We watched Manny Pacquiao's fight in some rich people's house...whehehe..
We thought Manny wasn't gonna win just because David Diaz has large muscles,
but we were still screamin and cheering for him..
Then eventually David Diaz was Knocked Out at Round 9...
We were all Screamin' and Shouting like bad a**...
After Manny Pacquiao was declared as the winner, they interviewed Manny....
The way he spoke English was funny...
After him, they interviewed David Diaz...DDD..as in DANGEROUS DAVID DIAZ..hehe..
He admitted that Pacquiao was too fast,he could take all the power, but he's just too fast, he said.
He also said that it was like Manny has a knife in his gloves when he punches him...He also said that he thought Freddie Roach, Manny's coach was also punching him during the fight, because of Manny's heavy powerful punch.
We liked how how described Manny as F*ckin' fast and F*ckin powerful when they interviewd him. It made us all laugh
Although we wanted mAnny to win, I still do think that David Diaz is a great guy, because he's honest and he accepted the fact the he lost. He admitted that manny was too fast and we liked his Sportmanship.
They're both great guys.