[align=center][scroll][color=Purple][b]Kuntilanak Said To You[/b][/color][/scroll][/align]
[align=center][color=green][b]Nice Layout...I salut You..... thanks for share [/b][/color][/align]
[quote=youjizz]wow very nice layout
good job [/quote]
[quote=kuntilanak]Nice Layout...I salut You..... thanks for share[/quote]
[quote=sugarstyx_x]OOh, Nice touch w/ the boxes.
though, I'm not into gray colors
The design is real rugged
Real Nice Job! [/quote]
[quote=ammar1408]Yoshhhh..cool layout you make..your combination color is good
Thankz for sharing.. make more [/quote]
[hr][hr][hr]sangkyooo.... :gift:
thanks for your comment..
i'll make more later
[quote=deathsiren]wow. nice job. i love it. simple but bizarre. especially with the tricks you used. it's great [/quote]
thanks for the repu
i'll make more later