[color=MediumVioletRed][i][quote=TKARR]thanks! thanks! ive been dying to do a siggie. . but. . you can put some effect on your siggie,ryt? since your using lunapic. maybe. this wolud help ~:> click the "effects" button. (next to "adjust" button) >> then click buttonize. it will add some twist to your siggie. did i broke some rules for that? thanks again Ms. Eleegirl. twas a great help,girl.[/quote]
Thx for ur comment & Info.
i don't know that!
Thx anyway..

and nooo .
you didn't break any rules.

[quote=050994ladywizardjam]` hakhak . love it ` awesome .` even though u dont have a photoshop it feels like you have it .` ill try this . ` thanks foe this eleena . its cool[/quote]
thx .
i do have photoshop

Last edited by EleeGirl (2009-01-04 01:23:46)