to detect if someone is online, offline or invisible...
Credits go to:
lordheinz Ftalk users online iframe,
Thanks very much sir, I got the inspiration from you...
this is where i got the detector, since xeeber is down at this moment.
and also to arcatari, this script personally belongs to that person.... thanks so much! and sorry again, i didnt know..
- look at the bottom part of my profile, just above the slide footer, maximize it and put "arvinbryand" there(thats my email for further proof).. it will say if i am online/offline/invisible,
just paste this code to your compiled js.:
[spoiler] addBox("LEFT","Detect Invisible YM Users","<div align='center'><iframe src='' style=\"border:none;width:425px;height:300px;background:#CCC;-moz-border-radius:15px;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:auto;\" id=\"yminvi\"></iframe><br /><br /><input type=\"button\" class=\"tombol\" value=\":: Refresh ::\" onclick=\"Reload('yminvi');\"></div>","ym",null);[/spoiler]
thats all.
hope it works...
+repu is appreciated..
Last edited by echodc (2008-07-28 08:25:26)