[quote=amandacaresse]look like banggag in my sig
btw how's ur prelim exam[/quote]
our prelim exam?
haizt..its really difficult..especially in our major subject..

i hope i can pass it..

wat about u?
hehe..bangag and adik..
classmates!!take a look at this siggies!
we're look like bangag and adik here:thumbsdown:
hehe..btw,this siggies are made by cronixemo:D
he's really great in making siggies:D
we really miss u onii-san..

[quote=jhaine_lyka]sure.. even lykatool! hahaha
hmm.. denshie![/quote]
lolz..i prefer lyka-tot:D
how old r u?
Last edited by Den-chan (2008-12-15 04:55:25)