[quote=the_legend_killer]bro jar also knew it?!

[b]yeah.,just last night he told me via ym.,he said he knew.,so i asked him., so he said his name.,so said [i]WTF[/i].he said it's okay.,i said [i]WTH[/i]., i asked how he knew., well, apparently, bcoz of the letters the three of you are always leaving behind![/b]
[b]@T: more drawings! more!nyehaha..[/b]
[quote=ReverzerO]he's that kind of [b]very [/b][b]serious and fierce [/b][/quote]
[b]why are the letters bold?any implication there?coz i dont get it.[/b]
Last edited by As cicatrizes (2008-09-08 08:59:56)