YES".
I loeevv this people much *raanddooom* ; mami ; kapz ; kiro ; cheeseterr ; ade3sh ; achi (even we just talk yesterday) ; onee-san ; rei ; mami labidabs ; bear ; shin ; girlfriend ; darling ; nahz ; baby ; did i forget [b]YOU[/b]?