[quote=Hoshigaki]hoy den chocnut.. teka line ko yan eh..
gs2 mong isang penguin? dalawahin mo na. [/quote]
Gwn m ng apat.
[quote=laynejoselle]mareng chano naman din
d mo sinagot tanung ko kung musta na u [/quote]
ok nmn ako.
[quote=cla_15]^you understand me?? ..yeah..i have a provincial duty and tomorrow morning is my departure..be good ok?![/quote]
Yeap, kinda. goodlcuk to you then.
i'll try to be [s]evil[/s]good.
[quote=Rei Ryuzaki]Yeap, kinda. goodlcuk to you then.
i'll try to be evilgood. [/quote]
better be good ok?! take care of my Ngisses while im gone ayt?!