• » buat mod klw script ini dah di share close aja ya!!!! semoga trick ini bermanfaat :rose: Credit: 1.[b]Dynamic Drive[/b] 2.[b]Ebeng[/b] Inspiration: [b]simpleMe[/b] thanks for him :rose: langsung aja

Pages: 12

buat mod klw script ini dah di share close aja ya!!!! semoga trick ini bermanfaat :rose: Credit: 1.[b]Dynamic Drive[/b] 2.[b]Ebeng[/b] Inspiration: [b]simpleMe[/b] thanks for him :rose: langsung aja

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

buat mod klw script ini dah di share close aja ya!!!! semoga trick ini bermanfaat :rose: Credit: 1.[b]Dynamic Drive[/b] 2.[b]Ebeng[/b] Inspiration: [b]simpleMe[/b] thanks for him :rose: langsung aja

buat mod klw script ini dah di share close aja ya!!!! semoga trick ini bermanfaat :rose: Credit: 1.[b]Dynamic Drive[/b] 2.[b]Ebeng[/b] Inspiration: [b]simpleMe[/b] thanks for him :rose: langsung aja ya :P 1.[b]Presentational Slideshow Script[/b] [spoiler]langkah pertama: buat file baru dan masukan ini :thumbsdown: [quote]<html> <head> <title>Image Slideshow</title> <body> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> //Presentational Slideshow Script- By Dynamic Drive //For full source code and more DHTML scripts, visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com //This credit MUST stay intact for legal use var slideshow_width='320px' //SET SLIDESHOW WIDTH (set to largest image's width if multiple dimensions exist) var slideshow_height='280px' //SET SLIDESHOW HEIGHT (set to largest image's height if multiple dimensions exist) var pause=3000 //SET PAUSE BETWEEN SLIDE (2000=2 seconds) var slidebgcolor="white" var dropimages=new Array() //SET IMAGE PATHS. Extend or contract array as needed dropimages[0]="[b[URL FOTO[/b]" dropimages[1]="[b[URL FOTO[/b]" dropimages[2]="[b[URL FOTO[/b]" var droplinks=new Array() //SET IMAGE URLs. Use "" if you wish particular image to NOT be linked: droplinks[0]="[b[linl bebas[/b]" droplinks[1]="[b[ling bebas[/b]" droplinks[2]="[b[link bebas[/b]" ////NO need to edit beyond here///////////// var preloadedimages=new Array() for (p=0;p<dropimages.length;p++){ preloadedimages[p]=new Image() preloadedimages[p].src=dropimages[p] } var ie4=document.all var dom=document.getElementById if (ie4||dom) document.write('<div style="position:relative;width:'+slideshow_width+';height:'+slideshow_height+';overflow:hidden"><div id="canvas0" style="position:absolute;width:'+slideshow_width+';height:'+slideshow_height+';background-color:'+slidebgcolor+';left:-'+slideshow_width+'"></div><div id="canvas1" style="position:absolute;width:'+slideshow_width+';height:'+slideshow_height+';background-color:'+slidebgcolor+';left:-'+slideshow_width+'"></div></div>') else document.write('<a href="javascript:rotatelink()"><img name="defaultslide" src="'+dropimages[0]+'" border=0></a>') var curpos=parseInt(slideshow_width)*(-1) var degree=10 var curcanvas="canvas0" var curimageindex=linkindex=0 var nextimageindex=1 function movepic(){ if (curpos<0){ curpos=Math.min(curpos+degree,0) tempobj.style.left=curpos+"px" } else{ clearInterval(dropslide) nextcanvas=(curcanvas=="canvas0")? "canvas0" : "canvas1" tempobj=ie4? eval("document.all."+nextcanvas) : document.getElementById(nextcanvas) var slideimage='<img src="'+dropimages[curimageindex]+'" border=0>' tempobj.innerHTML=(droplinks[curimageindex]!="")? '<a href="'+droplinks[curimageindex]+'">'+slideimage+'</a>' : slideimage nextimageindex=(nextimageindex<dropimages.length-1)? nextimageindex+1 : 0 setTimeout("rotateimage()",pause) } } function rotateimage(){ if (ie4||dom){ resetit(curcanvas) var crossobj=tempobj=ie4? eval("document.all."+curcanvas) : document.getElementById(curcanvas) crossobj.style.zIndex++ var temp='setInterval("movepic()",50)' dropslide=eval(temp) curcanvas=(curcanvas=="canvas0")? "canvas1" : "canvas0" } else document.images.defaultslide.src=dropimages[curimageindex] linkindex=curimageindex curimageindex=(curimageindex<dropimages.length-1)? curimageindex+1 : 0 } function rotatelink(){ if (droplinks[linkindex]!="") window.location=droplinks[linkindex] } function resetit(what){ curpos=parseInt(slideshow_width)*(-1) var crossobj=ie4? eval("document.all."+what) : document.getElementById(what) crossobj.style.left=curpos+"px" } function startit(){ var crossobj=ie4? eval("document.all."+curcanvas) : document.getElementById(curcanvas) crossobj.innerHTML='<a href="'+droplinks[curimageindex]+'"><img src="'+dropimages[curimageindex]+'" border=0></a>' rotateimage() } if (ie4||dom) window.onload=startit else setInterval("rotateimage()",pause) </script> </body> </html>[/quote] edit yg di bold aja dan foto klw bisa ukurannya kecil aja :thumbsup: save dgn format HTML dan langkah kedua : [quote]/***slide foto***/ var tax = "<iframe style='FILTER: chroma(color=#666666)' allowtransparency='true' frameborder=0 width='300' height='300' scrolling='no' src=[b]URL HTML[/b]></iframe>"; addBox("LEFT","PHOTO GALLERY",tax,"div_967","6");[/quote] ganti sama url html kamu :thumbsup:[/spoiler] preview:[url]http://h1.ripway.com/agam12/ebeng.html[/url] 2.[b]Translucent slideshow Script[/b] [spoiler]langkah pertama: buat file baru dan masukan ini :thumbsdown: [quote]<html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> /*********************************************** * Translucent Slideshow script- © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (www.dynamicdrive.com) * This notice MUST stay intact for legal use * Visit Dynamic Drive at http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code ***********************************************/ var trans_width='320px' //slideshow width var trans_height='250px' //slideshow height var pause=3000 //SET PAUSE BETWEEN SLIDE (3000=3 seconds) var degree=10 //animation speed. Greater is faster. var slideshowcontent=new Array() //Define slideshow contents: [image URL, OPTIONAL LINK, OPTIONAL LINK TARGET] slideshowcontent[0]=["[b]URL FOTO[/b]"] slideshowcontent[1]=["[b]URL FOTO[/b]"] slideshowcontent[2]=["[b]URL FOTO[/b]"] ////NO need to edit beyond here///////////// var bgcolor='white' var imageholder=new Array() for (i=0;i<slideshowcontent.length;i++){ imageholder[i]=new Image() imageholder[i].src=slideshowcontent[i][0] } var ie4=document.all var dom=document.getElementById&&navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")==-1 if (ie4||dom) document.write('<div style="position:relative;width:'+trans_width+';height:'+trans_height+';overflow:hidden"><div id="canvas0" style="position:absolute;background-color:'+bgcolor+';width:'+trans_width+';height:'+trans_height+';left:-'+trans_width+';filter:alpha(opacity=20);-moz-opacity:0.2;"></div><div id="canvas1" style="position:absolute;background-color:'+bgcolor+';width:'+trans_width+';height:'+trans_height+';left:-'+trans_width+';filter:alpha(opacity=20);-moz-opacity:0.2;"></div></div>') else if (document.layers){ document.write('<ilayer id=tickernsmain visibility=hide width='+trans_width+' height='+trans_height+' bgColor='+bgcolor+'><layer id=tickernssub width='+trans_width+' height='+trans_height+' left=0 top=0>'+'<img src="'+slideshowcontent[0][0]+'"></layer></ilayer>') } var curpos=trans_width*(-1) var curcanvas="canvas0" var curindex=0 var nextindex=1 function getslidehtml(theslide){ var slidehtml="" if (theslide[1]!="") slidehtml='<a href="'+theslide[1]+'" target="'+theslide[2]+'">' slidehtml+='<img src="'+theslide[0]+'" border="0">' if (theslide[1]!="") slidehtml+='</a>' return slidehtml } function moveslide(){ if (curpos<0){ curpos=Math.min(curpos+degree,0) tempobj.style.left=curpos+"px" } else{ clearInterval(dropslide) if (crossobj.filters) crossobj.filters.alpha.opacity=100 else if (crossobj.style.MozOpacity) crossobj.style.MozOpacity=1 nextcanvas=(curcanvas=="canvas0")? "canvas0" : "canvas1" tempobj=ie4? eval("document.all."+nextcanvas) : document.getElementById(nextcanvas) tempobj.innerHTML=getslidehtml(slideshowcontent[curindex]) nextindex=(nextindex<slideshowcontent.length-1)? nextindex+1 : 0 setTimeout("rotateslide()",pause) } } function rotateslide(){ if (ie4||dom){ resetit(curcanvas) crossobj=tempobj=ie4? eval("document.all."+curcanvas) : document.getElementById(curcanvas) crossobj.style.zIndex++ if (crossobj.filters) document.all.canvas0.filters.alpha.opacity=document.all.canvas1.filters.alpha.opacity=20 else if (crossobj.style.MozOpacity) document.getElementById("canvas0").style.MozOpacity=document.getElementById("canvas1").style.MozOpacity=0.2 var temp='setInterval("moveslide()",50)' dropslide=eval(temp) curcanvas=(curcanvas=="canvas0")? "canvas1" : "canvas0" } else if (document.layers){ crossobj.document.write(getslidehtml(slideshowcontent[curindex])) crossobj.document.close() } curindex=(curindex<slideshowcontent.length-1)? curindex+1 : 0 } function jumptoslide(which){ curindex=which rotateslide() } function resetit(what){ curpos=parseInt(trans_width)*(-1) var crossobj=ie4? eval("document.all."+what) : document.getElementById(what) crossobj.style.left=curpos+"px" } function startit(){ crossobj=ie4? eval("document.all."+curcanvas) : dom? document.getElementById(curcanvas) : document.tickernsmain.document.tickernssub if (ie4||dom){ crossobj.innerHTML=getslidehtml(slideshowcontent[curindex]) rotateslide() } else{ document.tickernsmain.visibility='show' curindex++ setInterval("rotateslide()",pause) } } if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("load", startit, false) else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload", startit) else if (ie4||dom||document.layers) window.onload=startit </script> </body> </html>[/quote] edit yg di bold save dgn format HTML langkah kedua: [quote]/***slide foto***/ var tax = "<iframe style='FILTER: chroma(color=#666666)' allowtransparency='true' frameborder=0 width='300' height='300' scrolling='no' src=[b]URL HTML[/b]></iframe>"; addBox("LEFT","PHOTO GALLERY",tax,"div_967","6");[/quote] ganti sama url html kamu :thumbsup:[/spoiler] preview:[url]http://h1.ripway.com/agam12/ebeng1.html[/url] 3.[b]Up-down Image Slideshow Script[/b] [spoiler]langkah pertama: buat file baru dan masukan ini :thumbsdown: [quote]<html> <body> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> /* Up down slideshow Script By Dynamic Drive (www.dynamicdrive.com) For full source code, terms of use, and 100's more scripts, visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com */ ///////configure the below four variables to change the style of the slider/////// //set the scrollerwidth and scrollerheight to the width/height of the LARGEST image in your slideshow! var scrollerwidth='320px' var scrollerheight='280px' //3000 miliseconds=3 seconds var pausebetweenimages=3000 //configure the below variable to change the images used in the slideshow. If you wish the images to be clickable, simply wrap the images with the appropriate <a> tag var slideimages=new Array() slideimages[0]='<img src="[b]URL FOTO[/b]">' slideimages[1]='<img src="[b]URL FOTO[/b]">' slideimages[2]='<img src="[b]URL FOTO[/b]">' slideimages[3]='<img src="[b]URL FOTO[/b]">' slideimages[4]='<img src="[b]URL FOTO[/b]">' //extend this list ///////Do not edit pass this line/////////////////////// var ie=document.all var dom=document.getElementById if (slideimages.length>2) i=2 else i=0 function move1(whichlayer){ tlayer=eval(whichlayer) if (tlayer.top>0&&tlayer.top<=5){ tlayer.top=0 setTimeout("move1(tlayer)",pausebetweenimages) setTimeout("move2(document.main.document.second)",pausebetweenimages) return } if (tlayer.top>=tlayer.document.height*-1){ tlayer.top-=5 setTimeout("move1(tlayer)",50) } else{ tlayer.top=parseInt(scrollerheight) tlayer.document.write(slideimages[i]) tlayer.document.close() if (i==slideimages.length-1) i=0 else i++ } } function move2(whichlayer){ tlayer2=eval(whichlayer) if (tlayer2.top>0&&tlayer2.top<=5){ tlayer2.top=0 setTimeout("move2(tlayer2)",pausebetweenimages) setTimeout("move1(document.main.document.first)",pausebetweenimages) return } if (tlayer2.top>=tlayer2.document.height*-1){ tlayer2.top-=5 setTimeout("move2(tlayer2)",50) } else{ tlayer2.top=parseInt(scrollerheight) tlayer2.document.write(slideimages[i]) tlayer2.document.close() if (i==slideimages.length-1) i=0 else i++ } } function move3(whichdiv){ tdiv=eval(whichdiv) if (parseInt(tdiv.style.top)>0&&parseInt(tdiv.style.top)<=5){ tdiv.style.top=0+"px" setTimeout("move3(tdiv)",pausebetweenimages) setTimeout("move4(second2_obj)",pausebetweenimages) return } if (parseInt(tdiv.style.top)>=tdiv.offsetHeight*-1){ tdiv.style.top=parseInt(tdiv.style.top)-5+"px" setTimeout("move3(tdiv)",50) } else{ tdiv.style.top=scrollerheight tdiv.innerHTML=slideimages[i] if (i==slideimages.length-1) i=0 else i++ } } function move4(whichdiv){ tdiv2=eval(whichdiv) if (parseInt(tdiv2.style.top)>0&&parseInt(tdiv2.style.top)<=5){ tdiv2.style.top=0+"px" setTimeout("move4(tdiv2)",pausebetweenimages) setTimeout("move3(first2_obj)",pausebetweenimages) return } if (parseInt(tdiv2.style.top)>=tdiv2.offsetHeight*-1){ tdiv2.style.top=parseInt(tdiv2.style.top)-5+"px" setTimeout("move4(second2_obj)",50) } else{ tdiv2.style.top=scrollerheight tdiv2.innerHTML=slideimages[i] if (i==slideimages.length-1) i=0 else i++ } } function startscroll(){ if (ie||dom){ first2_obj=ie? first2 : document.getElementById("first2") second2_obj=ie? second2 : document.getElementById("second2") move3(first2_obj) second2_obj.style.top=scrollerheight second2_obj.style.visibility='visible' } else if (document.layers){ document.main.visibility='show' move1(document.main.document.first) document.main.document.second.top=parseInt(scrollerheight)+5 document.main.document.second.visibility='show' } } window.onload=startscroll </script> <ilayer id="main" width=&{scrollerwidth}; height=&{scrollerheight}; visibility=hide> <layer id="first" left=0 top=1 width=&{scrollerwidth};> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> if (document.layers) document.write(slideimages[0]) </script> </layer> <layer id="second" left=0 top=0 width=&{scrollerwidth}; visibility=hide> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> if (document.layers) document.write(slideimages[dyndetermine=(slideimages.length==1)? 0 : 1]) </script> </layer> </ilayer> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> if (ie||dom){ document.writeln('<div id="main2" style="position:relative;width:'+scrollerwidth+';height:'+scrollerheight+';overflow:hidden;">') document.writeln('<div style="position:absolute;width:'+scrollerwidth+';height:'+scrollerheight+';clip:rect(0 '+scrollerwidth+' '+scrollerheight+' 0);left:0px;top:0px">') document.writeln('<div id="first2" style="position:absolute;width:'+scrollerwidth+';left:0px;top:1px;">') document.write(slideimages[0]) document.writeln('</div>') document.writeln('<div id="second2" style="position:absolute;width:'+scrollerwidth+';left:0px;top:0px;visibility:hidden">') document.write(slideimages[dyndetermine=(slideimages.length==1)? 0 : 1]) document.writeln('</div>') document.writeln('</div>') document.writeln('</div>') } </script> </body> </html>[/quote] edit yg di bold save dgn format HTML langkah kedua: [quote]/***slide foto***/ var tax = "<iframe style='FILTER: chroma(color=#666666)' allowtransparency='true' frameborder=0 width='300' height='300' scrolling='no' src=[b]URL HTML[/b]></iframe>"; addBox("LEFT","PHOTO GALLERY",tax,"div_967","6");[/quote] ganti sama url html kamu :thumbsup:[/spoiler] preview:[url]http://h1.ripway.com/agam12/ebeng2.html[/url] 4.[b]Left-Right Image Slideshow Script[/b] [spoiler]langkah pertama: buat file baru dan masukan ini :thumbsdown: [quote]<html> <body> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> /* Left-Right image slideshow Script- By Dynamic Drive (www.dynamicdrive.com) For full source code, terms of use, and 100's more scripts, visit http://dynamicdrive.com */ ///////configure the below four variables to change the style of the slider/////// //set the scrollerwidth and scrollerheight to the width/height of the LARGEST image in your slideshow! var scrollerwidth='320px' var scrollerheight='280px' var scrollerbgcolor='white' //3000 miliseconds=3 seconds var pausebetweenimages=3000 //configure the below variable to change the images used in the slideshow. If you wish the images to be clickable, simply wrap the images with the appropriate <a> tag var slideimages=new Array() slideimages[0]='<img src="[b]URL FOTO[/b]">' slideimages[1]='<img src="[b]URL FOTO[/b]">' slideimages[2]='<img src="[b]URL FOTO[/b]">' slideimages[3]='<img src="[b]URL FOTO[/b]">' slideimages[4]='<img src="[b]URL FOTO[/b]">' //extend this list ///////Do not edit pass this line/////////////////////// var ie=document.all var dom=document.getElementById if (slideimages.length>1) i=2 else i=0 function move1(whichlayer){ tlayer=eval(whichlayer) if (tlayer.left>0&&tlayer.left<=5){ tlayer.left=0 setTimeout("move1(tlayer)",pausebetweenimages) setTimeout("move2(document.main.document.second)",pausebetweenimages) return } if (tlayer.left>=tlayer.document.width*-1){ tlayer.left-=5 setTimeout("move1(tlayer)",50) } else{ tlayer.left=parseInt(scrollerwidth)+5 tlayer.document.write(slideimages[i]) tlayer.document.close() if (i==slideimages.length-1) i=0 else i++ } } function move2(whichlayer){ tlayer2=eval(whichlayer) if (tlayer2.left>0&&tlayer2.left<=5){ tlayer2.left=0 setTimeout("move2(tlayer2)",pausebetweenimages) setTimeout("move1(document.main.document.first)",pausebetweenimages) return } if (tlayer2.left>=tlayer2.document.width*-1){ tlayer2.left-=5 setTimeout("move2(tlayer2)",50) } else{ tlayer2.left=parseInt(scrollerwidth)+5 tlayer2.document.write(slideimages[i]) tlayer2.document.close() if (i==slideimages.length-1) i=0 else i++ } } function move3(whichdiv){ tdiv=eval(whichdiv) if (parseInt(tdiv.style.left)>0&&parseInt(tdiv.style.left)<=5){ tdiv.style.left=0+"px" setTimeout("move3(tdiv)",pausebetweenimages) setTimeout("move4(scrollerdiv2)",pausebetweenimages) return } if (parseInt(tdiv.style.left)>=tdiv.offsetWidth*-1){ tdiv.style.left=parseInt(tdiv.style.left)-5+"px" setTimeout("move3(tdiv)",50) } else{ tdiv.style.left=scrollerwidth tdiv.innerHTML=slideimages[i] if (i==slideimages.length-1) i=0 else i++ } } function move4(whichdiv){ tdiv2=eval(whichdiv) if (parseInt(tdiv2.style.left)>0&&parseInt(tdiv2.style.left)<=5){ tdiv2.style.left=0+"px" setTimeout("move4(tdiv2)",pausebetweenimages) setTimeout("move3(scrollerdiv1)",pausebetweenimages) return } if (parseInt(tdiv2.style.left)>=tdiv2.offsetWidth*-1){ tdiv2.style.left=parseInt(tdiv2.style.left)-5+"px" setTimeout("move4(scrollerdiv2)",50) } else{ tdiv2.style.left=scrollerwidth tdiv2.innerHTML=slideimages[i] if (i==slideimages.length-1) i=0 else i++ } } function startscroll(){ if (ie||dom){ scrollerdiv1=ie? first2 : document.getElementById("first2") scrollerdiv2=ie? second2 : document.getElementById("second2") move3(scrollerdiv1) scrollerdiv2.style.left=scrollerwidth } else if (document.layers){ document.main.visibility='show' move1(document.main.document.first) document.main.document.second.left=parseInt(scrollerwidth)+5 document.main.document.second.visibility='show' } } window.onload=startscroll </script> <ilayer id="main" width=&{scrollerwidth}; height=&{scrollerheight}; bgColor=&{scrollerbgcolor}; visibility=hide> <layer id="first" left=1 top=0 width=&{scrollerwidth}; > <script language="JavaScript1.2"> if (document.layers) document.write(slideimages[0]) </script> </layer> <layer id="second" left=0 top=0 width=&{scrollerwidth}; visibility=hide> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> if (document.layers) document.write(slideimages[1]) </script> </layer> </ilayer> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> if (ie||dom){ document.writeln('<div id="main2" style="position:relative;width:'+scrollerwidth+';height:'+scrollerheight+';overflow:hidden;background-color:'+scrollerbgcolor+'">') document.writeln('<div style="position:absolute;width:'+scrollerwidth+';height:'+scrollerheight+';clip:rect(0 '+scrollerwidth+' '+scrollerheight+' 0);left:0px;top:0px">') document.writeln('<div id="first2" style="position:absolute;width:'+scrollerwidth+';left:1px;top:0px;">') document.write(slideimages[0]) document.writeln('</div>') document.writeln('<div id="second2" style="position:absolute;width:'+scrollerwidth+';left:0px;top:0px">') document.write(slideimages[1]) document.writeln('</div>') document.writeln('</div>') document.writeln('</div>') } </script> </body> </html>[/quote] edit yg di bold save dgn format HTML langkah kedua: [quote]/***slide foto***/ var tax = "<iframe style='FILTER: chroma(color=#666666)' allowtransparency='true' frameborder=0 width='300' height='300' scrolling='no' src=[b]URL HTML[/b]></iframe>"; addBox("LEFT","PHOTO GALLERY",tax,"div_967","6");[/quote] ganti sama url html kamu :thumbsup:[/spoiler] preview:[url]http://h1.ripway.com/agam12/ebeng3.html[/url] udah segitu aja dl :penguin:

Last edited by EbengMaya (2008-07-17 12:02:01)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: buat mod klw script ini dah di share close aja ya!!!! semoga trick ini bermanfaat :rose: Credit: 1.[b]Dynamic Drive[/b] 2.[b]Ebeng[/b] Inspiration: [b]simpleMe[/b] thanks for him :rose: langsung aja

woow :D:D:D keren bangetz neh kang ebeng :wow: terma kasih dah berbagi ilmunya :thumbsup: =)
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: buat mod klw script ini dah di share close aja ya!!!! semoga trick ini bermanfaat :rose: Credit: 1.[b]Dynamic Drive[/b] 2.[b]Ebeng[/b] Inspiration: [b]simpleMe[/b] thanks for him :rose: langsung aja

[quote=pinoZ-FIXED-noZ]woow :D:D:D keren bangetz neh kang ebeng :wow: terma kasih dah berbagi ilmunya :thumbsup: =)[/quote] hehehe sama2 kang noz dah di liat previewnya :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: buat mod klw script ini dah di share close aja ya!!!! semoga trick ini bermanfaat :rose: Credit: 1.[b]Dynamic Drive[/b] 2.[b]Ebeng[/b] Inspiration: [b]simpleMe[/b] thanks for him :rose: langsung aja

[quote=EbengMaya]hehehe sama2 kang noz dah di liat previewnya :D[/quote] udah kang ebeng :wow: 1 [img]http://theftalk.com/img/warn_add.gif[/img] bwat kamu yah :) ..
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: buat mod klw script ini dah di share close aja ya!!!! semoga trick ini bermanfaat :rose: Credit: 1.[b]Dynamic Drive[/b] 2.[b]Ebeng[/b] Inspiration: [b]simpleMe[/b] thanks for him :rose: langsung aja

oke juga sis ebeng upsss kang maya :D mantap kang ebeng. . hehehe. . saya suka kode ini =) :rose:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: buat mod klw script ini dah di share close aja ya!!!! semoga trick ini bermanfaat :rose: Credit: 1.[b]Dynamic Drive[/b] 2.[b]Ebeng[/b] Inspiration: [b]simpleMe[/b] thanks for him :rose: langsung aja

[quote=pinoZ-FIXED-noZ]udah kang ebeng :wow: 1 bwat kamu yah :) ..[/quote] alhamdulillah makasih kang noz saya terima pemberiannya :D :rose: [quote=yondaime4th]oke juga sis ebeng upsss kang maya :D mantap kang ebeng. . hehehe. . saya suka kode ini =) :rose:[/quote] waduhh makasih bnyak yonda :D makasih commentnya yon :rose:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: buat mod klw script ini dah di share close aja ya!!!! semoga trick ini bermanfaat :rose: Credit: 1.[b]Dynamic Drive[/b] 2.[b]Ebeng[/b] Inspiration: [b]simpleMe[/b] thanks for him :rose: langsung aja

ampe:o:o mata gue liat scriptnya... puanjang amiiirrr....................... tapi kwereend.....:thumbsup: minta ijin nyoba yak..;)
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: buat mod klw script ini dah di share close aja ya!!!! semoga trick ini bermanfaat :rose: Credit: 1.[b]Dynamic Drive[/b] 2.[b]Ebeng[/b] Inspiration: [b]simpleMe[/b] thanks for him :rose: langsung aja

[quote=rmpawadi]ampe:o:o mata gue liat scriptnya... puanjang amiiirrr....................... tapi kwereend.....:thumbsup: minta ijin nyoba yak..;)[/quote] huehuehue panjang ya :lol: iya lumayan bikinnya jg melelahkan =( silahkan di coba aja :thumbsup:
Co_don SanAdH
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: buat mod klw script ini dah di share close aja ya!!!! semoga trick ini bermanfaat :rose: Credit: 1.[b]Dynamic Drive[/b] 2.[b]Ebeng[/b] Inspiration: [b]simpleMe[/b] thanks for him :rose: langsung aja

huaaa ebeng kalo ngasih tutor lengkap beud dahh :wow: cendol buad kau 1[img]http://theftalk.com/img/warn_add.gif[/img] :wow:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: buat mod klw script ini dah di share close aja ya!!!! semoga trick ini bermanfaat :rose: Credit: 1.[b]Dynamic Drive[/b] 2.[b]Ebeng[/b] Inspiration: [b]simpleMe[/b] thanks for him :rose: langsung aja

[quote=Co_don SanAdH]huaaa ebeng kalo ngasih tutor lengkap beud dahh :wow: cendol buad kau 1 :wow:[/quote] hehehe iya don sayang klw bikin tread satu satu jadinya tumpukin aja :lol: thanks don +rep nya :wow:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: buat mod klw script ini dah di share close aja ya!!!! semoga trick ini bermanfaat :rose: Credit: 1.[b]Dynamic Drive[/b] 2.[b]Ebeng[/b] Inspiration: [b]simpleMe[/b] thanks for him :rose: langsung aja

thx 4 the sher bro :D:thumbsup:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: buat mod klw script ini dah di share close aja ya!!!! semoga trick ini bermanfaat :rose: Credit: 1.[b]Dynamic Drive[/b] 2.[b]Ebeng[/b] Inspiration: [b]simpleMe[/b] thanks for him :rose: langsung aja

[quote=fadly<2>]thx 4 the sher bro :D:thumbsup:[/quote] sama2 vid :rose:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: buat mod klw script ini dah di share close aja ya!!!! semoga trick ini bermanfaat :rose: Credit: 1.[b]Dynamic Drive[/b] 2.[b]Ebeng[/b] Inspiration: [b]simpleMe[/b] thanks for him :rose: langsung aja

Sep2 Tetap Keren
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: buat mod klw script ini dah di share close aja ya!!!! semoga trick ini bermanfaat :rose: Credit: 1.[b]Dynamic Drive[/b] 2.[b]Ebeng[/b] Inspiration: [b]simpleMe[/b] thanks for him :rose: langsung aja

keren nuy kyak nagh bang....... :thumbsup: mau tes make yagh bang... mudah2 gk bwat fs koe brat :penguin:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: buat mod klw script ini dah di share close aja ya!!!! semoga trick ini bermanfaat :rose: Credit: 1.[b]Dynamic Drive[/b] 2.[b]Ebeng[/b] Inspiration: [b]simpleMe[/b] thanks for him :rose: langsung aja

[quote=tokaai]Sep2 Tetap Keren[/quote] makasih kawan :rose: [quote=lolipopkuh]keren nuy kyak nagh bang....... :thumbsup: mau tes make yagh bang... mudah2 gk bwat fs koe brat :penguin:[/quote] hmm insya Allah gk akan berat :D
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: buat mod klw script ini dah di share close aja ya!!!! semoga trick ini bermanfaat :rose: Credit: 1.[b]Dynamic Drive[/b] 2.[b]Ebeng[/b] Inspiration: [b]simpleMe[/b] thanks for him :rose: langsung aja

[b]ebeng maia[/b] the best, mmg ebeng ini keyen :cool: Dynamic Drive dibulak balik :thumbsup: sakit flu msh bisa berkreasi apa lg sdh sembuhnya :lol: terus berkarya kang ebeng + for you

Last edited by eddi (2008-07-18 08:51:34)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: buat mod klw script ini dah di share close aja ya!!!! semoga trick ini bermanfaat :rose: Credit: 1.[b]Dynamic Drive[/b] 2.[b]Ebeng[/b] Inspiration: [b]simpleMe[/b] thanks for him :rose: langsung aja

[quote=eddi]ebeng maia the best, mmg ebeng ini keyen :cool: Dynamic Drive dibulak balik :thumbsup: sakit flu msh bisa berkreasi apa lg sdh sembuhnya :lol: terus berkarya kang ebeng + for you[/quote] huhuhu yg di tunggu tunggu comment akhirnya datang jg :wow: makasih kang :D iya kesel klw sakit gk ada kerjaan..ya buka dynamic drive aja :penguin: makasih kan rep nya :thumbsup:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: buat mod klw script ini dah di share close aja ya!!!! semoga trick ini bermanfaat :rose: Credit: 1.[b]Dynamic Drive[/b] 2.[b]Ebeng[/b] Inspiration: [b]simpleMe[/b] thanks for him :rose: langsung aja

wedew.. omz ebeng mmng hebat....... thx 4 share beng...... VIVA FTI
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: buat mod klw script ini dah di share close aja ya!!!! semoga trick ini bermanfaat :rose: Credit: 1.[b]Dynamic Drive[/b] 2.[b]Ebeng[/b] Inspiration: [b]simpleMe[/b] thanks for him :rose: langsung aja

[quote=ekhy_07]wedew.. omz ebeng mmng hebat....... thx 4 share beng...... VIVA FTI[/quote] hehehee makasih bro ekhy :D bravo FTI :D
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: buat mod klw script ini dah di share close aja ya!!!! semoga trick ini bermanfaat :rose: Credit: 1.[b]Dynamic Drive[/b] 2.[b]Ebeng[/b] Inspiration: [b]simpleMe[/b] thanks for him :rose: langsung aja

siiipppppp ntar coba
  • » buat mod klw script ini dah di share close aja ya!!!! semoga trick ini bermanfaat :rose: Credit: 1.[b]Dynamic Drive[/b] 2.[b]Ebeng[/b] Inspiration: [b]simpleMe[/b] thanks for him :rose: langsung aja

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