[quote=cronixemo]thanks for the fansign imouto..also to ur frend/clams8!!![/quote]
your welcum onii-san;)
anyways,she's my friend and she's also our classmate here in FU;)
her name here is [b]imalone[/b]
she's a new member:D
btw,is dat true onii-san?
you're going to cagayan?not in laguna?

[i]sayang di tuloy..[/i]

[quote=MiNEKOARCH]Sis Den : I miss youuuuuuuuuu[/quote]
hello danx! IMY too! how r u na?
hello to [b]perps kwek kwek,perps amanda(my gf..lolz:lol:),daix,dess
ate jen,ate kat,jean[/b]

im ol now!!