[quote=amandacaresse]sorry..but idunno ur name,.pls introduce ur self first..
uhh. fine. ukkeii if that's what yeew want meeei to doo.
meei ammmm dess.
call meei wahteverr yeeeww waaanttt..
ii ammm aa newwbiee and imm so notthingghg.
meei knoww frrom thee verry staart thee yeew don''t wnatt meei here.. but uhh. saaryy i gueess yeew''l ennjooi the feeling of ddissaapoointmentt. cauusee meei heere allreaddy..
btw. the mmkkkkww moddess aree overr.. and thatt madee meeeii smille.e
soo that''s it ffor rmeii intrrro.
u wannt morre?