Sekedar berbagi tuk teman-teman semua....

[b]Buat mod :[/b] Tolong di tutup aja seandai nya info ini ga berguna

atau sudah ada yg share sebelum nya.
Saya langsung copas dari web asli nya niih...
Jadi mohon maaf klau masih pakai bahasa planet


[align=center][spoiler]I would like to tell you about free web hosting service I use now.
They give 350 MB of disk space and 100 GB data transfer. I am now using them for about 3 months and never seen any downtime of server problems. There is no any kind of advertising on my pages too, so I think its worth to signup.
Completely ad-free cPanel web hosting. No ads will ever be forced onto our users webpages. There are no catches, no setup fees, no forced advertising, no banners, no popups and no hidden charges. Only totally free hosting service.
Our package includes:
- 350 MB of Disk Space, 100 GB Bandwidth
- Host your own domain (
- cPanel Powered Hosting (you will love it)
- Over 500 website templates ready to download
- Easy to use website builder
- Free POP3 Email Box with Webmail access
- FTP and Web based File Manager
- PHP, MySQL, Perl, CGI, Ruby.
- No Ads at all !
They provide hosting absolutely free, there is no catch. You get 350 MB of disk space and 100 GB bandwidth. They also have cPanel control panel which is amazing and easy to use website builder. Moreover, there is no any kind of advertising on your pages.[/spoiler][/align]
Yang pasti kapasitas nya lebih besar

sampai 350 MB.
Bandwith nya

100 GB per bulan.
Fasilitas Upload file nya juga gampang...
Bisa langsung lewat cPanel nya atau pakai FTP client

saya pakai FileZilla.
Bebas iklan

dan yg pasti GRATIS

Sekarang semua script tuk tweak FS
saya...saya upload pakai domain sendiri.
Langsung klik aja [][color=#FF0000]disini[/color][/url] klau mau daftar atau cuma sekedar liat-liat dulu

Oia sekalian...
Tuk FTP client nya ([b]FileZilla[/b])....
Bisa download langsung [url=]disini[/url].
Silahkan di pilih versi nya disitu

[align=center][b]Credit's goes to...[/b][/align]
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Last edited by The Bee (2009-07-19 16:08:54)