good aft guyz..
eat your lunch na..
don't skip...ayyt?!!
guyz can i ask??
can someone tell me another filehosting site??
cause i have many problems using ripway..
[quote=babyzchen]guyz can i ask??
can someone tell me another filehosting site??
cause i have many problems using ripway..
ripway=gay [/quote]
try fileleave sissy
[b]Good afternoon philippines,Fu's how are you guys?[/b]it seems that nobody is participating in our is that reika? so sorry bby..i failed to call you last night..ilove you so much...:rose:
[quote=lordheinz]Good afternoon philippines,Fu's how are you guys?it seems that nobody is participating in our is that reika?[/quote]
i have received 2 entries.... from neaz and emovon..
[b]our NEW CONTEST!!!
our university needs a good gfxer..
and the winner for this contest will be the[b] FRIENDSTERTALK UNIVERSITY OFFICIAL GFXER[/b]..
you should include the university official seal...
you can edit the seal if ya want to ( im giving you the permission to do so.. heheh)
its up to you...
[b]animation:[/b] NO animation (for sig and banner)
[b]You're required to create the following::[/b]
-> avatar (100/100)
-> sig (400/150)
-> banner (700/300)
-> userbar (400/25)
just PM me your gfxs if yer done...
[b]contest duration:[/b] 5 days
if your interested.. you can pm me here or in ym ( jheshien_gien_2815)
pls participate... thanks...
I need the list of participants who will join the contest[/b]
[quote=jhayyuliajay]good afty reivene . i wanna trash my pc!so slowwwww. [/quote]
Same with you..why what happen to you PC? [img][/img]
[quote=reivene]Same with you..why what happen to you PC?[/quote]
lol.soooooo slowwwwwwwwwwwwww.
[quote=lordheinz]wow..thank god..finally...
miss my wife..[/quote]
i think she was online earlier.