Hello FU Mates!

Sry if i'm not active here lately..
i'm really buzy studying and when i'm not busy,
I'm lazy...so sry

I'll try to be active here

i really missed ya'll
here's a rose for ya'll :rose:

And also,i just bought Adobe Photoshop 7.0 CD and now i have photoshop

but it really sckz

when i'm doing something,it always doesen't respond!
hate it hate it hate it

i have aproblem.
If ur kind,about brushes in Ps,
pls help me!
The problem is,i load brushes there,it worked..
but when i closed ps and opend photoshop again,
d brush i loaded wasn't there

what's wrong?
need help pls

[spoiler][s]so anyone missed me
