1. [b]Computer germs[/b] - A study showed that the germ count on computer keyboards are 60 times higher than on toilet seats with an average of 3,295 bacteria per square inch. Imagine, moer germs than
1. [b]Computer germs[/b] - A study showed that the germ count on computer keyboards are 60 times higher than on toilet seats with an average of 3,295 bacteria per square inch. Imagine, moer germs than a toilet seat. I don’t want to imagine how much harmful that is.
[b]How to fight it[/b]: Clean your keyboard and mouse often with with computer wipes and other equipment-friendly products. Even a washcloth and a regular sanitizer can will do to eliminate the bacteria.
2.[b] Computer vision syndrome[/b] - Computer-related vision problems include; eyestrain, tired eyes, irritation,redness, blurry or double vision. These are caused by environmental conditions such as poor lighting, glare,display quality, and radiation.
[b]How to avoid it[/b]: Adjust the brightnes and position of the screen to eliminate glare and avoid eyestrain.
3. [b]Repetitive motion disorders[/b] - The most common is the carpal tunnel syndrome, a painful condition caused by pressure on the main nerve that runs through the wrist. This happens when you use the computer and the mouse for more than 20 hours a week. Now, who doesn’t spend less hours than that?!
[b]How to avoid it[/b]: Keep the height of your seat at a level that allows you to work the keyboard and the mouse with your wrists and elbows at a perpendicular angle, and your shoulders relaxed.