» this is just simple,
post here anything that happens [b]Yesterday[/b],
it could be in your life in your neighbor in your pets or in our world,
[i]basta[/i] it happens Yesterday..and for [b]Today[/
this is just simple,
post here anything that happens [b]Yesterday[/b],
it could be in your life in your neighbor in your pets or in our world,
[i]basta[/i] it happens Yesterday..and for [b]Today[/
Re: this is just simple,
post here anything that happens [b]Yesterday[/b],
it could be in your life in your neighbor in your pets or in our world,
[i]basta[/i] it happens Yesterday..and for [b]Today[/
yesterday~ i wasn't on d mood
today~totally back on myself again..~_~
tomorrow~no plans yet..nyahahhaha..
Re: this is just simple,
post here anything that happens [b]Yesterday[/b],
it could be in your life in your neighbor in your pets or in our world,
[i]basta[/i] it happens Yesterday..and for [b]Today[/
yesterday> i wasn't online, i'm busy studying mu lessons for our prelim
today> i joined FTALK University and i'm still waiting for the approval!
tomorrow> i going home! at last....
Re: this is just simple,
post here anything that happens [b]Yesterday[/b],
it could be in your life in your neighbor in your pets or in our world,
[i]basta[/i] it happens Yesterday..and for [b]Today[/
yesterday: i waited for him to txt me ...
today: im online .. hangin on the net .. our acquiantance partee ended today ..
tomorrow: im in our house .. no class wee ..
Re: this is just simple,
post here anything that happens [b]Yesterday[/b],
it could be in your life in your neighbor in your pets or in our world,
[i]basta[/i] it happens Yesterday..and for [b]Today[/
Yesterday : i've played perosna 3
today : i play persona 3
tommorwow: i'll play persona 3
Re: this is just simple,
post here anything that happens [b]Yesterday[/b],
it could be in your life in your neighbor in your pets or in our world,
[i]basta[/i] it happens Yesterday..and for [b]Today[/
^ haha.
Y - I played in the rain. But I made a new friend.
T - As result, yeah I'm sick.
T - Rest in peace day.
Re: this is just simple,
post here anything that happens [b]Yesterday[/b],
it could be in your life in your neighbor in your pets or in our world,
[i]basta[/i] it happens Yesterday..and for [b]Today[/
y=a exciting day...
t=tnx god its friday...
t=wake up late...yahoo...
Re: this is just simple,
post here anything that happens [b]Yesterday[/b],
it could be in your life in your neighbor in your pets or in our world,
[i]basta[/i] it happens Yesterday..and for [b]Today[/
[b]y- i did nothing!!..
t- i woke up late..
t- gonna learn chinese!.. [/b]
Re: this is just simple,
post here anything that happens [b]Yesterday[/b],
it could be in your life in your neighbor in your pets or in our world,
[i]basta[/i] it happens Yesterday..and for [b]Today[/
Y- i cheat in my tests
T- i surf d net
T- is my rest day
Re: this is just simple,
post here anything that happens [b]Yesterday[/b],
it could be in your life in your neighbor in your pets or in our world,
[i]basta[/i] it happens Yesterday..and for [b]Today[/
[b]Yesterday>[/b] [i]we had our exam in english, chemistry, values and (i forgot the subject! XD)..[/i]
[b]Today>[/b] [i]we had our exam in statistics, mapeh, history and filipino.. it's so hard!..[/i]
[b]Tomorrow>[/b] [i] tomorrow is my last day here on earth! (how i wish!)[/i]
Re: this is just simple,
post here anything that happens [b]Yesterday[/b],
it could be in your life in your neighbor in your pets or in our world,
[i]basta[/i] it happens Yesterday..and for [b]Today[/
yesterday -> i loved her..
today -> im loving her..
tommorow -> i will love her until the next coming days of my life!!!!
haha! i just repost what i posted..
Re: this is just simple,
post here anything that happens [b]Yesterday[/b],
it could be in your life in your neighbor in your pets or in our world,
[i]basta[/i] it happens Yesterday..and for [b]Today[/
yesterday - its over and done
today - im moving on
tomorrow - ive moved on...
Re: this is just simple,
post here anything that happens [b]Yesterday[/b],
it could be in your life in your neighbor in your pets or in our world,
[i]basta[/i] it happens Yesterday..and for [b]Today[/
^sis, i love that!! i can relate.
Y: i saw a comment i can never ever forget
T: i am really trying to figure "it" out. it seems so sudden
T: i'll try to figure out "it" again.
Re: this is just simple,
post here anything that happens [b]Yesterday[/b],
it could be in your life in your neighbor in your pets or in our world,
[i]basta[/i] it happens Yesterday..and for [b]Today[/
Yesterday > There was no earthquake! Yay!
Today > I'm bored
Tomorrow > I'll study for quizzes!
Re: this is just simple,
post here anything that happens [b]Yesterday[/b],
it could be in your life in your neighbor in your pets or in our world,
[i]basta[/i] it happens Yesterday..and for [b]Today[/
[color=limegreen]Yesterday:there's no school
Today:I stayed at home
Tomorrow:I'm going to the church[/color]
Re: this is just simple,
post here anything that happens [b]Yesterday[/b],
it could be in your life in your neighbor in your pets or in our world,
[i]basta[/i] it happens Yesterday..and for [b]Today[/
Y--> is saturday...
T--> is sunday...
T--> is monday the class started at 8:00 am.....
Re: this is just simple,
post here anything that happens [b]Yesterday[/b],
it could be in your life in your neighbor in your pets or in our world,
[i]basta[/i] it happens Yesterday..and for [b]Today[/
[b]Yesterday[/b] - I was teh happiest girl in teh world
[b]Today[/b] - I hope it will be liek yesterday
[b]Tomorrow[/b] - God knows
Re: this is just simple,
post here anything that happens [b]Yesterday[/b],
it could be in your life in your neighbor in your pets or in our world,
[i]basta[/i] it happens Yesterday..and for [b]Today[/
yesterday- i pass my prelims in culanthro
today- my class is 1pm
tomorrow- il be goin 2 greenhils
Re: this is just simple,
post here anything that happens [b]Yesterday[/b],
it could be in your life in your neighbor in your pets or in our world,
[i]basta[/i] it happens Yesterday..and for [b]Today[/
Yesterday: My Teacher is now talking to me.. [am so hapeeee..!]
Today: We're the Champion in the Cook Fest.
Tomorrow: I hope mama lynlyn will talk to me again..!
Re: this is just simple,
post here anything that happens [b]Yesterday[/b],
it could be in your life in your neighbor in your pets or in our world,
[i]basta[/i] it happens Yesterday..and for [b]Today[/
yesterday=i'm busy..
today=taking a rest..
tommorow=i'll wait for my prince..
Re: this is just simple,
post here anything that happens [b]Yesterday[/b],
it could be in your life in your neighbor in your pets or in our world,
[i]basta[/i] it happens Yesterday..and for [b]Today[/
yesterday. - i went to school..
today. - i went to school again . and made my project.
yesterday- i will make my project in arts..
» this is just simple,
post here anything that happens [b]Yesterday[/b],
it could be in your life in your neighbor in your pets or in our world,
[i]basta[/i] it happens Yesterday..and for [b]Today[/