Bump! Bump!

Yeaah. I missed a lot of pages, i don't want to dive over those countables pages. But anyway, just read the spoiler.
[spoiler]I just want to congratulate my bear and her hun? right? anne. I was in shocked. I just read my siszie's GM and i almst lol'd

i never believed that loveteams came true, ew corny. xD Gaaaahhh. A tons of gudluck, and take care of anne a'ight? Be a good boy.

Ok. NO more konkon&ily's,

IMY kuyaaaaaa.

Baby, sorry for being *inactive, sigh. I miss you alot.

Yeaah. The net is down yesterday and its exam week. Plus, i compete at then science quizbee with the other schools, that was hard but we did it.

Goodluck ms. leaderrr

Pamiliaaa ko; I miss you a lot and alot moree than any people can doo.

kapz & mami ily both

More than words can tell, and heart can explain.
